Program Update: Temporary pause on OINP “base” stream applications
Annual provincial nomination targets are determined by the Citizenship and Immigration Canada (CIC). The Ontario Immigrant Nominee Program (OINP) received a base stream allocation of 2,500 nominations for 2015.
OINP has exhausted its base stream allocation for 2015, and the program is unable to issue further nominations under its base streams until January 4, 2016. If you have already submitted an application to the OINP but have not yet received a decision, your application will be finalized in 2016.
If your employer pre-screen application has been approved, the OINP will continue to accept the corresponding nominee application(s) under the Foreign Worker and International Student with a Job Offer streams.
Between November 16th, 2015 and January 3, 2016, the program will not accept any new Employer pre-screen applications or applications under the Master’s and PhD streams. Any applications received during this time period will be returned to the applicant. The program welcomes new applications under these streams starting on January 4, 2016.
Thank you for your interest in the OINP.
上面这段话 简单概括就是 今年安省PNP名额已经用完了 如果你已经交了 明年会继续审
然而master/phd stream 如果还没交 暂时不再受理 Nov 16之后提交的申请 会被退回去(见黑体字)
对比一下 往年年底的通告:
October 31, 2014
Ontario Immigrant Nominee Program (OINP) has met its 2014 target of 2,500 nominations. Applicants can still submit their applications under all streams. However, because the nomination target has been reached, Ontario Immigrant Nominee Program is unable to issue nominations for the remainder of 2014.
Nominee applications that have been received but have not been finalized in 2014 will automatically be placed in priority for finalization in 2015. Any application received after October 31, 2014 will be assessed as part of the 2015 nomination target.
Annual provincial nomination targets are determined by the Federal Government, Citizenship and Immigration Canada (CIC).
Please continue to check this website for updates.
September 20, 2013
Ontario Immigrant Nominee Program (OINP) (Ontario Immigrant Nominee Program) has reached its 2013 allocation of 1,300 nominations. Applicants can still submit their applications under all streams. However, because the nominations target has been reached, Ontario Immigrant Nominee Program will no longer be able to issue any additional nominations for the remainder of 2013.
Should Ontario Immigrant Nominee Program’s nomination allocation be increased this year a new communication with the details will be posted on this website.
Nominee applications that cannot be finalized in 2013 will automatically be placed in priority for finalization in 2014. Complete nominee applications will be finalized on a first-come-first-serve basis.
Please continue to check this website for updates.
December 18, 2012
In late 2012 Citizenship and Immigration Canada (CIC) allocated an additional 100 nomination spots to Ontario Immigrant Nominee Program (OINP) (Ontario Immigrant Nominee Program) for 2012.
Ontario Immigrant Nominee Program reached its 2012 target of 1,100 nominations at the end of November. Applicants can still submit their applications under all streams. However, since the nominations target is reached, Ontario Immigrant Nominee Program will no longer be able to issue any additional nominations in December 2012.
Nominee applications that cannot be finalized in 2012 will automatically be placed in priority for finalization in 2013. Complete nominee applications will be finalized on a first-come-first-serve basis.
Annual provincial nomination targets are determined by the federal government, CIC. In 2013, Ontario Immigrant Nominee Program will receive a new allocation of nomination spots as of January 1st 2013.
Please continue to check this website for updates.
参见上文黑体字 简单概括就是:
今年已经收到 但是还没被finalize的申请 会在下年被优先审理
在名额用完的日子之后提交的申请 顺延到下一年审理
对比一下 我们就能发现一个问题:
为什么 今年pnp名额用完之后 不能跟之前的时候一样 继续提交申请 然后顺延到明年审理?
最有可能的原因是: 明年PNP的申请条件会有较大程度的变动
具体可能有哪些变动 我有空再分析分析(基本靠懵)不过还是希望各位做好准备
大家有神马想法也说一说 我有什么说的不对的地方 也请指出来 谢谢
PS:安省省提名 PNP~Provincial Nominee Program 现在官方叫OINP ~ Ontario Immigration Nominee Program
不过大家习惯上 还是叫安省PNP
补充: 为什么说是有较大变动 或者 什么才算是有较大变动
参考今年2015年 安省pnp的一个变动:
June 10, 2015
Effective June 25, 2015, Ontario Immigrant Nominee Program (OINP) will update its application guides and forms. These updated guides and forms reflect previously announced changes to the application process and to required supporting documents, as well as additional changes outlined below. OINP has not made changes to program eligibility criteria. Click here to learn more about upcoming changes.