
标题: 金融数学硕士选校急求 ETH or LSE or IC [打印本页]

作者: 金融数学小雷雷    时间: 2016-4-6 04:12:58     标题: 金融数学硕士选校急求 ETH or LSE or IC

本帖最后由 金融数学小雷雷 于 2016-4-6 17:53 编辑

如题,先简单介绍一下本人的情况,题主本科是数学专业,又学了比较多统计方向的课,之后去法国某工程师学校读了金融数学,又做了一个算法交易方向的实习,现在打算最后一年离开法国去读一个双学位,打算在1.ETH UZH Quantitative finance 2. LSE Financial mathematics 3. IC Mathematics and Finance 里面选一个。。。。都是欧洲小众项目,和美帝高大上项目没法比。。。。题主相当纠结,希望各位大神能够帮助。。。。
题主打算毕业后能在伦敦city实习一下,然后去香港工作,是不是LSE 和 IC 会有比较大机会在London找到intern。。。。但是又觉得ETH这个项目好像在欧洲名声还行,而且应该比英国一年的master学得扎实。。。。而且同等条件下确实比另外两个便宜。。。。。而且ETH 这个项目说是和UBS有合作,虽然并不知道这种合作有什么用。。。。故此纠结,等待各位大神回答。。。。先谢过啦
作者: 金融数学小雷雷    时间: 2016-4-6 04:24:51

作者: 金融数学小雷雷    时间: 2016-4-6 04:26:11

或者大神们了解 ETH QF 这个项目的,帮我分析分析。。。。。
作者: 等风来    时间: 2016-4-6 13:35:00

本帖最后由 等风来 于 2016-4-6 21:42 编辑

作者: 等风来    时间: 2016-4-6 13:37:19

对了,楼主改一下内容昂2333333333333 还显示着知乎哈哈哈哈~
作者: uuup    时间: 2016-4-6 13:46:14

等风来 发表于 2016-4-6 13:37
对了,楼主改一下内容昂2333333333333 还显示着知乎哈哈哈哈~

作者: 等风来    时间: 2016-4-6 14:00:33

uuup 发表于 2016-4-6 13:46

作者: Super_Oreo    时间: 2016-4-6 16:03:38

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作者: cheesechan    时间: 2016-4-6 16:27:21

1. 這也太懶了吧........換個地方發問還不改名字........

2. This question is indeed......IC vs ETH.

3. Why you want a master in financial mathematics again, after (法国某工程师学校读了金融数学)?
作者: 金融数学小雷雷    时间: 2016-4-6 17:43:01

等风来 发表于 2016-4-6 13:37
对了,楼主改一下内容昂2333333333333 还显示着知乎哈哈哈哈~

作者: 金融数学小雷雷    时间: 2016-4-6 17:44:28

uuup 发表于 2016-4-6 13:46

作者: 金融数学小雷雷    时间: 2016-4-6 17:47:31

等风来 发表于 2016-4-6 13:35
伦敦真的真的非常好(如果你在中国人的企业里实习可以不受T4学生签20 ...

多谢啦哈哈,之前我也一直倾向于IC 和 LSE,但是最近听到一些人说,UK一年的master找工作会比较麻烦,因为相当于一去就要开始找工作。。。所以这两天好纠结。。。
作者: uuup    时间: 2016-4-6 17:48:25

金融数学小雷雷 发表于 2016-4-6 17:47
多谢啦哈哈,之前我也一直倾向于IC 和 LSE,但是最近听到一些人说,UK一年的master找工作会比较麻烦,因为 ...

作者: 金融数学小雷雷    时间: 2016-4-6 17:51:14

cheesechan 发表于 2016-4-6 16:27
1. 這也太懶了吧........換個地方發問還不改名字........

2. This question is indeed......IC vs ETH.

作者: cheesechan    时间: 2016-4-6 18:03:27

金融数学小雷雷 发表于 2016-4-6 17:51
因为题主法语太差,毕业后没打算在法国工作。。。在法国读的工程师又不是ENS和X两个到哪里都可以通吃的, ...

If you really want to go to London, take IC.
(ever considered their MRes in Stochastic Analysis instead given you had a master already?)
IC is definitely a well-regarded school in London, and also in HK. The only downside is.......it is expensive.

ETH is a very good school, but the location is the concern.
(don't make me wrong.....it is a very good school, and it has a very strong reputation in EU. If you has a European passport, a job in Zurich is a walk in the garden after graduating there....but if you are an international, it is a tough fight. Look at their placement record, things are not bad, but it is far from safe. What can be said is, a job in Frankfurt or other European city is safe. Her reputation in far east will not be a problem after working a couple of year in a related role in Europe, since at that stage your CV are likely to go to the recruiting team more directly, and people in this subfield of finance all know what ETH is.)

For obvious reason, LSE MSc Fina Math is out of the discussion when talking about this topic.
作者: 金融数学小雷雷    时间: 2016-4-6 18:18:08

cheesechan 发表于 2016-4-6 18:03
If you really want to go to London, take IC.
(ever considered their MRes in Stochastic Analysis  ...

Thanks a lot for your suggestion, I'm going to consider it very carefully. I agree that it's rather hard to get a job in Zurich after graduation because I'm not a EU resident and I have got no knowledge of German.........But is it possible to look for a job in London with the diploma of ETH ?Another thing I worry about the IC program is that in their website, they haven't provided any information for the employment of the previous students, (while for the ETH one they provide details about that) , does it mean that it's rather hard to get a good position after graduating from IC ?
BTW, you said that LSE is the last one to be considered, is it because LSE is not a quantitative school?
作者: Super_Oreo    时间: 2016-4-6 18:27:30

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作者: cheesechan    时间: 2016-4-6 18:31:49

本帖最后由 cheesechan 于 2016-4-6 21:42 编辑
金融数学小雷雷 发表于 2016-4-6 18:18
Thanks a lot for your suggestion, I'm going to consider it very carefully. I agree that it's rathe ...

1. Not knowing big Deutsch is not a problem while getting a quant job in Zurich. The visa is the only major one.
It is not impossible to go to London after ETH QF, but things are difficult. (nothing is impossible right?)
Visa in Switzerland and UK are both difficult (Swiss is more I think.)
Someone said around half of the IC class stayed London for a job.

2. IC is one of the toppest MFE and getting a job in London is not a problem if you have a EU passport.
I will say, the plan A for IC is London, plan B will be back home.
while the plan A for ETH is Zurich, plan B will be Frankfurt or etc.

I guess the best point of IC one is opening you door to London
while the ETH give you a longer time of solid education + time for job seeking.

3. LSE is a school for social science, but not a school for science and engineering.

4. the comment about the view of UK master in HK on #17 is basically......bullshit.
the major problem for you to find a job in HK is not the visa or language, nor the view of a UK master, but somehow a location problem. you have to be really top such that the employer are willing to consider you given you are not there........
作者: 等风来    时间: 2016-4-6 21:43:12

金融数学小雷雷 发表于 2016-4-6 17:44

作者: alwaysgt    时间: 2016-4-6 23:31:14

据项目的学姐说近几年没有能留在欧洲工作的例子,留下的都是继续读博的。16年校友上面的那个中国人已经在瑞士工作生活了好多年。总之感觉很困难,ethz 其他专业的学长学姐也是这种论调…
自己因为打算读博所以不打算去mqf,而是去ethz 读数学。就不纠结了…
作者: treemantan    时间: 2016-4-7 01:31:43

Super_Oreo 发表于 2016-4-6 18:27
我LSE的三个小伙伴。。都在伦敦轻松找到工作啊。。IBD和PE都还好找啦。考虑回国的话,就看校友圈子吧,不过 ...

作者: treemantan    时间: 2016-4-7 01:47:15

本帖最后由 treemantan 于 2016-4-7 01:49 编辑

IC该项目大概30%-50%中国国籍的国人能留下来(这些国人要么communication skill很好,要么Quantitative skill极佳)。。大部分都是参加完实习项目后,留下的(有留在原公司,有重新申请其他position的)。。所以在伦敦留下来,最重要就是有公司实习,Generally speaking, fresh graduate without any internship before is almost impossible to be hired no matter where you graduated from...增加你留下来的几率还显著和你programming skill有关,programming好,机会会比大部分人多
作者: Super_Oreo    时间: 2016-4-7 11:47:29

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作者: treemantan    时间: 2016-4-7 15:57:46

Super_Oreo 发表于 2016-4-7 11:47

作者: Super_Oreo    时间: 2016-4-7 16:25:34

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作者: cheesechan    时间: 2016-4-7 16:55:47

本帖最后由 cheesechan 于 2016-4-7 17:00 编辑
Super_Oreo 发表于 2016-4-7 11:47

信你朋友半成, 雙目即刻失明.
別人說乜你都信, 還要引用, 閣下的水平也是.......

又同時能夠說出英國找工作很容易, 其實........我會想直接說你在說廢話的.
作者: treemantan    时间: 2016-4-7 17:02:09

本帖最后由 treemantan 于 2016-4-7 17:04 编辑
Super_Oreo 发表于 2016-4-7 16:25

难道我在Barclays FX Quant组里时,里面没有一个美硕,就是不招美硕?线性推理真心服了。。。算了,我退却了。。看官自己判断吧。。多一个perspective,可能也不是坏事,有可能你的世界确实远比我们轻松~GOOD LUCK,anyway~
作者: cheesechan    时间: 2016-4-7 17:03:10

本帖最后由 cheesechan 于 2016-4-7 17:07 编辑
treemantan 发表于 2016-4-7 17:02
难道我在Barclays FX Quant组里时,里面没有一个美硕,就是不招美硕?线性推理真心服了。。

拜託, 別欺負弱智的人好嗎? :lol

作者: Super_Oreo    时间: 2016-4-7 18:33:37

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作者: Super_Oreo    时间: 2016-4-7 18:37:04

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作者: cheesechan    时间: 2016-4-7 18:50:40

本帖最后由 cheesechan 于 2016-4-7 19:23 编辑
Super_Oreo 发表于 2016-4-7 18:37
你的曲线思维也很厉害,我收到的信息是 recruiter说不招,看到的现象是他们组里没有,你需要的是证伪我, ...

Dont mix up HR policy,  with the personal preference of a certain team head.

If it is HR policy,  that means that the company HR will screen out all the applicant with a UK master  (17th floor)
And thus even the recruiting team wont see a single CV of that.
If it is one certain recruiting team behaves like this (30th floor).....well,  it only affect only one team and has no implication at all.

And given OP said that he/she want a job in HK, and u said that UK master are not considered in HK by some big names.
What the hell the point of suggesting to go to LSE? (8th floor)

再是這個水平的話, 我就不再回了.
作者: 上善若水1218    时间: 2016-4-8 17:56:56

treemantan 发表于 2016-4-7 01:47
IC该项目大概30%-50%中国国籍的国人能留下来(这些国人要么communication skill很好,要么Quantitative ski ...

作者: treemantan    时间: 2016-4-8 18:27:35

上善若水1218 发表于 2016-4-8 17:56
你好,请问如果选择IC,学费是28800胖子,加上生活费,住宿费大概一年下来需要多少钱?可以打打工,或者实 ...

打工不用想,没时间。。如果实习拿到的话,一个月应该2,3K磅子(但拿到这种带Paid实习的国人估计只有25%,多是无薪summer project)。。住宿按正常来200多磅一周(不合租),生活费额外平均500-700多磅应该差不多(这种肯定也不算省)
作者: 金融数学小雷雷    时间: 2016-4-8 19:13:01

treemantan 发表于 2016-4-8 18:27
打工不用想,没时间。。如果实习拿到的话,一个月应该2,3K磅子(但拿到这种带Paid实习的国人估计只有25% ...

如果去IC这个项目的话,有没有机会平时在金融城做个part time 的实习啥的啊。。。
作者: cheesechan    时间: 2016-4-8 19:14:41

本帖最后由 cheesechan 于 2016-4-8 19:20 编辑
金融数学小雷雷 发表于 2016-4-8 19:13
如果去IC这个项目的话,有没有机会平时在金融城做个part time 的实习啥的啊。。。

from a visa regulation point of view, yes.
but are you sure that you can handle a solid master + job searching + part time job at the same time?
you have only 24 hours a day.
=> it is only possible if you don't care your grade at all, or you don't have to sleep at all.

actually, I think "treemantan" answered quite clearly already.
It is not a problem of understanding the answer, but accepting the fact instead.
This is a fact for basically all solid master.

作者: cheesechan    时间: 2016-4-8 19:21:11

treemantan 发表于 2016-4-8 18:27
打工不用想,没时间。。如果实习拿到的话,一个月应该2,3K磅子(但拿到这种带Paid实习的国人估计只有25% ...

順道想請問一下, 你覺得這個living expense的budget, 對working profession合用嗎?
作者: treemantan    时间: 2016-4-8 20:13:47

本帖最后由 treemantan 于 2016-4-8 20:17 编辑
金融数学小雷雷 发表于 2016-4-8 19:13
如果去IC这个项目的话,有没有机会平时在金融城做个part time 的实习啥的啊。。。

part time应该不可能有时间(至少我暂时没遇到过这样的大神)。。只能最后做公司实习,第三个学期,summer term的时候实习10周左右(full-time)或者6个月off-cycle.
作者: treemantan    时间: 2016-4-8 20:21:30

cheesechan 发表于 2016-4-8 19:21
順道想請問一下, 你覺得這個living expense的budget, 對working profession合用嗎?

working profession不懂额?那个Budget是我目测我和我童鞋那一年平均水平。。
作者: cheesechan    时间: 2016-4-8 20:22:48

treemantan 发表于 2016-4-8 20:21
working profession不懂额?那个Budget是我目测我和我童鞋那一年平均水平。。

你覺得這個living expense的估計, 適合在倫敦上班的人嗎?
作者: treemantan    时间: 2016-4-8 20:33:02

cheesechan 发表于 2016-4-8 20:22
你覺得這個living expense的估計, 適合在倫敦上班的人嗎?

在伦敦上班?那living expense我想应该不是个事了。。。房子应该租到270-330一周的了。。大头应该都是住宿。。

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