明尼阿波利斯这个城市属于大都会区,然而生活费却非常合理。例如,租房费用方面,以法学院为起点,过马路就可以到的、针对明尼苏达大学学生的很多公寓,居住体验很好,价格也很合理。因此,无论是在法学院24小时开放的图书馆学习,还是在自己的公寓里自习,都是可以高度可行,随心所欲的。公共交通方面,也非常方便以及价格公道,Metro Transit 不仅有公共汽车,亦有贯穿校园、连接明尼阿波利斯-圣保罗两城市的直达轻轨,这些公共交通工具直达中国、美国以及其他亚洲国家各国超市,通往Mall of America(美国最大的购物商场,不仅可以购物,还有全天候的电影院、各种娱乐设施和美食广场)。明尼苏达大学学生特有福利,只需100刀/三个月,便可随意使用这些公共交通。
The University of Minnesota is located on the banks of the Mississippi River in the heart of Minneapolis. The Minneapolis-St. Paul metro area, known as the Twin Cities, has a total population of almost 3 million people. It ranks high in such areas as cleanliness, safety, accessibility, and beauty, and it offers abundant art and recreational opportunities. The area is home to 19 Fortune 500 companies, including Target Corporation, 3M, General Mills, Medtronic, and the world’s largest privately held corporation, Cargill.
The University of Minnesota’s LL.M. program has many significant benefits. Most importantly, LL.M. students take their classes with JD students and have full access to the large library which is open 24 hours a day. The library provides carrels, which are private spaces to be used for studying and storing your study materials, for a small fee. In addition, LL.M. students are welcome to transfer to the JD program once they have completed their LL.M. degree – and are not required to take the LSAT.
The Law School career center is fully accessible to LL.M. students. Each student – including international and LL.M. students – is assigned an advisor within the career center. Students are encouraged to make appointments with their advisor whenever they have need assistance with resumes, have questions about internships, or would like to look for a job.
The natural beauty of Minnesota is everywhere. Minneapolis has excellent air quality – usually less than 50 AQI – and parks and wildlife mixed with urban structures. You can see squirrels, rabbits and birds on campus every day! When the weather is cold, Minnesota does not stop. We are home to miles of skyway and tunnels so people can get to work and school no matter the weather. Many Minnesotans enjoy winter activities like ice fishing, skiing and snowboarding. When the weather is warm, Minnesotans love spending time outside by the lakes, eating on a patio at a restaurant, or attending outdoor festivals.
The city of Minneapolis is a major metropolitan area with a very reasonable cost of living. Affordable apartments are available across the street from the Law School which is very convenient for going to class and studying either at home or at the library. Public transportation is convenient and cheap. Metro Transit has buses and light rail trains that take students to and from school, American and Chinese food markets, the Mall of America for shopping, and entertainment such as sporting and music events. University of Minnesota students only pay $100 per semester for unlimited public transportation use.
International students often notice how friendly, kind and patient local people are. They find it easy to ask questions, communicate and get to know the culture of Minnesota. The University of Minnesota Law School website has a lot more information about Why Minnesota Law is one of the best Law Schools in country in one of the most incredible cities in the nation. Contact Hannah Kuether at hkuether@umn.edu if you have any questions!