
标题: 2016 fall master 小弱文商背景求选校定位 [打印本页]

作者: ulyss    时间: 2015-11-16 23:27:34     标题: 2016 fall master 小弱文商背景求选校定位

本帖最后由 ulyss 于 2015-11-21 19:45 编辑




GPA:90/100, 3.76/4.00 (WES大家懂的。。)
大三的成绩稍微好一点,之前的线代和宏观(老师给分略严)都是75+,概率论85+。。。T T



GT:T113(24)  G V159/Q168

无paper,无科研,只写过计量水水的term paper。。 P.S.现在还有必要找老师做个助研吗?



4、比较倾向的项目大方向有Applied Econ > Econ&Fin大类 > Econ; BA; marketing research(之前两份实习都和这方面有关); stat(不知道自己这样的偏文背景是不是不适合,或者在coursera上补点数学、编程课 and/or 挖掘一些之前的跟数据方面有关的经历?)
ECON类项目有NYU MA Econ,JHU SAIS MIEF这类(是的都是水且贵的项目。。。),不是纯理论的经济,对数据分析方面有侧重,比较喜欢JHU的国际视角;
Duke Fin/Econ和data/stat结合的这类项目(不是Econ MA),觉得是不是数学背景不够可能性不大?(虽然基本的数学prerequisite达到了。。);
6、去较水的项目自学编程和数据分析的内容 & social来找工作是否可行?(还是太年轻。。。)

不知道自己这样的背景能否申到这类项目,或者诸位大神觉得有其他更合适的选校或项目建议,或者对于我出国申请too young too naive的想法的建议都非常欢迎~DIY路漫漫,真诚地感谢各位小伙伴们的建议或者拍砖!!

作者: cheesechan    时间: 2015-11-17 00:18:39

1. business / finance background + 211 only + wanna stay US for job = very difficult, way more difficult than you can imagine now.

2. the best solution is to go STEM. only eligible for a technical job will help you a bit in getting a working visa.

3. programming is very important. I mean scientific program like MATLAB, but not those button-clicking one like Excel, or just a few line of code. if you hate coding.....well, the world is so big.

4. A master in economics won't help. Economics is theoretical, and an applied economics master sounds better but often still not technical enough for a technical job. Same for MPA with econ & fina policy direction, or whatever int'l econ & fina or whatever the like.
There are tons of students with way better English, international view, and cultural sense than 99% of Chinese student, and with the correct passport / green card for them to consider. CV without the right nationality will go to rubbish bin directly unless they cannot find any suitable local candidate easily.

Therefore, go for something without enough local student. Go directly for a quantitative finance, or a statistics, or an business analytics master or similar. Forget about economics, it is seldom the optimal choice for your target.

5. If you think that you don't have enough mathematics for them, or you really hate coding, well......that may be true, and the implication behind is: to change your plan. Don't dream for a job in US that can leverage your finance bachelor at this moment maybe. (or switch to accounting?)

6. A "water" program from a famous school will still help you a bit towards the door for interview, but the key question is: what if the interview is technical?
Tons of students said that they will study things back by themselves, but reality is: 99% of people are lazy, and won't do much that's outside the syllabus/class/assignment.
Without lots of assignment, lots of practice, one won't master the skills at the end.
作者: ulyss    时间: 2015-11-17 10:37:28

cheesechan 发表于 2015-11-17 00:18
1. business / finance background + 211 only + wanna stay US for job = very difficult, way more diffi ...


其实我最开始就很希望能去quantitative finance这类的项目,看了一些项目的课程设置、内容都非常感兴趣,无奈还是因为自己的文商科背景,数学背景太弱,觉得实在是没法儿和那些理工科的大神们竞争,所以无奈之下才转而考虑这类偏文一点的项目(虽然经济对数学要求也不小)


作者: 沅    时间: 2015-11-17 17:18:37

我感觉楼主的数理背景申请stat的话比较难,而且线代+概统你的分很低,所以你确定你可以handle stat吗?如果想申stat的话,还是可以试一试的。但是肯定申不上名校的。(即使是歌大统计也没有那么水。。)毕竟鱼和熊掌不可兼得,专业又好学校排名又好,明显你的背景达不到。所以我的建议就是如果你想申stat,留在美国工作的话,可以选一些排名靠后的学校,但是希望也不大,做好准备。
另外你说的6,自学编程啥的,我可以非常明确的告诉你,不可能。如果你从小就很喜欢编程的话,那是没问题的,因为真正的cs大神都不是学cs的。但是半路出家,想自学的,那是no way了。
作者: cheesechan    时间: 2015-11-17 19:24:31

本帖最后由 cheesechan 于 2015-11-17 19:33 编辑
ulyss 发表于 2015-11-17 10:37

其实我最开始就很希望能去quantitative finance这类的项目,看了一些项目的课程设置、 ...

1. To stay or not, is a decision before you start you application. The reason is, this is indeed the ultimate goal of education, and thus the choice of school and major depends on this very much.

2. If you are saying, "I want a job in US, but back home is also okay", you will end back in China; if "I must need a job in US, I will die without that", then you have the chances to find one there.
i.e. given that "我自己也没有很强烈的欲望“一定”要留在那边", you will be back China for working after graduation, well.....with at least 99% confident (of course my subject probability measure)

3. If you are not confident that you can handle / get admitted to MFE since the mathematics in quantitative finance, going to economics is not a solution if you want to stay US. It is the mathematics and the coding help you to get the working visa as an international, so if you avoid it, you avoid the STEM way of visa too. Business Analytics may have a slightly lower requirement than quantitative finance (at least they don't have those stochastic calculus and probability measure theory stuffs), so I guess you may consider it together with some statistics master. But again, coding is important. If the role don't require coding, why don't find a local instead?
Afterward, go accounting then; If you are not willing to take that, well........forgot about staying in US.

4. If plan to go back home after graduation, go to a school as famous as possible. Whatever management, economics, finance, or whatever don't matter. Just get a related master, not because of the content that can be applied in work (that's dreaming), but because you don't want your CV to be screen out because of that.

5. Of course, given the educational and career way of though in US, pre-experience master is an exceptional rather than a norm in top US school, especially in business or any soft discipline. Master degree are most for earning funding for the department through expensive tuition. US is not UK/Canada/EU, they don't need a master for doing PhD, and they value MBA way higher than other MS in soft business. There are not much point for a top student to do a business MS instead of working, and thus top business school won't offer that generally.
i.e. it is rather difficult to find a good MS in US that the school is well regarded back in China (in business field) as place are really limited. I don't see any point to limiting oneself to US only in this case. (P.S. I consider school that are well regarded back in APAC and worth investing for a MS in soft business area is less than 20 in US. At least I won't put JHU or Boston or USC or equivalent into the basket since the tuition in US is too expensive. The education there can be nice, and be a valuable experience, but it is a luxury that cannot be justified from an $$ point of view)
作者: ulyss    时间: 2015-11-17 23:36:59

本帖最后由 ulyss 于 2015-11-17 23:40 编辑
沅 发表于 2015-11-17 17:18
我感觉楼主的数理背景申请stat的话比较难,而且线代+概统你的分很低,所以你确定你可以handle stat吗?如果 ...






作者: cheesechan    时间: 2015-11-18 00:30:28

ulyss 发表于 2015-11-17 23:36

我也觉得自己的数学背景申stat确实是挺头疼的。。文商背景加上大一大二的时候自 ...

1. not every statistics master is easy or difficult.
Some statistics master are more welcome to thsoe without a stat background (e.g. Columbia), and generally they will teach less in depth in the master, at least in the core part.
while some others are more restricted for stat BS only, with will go directly deep into more advanced topic.

One should be able to identify the difference from looking into the course syllabus, or the admission requirement.

2. 申一个比较好申的项目,然后尽量多选一些quant方面比较硬的课程,或者最好能如你说的修双硕士 <--- 可行性 really depends on which school and which program you are in (if the school premit it, or if you wallet is big enough to pay the tuition)
认可度 depends on the title a bit (the title of your degree have to be related enough to catch the eye of HR, and for govt while on H1B). in this sense, it will be helpful if the master is in the STEM list (don't ask me what/where it is, google).
companies will likely to conduct their own interview to test the technical skills of the applicant for a technical role themselves anyway. Worry less about the title of the degree, but more on the skill set you have yourself.
Don't dream / plan that you can make it by self-study. Self-study just work as a plus (like I am a stat student and missed the Multivariate stat course and self study it for interviews), but self-study rarely work to build up the system of knowledge of a new discipline.

3. 如果是商科背景的人可以进到统计项目里,那么有哪些特质能够打动AO录取这样背景的人? <--- Their wallet.
The key problem is not 打动AO.........is to 打动HR (umum...nono, not HR, but the recuirting team leader instead). of course this is a bit early to say this, but you will find that the former is a piece of cake when compared with the later one.

4. every good grad quantitative course studied, which is graded with accreditation, will help. If not graded / accredited, nope.
作者: ulyss    时间: 2015-11-18 00:45:48

cheesechan 发表于 2015-11-17 19:24
1. To stay or not, is a decision before you start you application. The reason is, this is indeed ...

谢谢你,我很喜欢"I must need a job in US, I will die without that"这句。深知自己很多时候就是欠缺了那股做到极致的劲儿,可偏偏就常被性格里这种“顺其自然”的惰性所左右(I know it's a joke...)

我知道你一直在点醒我 "STEM or back China",周围的朋友也在告诉我这个现实。但在选校阶段,我还是抱着一丝丝“侥幸”,希望能够尽最大所能考虑更多可能性


我也看到一些学校偏social方向的数据分析项目也属于STEM(UChicago,QMSS? 目前还没有做太多研究)这些项目从找工作的角度是否值得投资呢?是不是选了这个方向之后的就业面会窄很多(社会科学类而非商业类?),不知道你对经济学之外的这些项目是否有些了解,无论如何,我都很感谢你的回答

作者: cheesechan    时间: 2015-11-18 01:33:18

本帖最后由 cheesechan 于 2015-11-18 02:05 编辑
ulyss 发表于 2015-11-18 00:45

A1. of course you always reserve the right of dreaming about that, just like you reserve the right of throwing your own $$ & time into the sea.

don't dream about various choice of seeking as an international student....you don't have much.

ulyss 发表于 2015-11-18 00:45
A2. you may, but what play yourself? if you have a statistics / CS bachelor, and you go for a econ master now, things are still not too bad. but for your case.......do you think you have the room for playing?

and indeed, this is not the optimal choice obviously. not to mention you have to do extra stuffs to make other to believe so (why they don't just take someone / grant visa to someone with a Stat / CS master?), but also paying extra tuition and time to take those course back. (don't forget, time is limited, one have to sleep and one only have 24 hours per day)
if you are telling me that you really like economics......um, I will suggest you either do a double master, or take a couple of economics course as elective during a stat master (for example).
if you really like the title of economics on your degree, well........refer to A1.
Of course if there are something called quantitative economics (or econometrics indeed) , that may somehow solve ur concer,  but the key point is that:  u need to have enough math to fight for the admission first.  (e. G. Duke econ and stat master)
作者: 沅    时间: 2015-11-18 01:33:41

ulyss 发表于 2015-11-17 23:36

我也觉得自己的数学背景申stat确实是挺头疼的。。文商背景加上大一大二的时候自 ...

是否能handle 统计还是看自己的level啦,所以正确衡量你自己的水平就可以了。在网上选课如果没有certificate的话等于没用。如果有certificate的话还有那么一点点的作用。

事情是酱紫的,HR为啥要放着学CS STAT的人不录,而录你这个学econ的呢?(虽然你修了一些quant的课程)。毕竟CS STAT的学位是一个很强的signal。
可行性确实是看学校,我了解到的是georgia univ是可以修双硕士的,它家貌似没有econ只有农经的项目,一般会给奖学金的。然后ucsb也是可以的,然而今年不开econ了,不知道明年会不会开。如果不开econ的话你可以直接试一下stat,这个项目的录取率在35%左右,所以还是有一定的希望。其他学校肯定也是有可以的,但是我就不了解了。
作者: 沅    时间: 2015-11-18 01:35:06

ulyss 发表于 2015-11-18 00:45
谢谢你,我很喜欢"I must need a job in US, I will die without that"这句。深知自己很多时候就是欠缺了 ...

作者: cheesechan    时间: 2015-11-18 01:53:08

本帖最后由 cheesechan 于 2015-11-18 02:03 编辑
沅 发表于 2015-11-18 01:33
是否能handle 统计还是看自己的level啦,所以正 ...

well.......a double master is always feasible as long as the school have that, and the department take you.
at the worst case that there are no cooperation at all, one just do two masters.........or even do two master at two different school.

at the end, it is the problem about $$ and time.

P.S. given I did my master study in European continental, I am more than sensitive to the ROI on tuition (well...indeed reserve order).
Imagine that what one will consider if one did a master without any significant tuition, and paying the living expense on part time since the 2nd semester.........you will consider a double master as a double waste of time and money lol
作者: ulyss    时间: 2015-11-18 22:58:35

沅 发表于 2015-11-18 01:35





作者: ulyss    时间: 2015-11-18 23:15:51

cheesechan 发表于 2015-11-18 01:53
well.......a double master is always feasible as long as the school have that, and the departmen ...


作者: cheesechan    时间: 2015-11-18 23:46:52

ulyss 发表于 2015-11-18 23:15

我会好好考虑项目的ROI。另外能否请问一下欧洲的项目从在当地找工作或者之后回 ...

Europe + STEM major:
You don't have a related major, forget about it (it is not enough even you have some of the related course)

Europe + business major:
depends on country, but make sure you are ready to take up a new language first.
作者: ulyss    时间: 2015-11-18 23:53:15

cheesechan 发表于 2015-11-18 23:46
Europe + STEM major:
You don't have a related major, forget about it (it is not enough even you h ...

作者: Vanki1994    时间: 2015-11-19 18:21:39

作者: mincyZ    时间: 2015-11-23 16:25:59

本帖最后由 mincyZ 于 2015-11-25 04:47 编辑


只想说我们学校申请econ master难度真的很大。211非传统经济强校,数学课少的可怜,屈指可数(当然至少我把所有数学课都考到基本95左右,如果线代、概率论分数不是那么好看,我觉得申请可能会有所影响),去年没人和我一样申econ,只能一个人找论坛信息看自己缺什么,也不是没有大二大三打电话发邮件给各个老师问能不能旁听数学课,或者一个人硬着头皮啃抽代高代数分考SUB,跟着导师一个暑假没回家跑code跑matlab。当然结果是好的,所以现在这么说也没什么意思。

而我也只想说本科欠下的东西,master都会让你一点一点补回来,比如现在3:11am也必须一边吞泰诺一边给老板干活,白天还要慢慢看N遍phd micro,别人看一遍就行了因为毕竟是real analysis的套用,你不能只看一遍啊,数学课都不学啊continuous怎么证,又要重新啃stein或者tao的real一点点推,才能最后证出来别人看一眼就懂的continuous。或者convex opt这门课学长们phd们本科都学过优化都学过network啊,你也不行,你也没学过,只能又翻出linear opt/network opt花比别人多几倍的时间慢慢推。谁叫我本科学的轻松,在211商学院混的top1出来才知道真是坐进观天,身边比你强几倍本科比你厉害几倍数学水平碾压你几条街的人都那么认真,而你甚至连努力去弥补这样差距的时间都不够。

深夜可能心情起伏比较大,我只想对学弟学妹说,别因为一两个特例能申请到不错的项目,就对经济master报有无限的乐趣和信心,觉得econ真好玩好像也很好申,商科做不了MIT mfin申请不上可以拿duke econ ma保底(真的有学弟学妹这么和我说过,我也是听的非常醉人)。ECON master在找工作上没有优势,甚至有劣势,商学院的学生有更多时间更多资源networking,econ光课程难度就很高,身边很多同学都抱怨没有时间去social/networking。而econ phd在你没上过高微高宏高计之前,真的别说自己对这门学科有多喜爱。至少我本科期间学的micro/macro/metrics和真正phd level的课完全不是一个概念。如果说对学术的喜爱的话,至少读一读recursive macro/kreps micro之后再考虑是不是真的对econ那么喜爱。唯一庆幸的是在本科期间有几个特别好的老师愿意一点点带着我,我也发现自己是真的很喜欢自己做的field,至少当年那些老师逼着我大三一年天天自学data structure天天自学analysis才能看懂paper,到现在也让我熬夜的时间稍微短了点,上phd level的课也勉强能跟得上。而经过了这么多熬夜度过的夜晚,我对我想做的field依然充满了热爱,想想也是感动了自己。

如果你真的热爱Econ theory,那么duke/lse/uwm等等这些solid academic-oriented master项目会非常适合你。


作者: ulyss    时间: 2015-11-24 00:59:54

mincyZ 发表于 2015-11-23 16:25

只想说我们学校申请econ master难度真的很大。211非 ...

作者: cheesechan    时间: 2015-11-24 05:36:23

本帖最后由 cheesechan 于 2015-11-24 05:47 编辑
mincyZ 发表于 2015-11-23 16:25
深夜可能心情起伏比较大,我只想对学弟学妹说,别因为一两个特例能申请到不错的项目,就对经济master报有无限的乐趣和信心,觉得econ真好玩好像也很好申,商科做不了MIT mfin申请不上可以拿duke econ ma保底(真的有学弟学妹这么和我说过,我也是听的非常醉人)。ECON master在找工作上没有优势,甚至有劣势,商学院的学生有更多时间更多资源networking,econ光课程难度就很高,身边很多同学都抱怨没有时间去social/networking。而econ phd在你没上过高微高宏高计之前,真的别说自己对这门学科有多喜爱。至少我本科期间学的micro/macro/metrics和真正phd level的课完全不是一个概念。如果说对学术的喜爱的话,至少读一读recursive macro/kreps micro之后再考虑是不是真的对econ那么喜爱。唯一庆幸的是在本科期间有几个特别好的老师愿意一点点带着我,我也发现自己是真的很喜欢自己做的subfield,至少当年那些老师逼着我大三一年天天自学data structure天天自学analysis才能看懂paper,到现在也让我熬夜的时间稍微短了点,上phd level的课也勉强能跟得上。而经过了这么多熬夜度过的夜晚,我对我想做的subfield依然充满了热爱,想想也是感动了自己。


Once upon a time, before I really go to my master in economics, I believed I will be interested in monetary, in addition to econometrics and financial economics. well, even though I was a financial engineer and thus are somehow used that modeling approach, and had intermediate macro before, I feel like "what the fuck" when I really go to the project or exam in that at master level.

honestly, i guess your case is really very exceptional.  很少人真的能清楚自己最想要甚麼的.
according to my experience, UG讀了business + 一丁點economimcs, and said interested in economics research的, 十居其九數學背景(not the technical skill but rather the mindset)是走不下去的. 葉公好龍而矣.
因為真的有興趣的, 就如你一般一早做了備準, 補回the missing part.

P.S. 方法太多了: exchang semester, summer semester一堆數課, 提早找了research assistant而不是去corporation internship打雜........
of course, only really motivated student will think of this but not the normal one.

mincyZ 发表于 2015-11-23 16:25
深夜可能心情起伏比较大,我只想对学弟学妹说,别因为一两个特例能申请到不错的项目,就对经济master报有无限的乐趣和信心,觉得econ真好玩好像也很好申,商科做不了MIT mfin申请不上可以拿duke econ ma保底(真的有学弟学妹这么和我说过,我也是听的非常醉人)。ECON master在找工作上没有优势,甚至有劣势,商学院的学生有更多时间更多资源networking,econ光课程难度就很高,身边很多同学都抱怨没有时间去social/networking。

雜雜幾點的補充 on selection:
1. 打算要big name master for career, 又上不了MIT Finance之類, 用economics master補底不是不可行, 但苜要條件是該econ master要夠soft. UCLA的master applied econ 就是一個good example.  千萬別去solid academic master, 要不GPA爛掉是必然的.
當然, 別嫌"水", 嫌水別去讀master in business / finance / management.
2. 要soft 的去business, 多留時間networking / internship. 當然top business school都是極少有pre-experience MS in business的, 尤其是北美. This is indeed a signal that the job market don't vaule this that much.
3. 如果打算學technical skill的話, 除非沒其他選擇, 盡量別去economics 要去STEM如statistics / CS. (or accounting if one count it as technical). economics is too theoritical.3. 當然, 的確是有些工作economics 是最合適的. e.g. 各類policy research, central bank, IMF等的也很會要economist, but given the visa status...

作者: ENHAHAHA    时间: 2015-11-24 12:18:28

看了楼上的回复身中无数枪…我就是undergraduate是business+a little econ……现在上实变以及advance course补吧……心好累
作者: ulyss    时间: 2015-11-24 23:18:40

cheesechan 发表于 2015-11-24 05:36

Once upon a time, before I really go to my master in economics, I believed I wi ...

谢谢你的建议,关于econ ma我还有些疑惑,能否听听你的意见

1.大多数econ ma不利于找工作的原因是因为课程比较theoretical,一是课程内容和真正工作中会用到的东西差距比较大,二是为了拿一个还不错的GPA必须花很多的时间学习,由此牺牲掉了networking的时间;另外,econ ma不属于STEM,找工作的时间和机会相对更少。除去这些之外,还有哪些因为econ身份带来之后找工作的劣势呢?(我希望能更多地权衡项目利弊,在没有STEM的选择之外的找到那些更适合自己的项目)

2.既然econ项目有这些不利于找工作的地方,对于我目前非学术的方向,如你所说可以尽量选择一些课程设置比较soft的、required course中理论性内容比较少的、选课相对自由的项目(比如applied econ类?我会好好研究UCLA applied econ),这样可以利用省下时间选一些technical的课程&networking;另外尽量考虑big name和location,增加找工作的机会(当然与之而来的$$也更多,我会好好权衡这个问题),这样和商学院的学生还是会拉开很大的差距吗?

3.是不是对于没有绿卡或美国身份的国人想要以"economist"进入政府机构和国际组织,Econ PhD会更有可能(或者PhD也很少?),而master进入这些地方的可能性微乎其微?即使是JHU SAIS这样的地方也非常难?

当然这些是在考虑完STEM中我能够去的program之后。另外,不知你是否愿意聊聊为什么会从financial engineer转而选择Econ(如果我没有理解错你的经历的话,总感觉MFE也是挺热门、挺有前途的方向),是因为对Econ的热爱吗?谢谢你!

作者: cheesechan    时间: 2015-11-25 00:21:19

ulyss 发表于 2015-11-24 23:18
谢谢你的建议,关于econ ma我还有些疑惑,能否听听你的意见

1.大多数econ ma不利于找工作的原因是因为 ...

1. that's all indeed, and is it not bad enough yet?
indeed there is one more point: your peer group. a less career-focused program will give you much less information, and pressure on job seeking. let the time fly, and you miss all deadline for application.

business student use the time for building soft skill which is useful for general business job.
the stat/MFE/CS student use the time for coursework which is useful for a technical job.
a economics students use the time for coursework which is useful for doing PhD.

unless one is a superman (or have a very very good background before), it is rather difficult to achieve two goal at the same time.

2. I will consider a soft economics master similar to a business master, i.e. very likely go back home after study, whatever which school you are in. just like MIT MFin place quite many Chinese student into BB FO (which is of course very great), in HK or SG or SH or similar.
at the end, a pre-experience MS are not likely to receive much support from the business anyway, so it doesn't matter much if it is in the business or not.

the reasons that I will prefer a econ (a solid one) to MSF are:
I/ better analytical training (but why not STEM then?)
II/ cheaper tuition fee (some place), and finance can be proved by CFA
III/ some better school only offer economics but not finance master.

3. (Put PhD aside first) finding a economics related position is out of your reach. Your background and motivation are both not strong enough for that. very likely it is a war between those PhD wanna be / able to do PhD but don't want. forget about it.
many public sector opportunity are not opened to non-citizens. (this is completely reasonable right?)

P.S. I did something in econ, econometrics and finance indeed. simply because:
1. more econometrics, i.e. not only Q but also P, and also indeed some time series.
2. relocation
3. interest in economics

with my previous experience, even given I have a econ / econometrics degree, i will be able to find a FE related role in the industry if I want to anyway. Doing two degree in the same discipline isn't efficient.
of course, if solely for career purpose, I will definitely do something in CS instead, stuffs like big data, and mining are really hot now (i have a statistics related bachelor), which are likely to open door on more computer intensive role in the financial industry, like whatever developer, or etc.

Let me repeat: STEM, or be prepared to go home.
I am not saying it is impossible to stay for a job without STEM (or technical major), but it is kind of 自虐.
作者: mincyZ    时间: 2015-11-25 04:12:38

本帖最后由 mincyZ 于 2015-11-25 04:48 编辑
ulyss 发表于 2015-11-24 00:59
谢谢学姐!来回看了好多遍这段话,被字里行间对学术的热情和执着打动了,这也是为什么学姐最后有这样好的 ...

honestly I still feel that I don't deserve duke...


作者: isabelyy    时间: 2015-11-25 10:41:55

本帖最后由 isabelyy 于 2015-11-25 18:44 编辑

作者: ulyss    时间: 2015-11-25 22:37:37

本帖最后由 ulyss 于 2015-11-25 22:49 编辑
mincyZ 发表于 2015-11-25 04:12
honestly I still feel that I don't deserve duke...

不管怎样加油,还是想说想找工作留在美国这件 ...


作者: cissylightning    时间: 2015-12-17 13:27:33

mincyZ 发表于 2015-11-25 04:12
honestly I still feel that I don't deserve duke...

不管怎样加油,还是想说想找工作留在美国这件 ...

作者: EvanYu    时间: 2017-12-14 23:36:27

cheesechan 发表于 2015-11-17 19:24
1. To stay or not, is a decision before you start you application. The reason is, this is indeed ...

If the role don't require coding, why don't find a local instead?

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