
标题: 渣背景求定位master [打印本页]

作者: chasell    时间: 2016-4-26 19:05:45     标题: 渣背景求定位master

本帖最后由 chasell 于 2016-4-26 19:54 编辑

成绩:88/100   3.7/4

作者: Aoede    时间: 2016-4-27 09:14:45

假如你T105 G320以上,跳板很容易,比如UWM 。瑞典的大学也没问题,比如SU,还可能有奖。这两个本人都拿到AD但考虑到想工作所以没去。杜克不好说,可争取一下,前提是GT是不是得再高点?。
作者: chasell    时间: 2016-4-27 10:13:11

本帖最后由 chasell 于 2016-4-27 10:39 编辑
Aoede 发表于 2016-4-27 09:14
假如你T105 G320以上,跳板很容易,比如UWM 。瑞典的大学也没问题,比如SU,还可能有奖。这两个本人都拿到A ...

作者: Aoede    时间: 2016-4-27 10:23:55

chasell 发表于 2016-4-27 10:13

作者: Marshall3    时间: 2016-4-27 10:53:55

No offense, 但是楼上说的基本上是全错。Given 楼主想申请econ的话:
作者: chasell    时间: 2016-4-27 10:58:48

Aoede 发表于 2016-4-27 10:23
其实你的成绩已经很不错了,应该考虑科研,发个论文啥的,还有比较重要的是海外交流,比如暑期项目到国外 ...

作者: chasell    时间: 2016-4-27 11:08:15

本帖最后由 chasell 于 2016-4-27 12:24 编辑
Marshall3 发表于 2016-4-27 10:53
No offense, 但是楼上说的基本上是全错。Given 楼主想申请econ的话:
(1)本科生科研写论文是没用的,给国内 ...

作者: Aoede    时间: 2016-4-27 12:06:27


作者: ssy1994    时间: 2016-4-27 12:19:56

作者: Marshall3    时间: 2016-4-27 12:22:55

chasell 发表于 2016-4-27 11:08
感谢您的建议,我也觉得楼上说的不太对,毕竟不是msf或者msa,实习价值不太大,请问大四上成绩还来得及 ...

作者: chasell    时间: 2016-4-27 12:24:02

Aoede 发表于 2016-4-27 12:06

海外交流当然来得及,可以暑期一个 ...

作者: chasell    时间: 2016-4-27 12:26:52

ssy1994 发表于 2016-4-27 12:19
出成績之後還可以和小米up ...


作者: chasell    时间: 2016-4-27 12:29:41

Marshall3 发表于 2016-4-27 12:22

作者: Marshall3    时间: 2016-4-27 12:29:48

Aoede 发表于 2016-4-27 12:06

海外交流当然来得及,可以暑期一个 ...

1. 现在马上五月份,要申请暑校,well...
2. professional的推荐信一般是没用的,甚至有的学校都不要。
3. 科研经历是有用,但是要看是在哪的经历。如果是国内比较知名的科研机构,并且能反映在推荐信上确实有用,但如果仅仅是在CV或者SOP上写写还是算了吧。
4. 我从没说过推荐信没用,again,看是谁推荐了。

作者: chasell    时间: 2016-4-27 12:50:22

Marshall3 发表于 2016-4-27 12:29
1. 现在马上五月份,要申请暑校,well...
2. professional的推荐信一般是没用的,甚至有的学校都不要。

作者: Marshall3    时间: 2016-4-27 13:05:13

chasell 发表于 2016-4-27 12:50

作者: chasell    时间: 2016-4-27 13:09:08

Marshall3 发表于 2016-4-27 13:05
如果你那个TSE毕业的老 ...

作者: cheesechan    时间: 2016-4-27 22:22:40

Marshall3 发表于 2016-4-27 10:53
No offense, 但是楼上说的基本上是全错。Given 楼主想申请econ的话:
(1)本科生科研写论文是没用的,给国内 ...

1. I guess a RA is useful in sense of showing that one knows how the life of research looks like.
2. Summer school. But too late for master application.
3. I guess a internship is useful or not really depends on where it is. In most case it is not useful, but if it is in some econ research related institute........
4. This is the most important. Not one really care the G (since a very high Q is expected, and V is not in concern)
作者: cheesechan    时间: 2016-4-27 22:23:21

chasell 发表于 2016-4-27 12:50

ODE and real analysis are both very useful course.
作者: cheesechan    时间: 2016-4-27 22:25:54

1. no offense, who care your 估值报告 in academics?
2. getting a poor grade in a couple of course is unlucky, and the effect of this really depends.....
e.g. you failed all very difficult course and claim this is because of health reason, others will doubt. if you failed a single difficult course, while other similar type of difficult course has a good grade, this sounds perfectly reasonable.
作者: cheesechan    时间: 2016-4-27 22:29:32

本帖最后由 cheesechan 于 2016-4-27 22:35 编辑
Aoede 发表于 2016-4-27 12:06

海外交流当然来得及,可以暑期一个 ...

1. the mathematics course chosen in the second semester of the last year is next to useless for master admission, but it will be useful as a foundation for study in a master, and for PhD application later afterwards.

2. a professional reference is not accepted for a academics master in economics. If it is accepted, then 99% likely that it is not an academics but an applied/professional one.
(well......may be unless the professional is from a research institute, central bank, or being a PhD him/herself....)

3. Agree with you on G and T. fight till like V155+ Q170 will be enough though (the marginal benefit of fighting for even higher is too high)
作者: Marshall3    时间: 2016-4-28 11:04:48

cheesechan 发表于 2016-4-27 22:22
1. I guess a RA is useful in sense of showing that one knows how the life of research looks like.

是的,过不国内要找到有价值的RA除了一些特定院校之外概率似乎不大,而且考虑TA要申master的话marginal benefit其实远没多修几门数学课大。当然如果TA老师有特殊的connection,而给老师打工能impress到对方的话就另说了
作者: chasell    时间: 2016-4-29 21:08:39

cheesechan 发表于 2016-4-27 22:25
1. no offense, who care your 估值报告 in academics?
2. getting a poor grade in a couple of course i ...

作者: cheesechan    时间: 2016-4-29 21:12:17

本帖最后由 cheesechan 于 2016-4-29 21:13 编辑
chasell 发表于 2016-4-29 21:08

1. don't ask for chances for a single university, ask for a portfolio or a list of that.
people can say it is safe or not for a list of application, but not for one single application.

2. there is a lot of good university in Europe in additional to CEMFI.
作者: chasell    时间: 2016-4-29 21:39:59

cheesechan 发表于 2016-4-29 21:12
1. don't ask for chances for a single university, ask for a portfolio or a list of that.
people ...

作者: qwhrp94    时间: 2016-4-30 00:18:24

作者: cheesechan    时间: 2016-4-30 00:24:23

qwhrp94 发表于 2016-4-30 00:18

it is something assumed in the list already, which is next to be compulsory requirement........

wait wait......你不說這個我還真沒有留意到樓主好像沒有intermediate micro/macro....
作者: qwhrp94    时间: 2016-4-30 00:33:04

cheesechan 发表于 2016-4-30 00:24
it is something assumed in the list already, which is next to be compulsory requirement........

It seems everyone here is assumed to be an econ major... and  have majored intermediate micro/macro  already...
我觉得对于楼主来说,把intermediate 修了可能比多修数学课更重要
作者: cheesechan    时间: 2016-4-30 00:41:02

本帖最后由 cheesechan 于 2016-4-30 00:43 编辑
qwhrp94 发表于 2016-4-30 00:33
It seems everyone here is assumed to be an econ major... and  have majored intermediate micro/macr ...

you know.......it is quite hard to imagine that someone claim that he/she wanna do a econ master, but without taking intermediate micro and macro......

well........it is very common that econ graduate school are willing to consider math/stat/engineering student without econ background indeed. (basically all school except Canada and Germany.....)

and it seems it is easier to get intermediate micro/macro on the transcript when compared to adv math/stat (mainly due to course registration and availability issue)
作者: qwhrp94    时间: 2016-4-30 00:48:56

本帖最后由 qwhrp94 于 2016-4-30 01:00 编辑
cheesechan 发表于 2016-4-30 00:41
you know.......it is quite hard to imagine that someone claim that he/she wanna do a econ master,  ...

作者: cheesechan    时间: 2016-4-30 01:08:11

qwhrp94 发表于 2016-4-30 00:48
一般Econ的标配就是高数+概统+线代,如果没有量化方 ...

the problem of economics major only is...........they may have good intuition of the field, but they don't speak the language of graduate school good enough.

and it is easier to train up economics for someone speak maths only, than train up mathematics for those who know economics only.......
作者: qwhrp94    时间: 2016-4-30 01:24:33

本帖最后由 qwhrp94 于 2016-4-30 02:54 编辑
cheesechan 发表于 2016-4-30 01:08
the problem of economics major only is...........they may have good intuition of the field, but th ...

这学期上game theory的时候能够明显感觉到econ & math double major和纯econ major的区别,最明显的就是符号语言和叙述性语言之间的transform上面,其次是对question 的拆分上面。分析类课程的训练确实让人受益匪浅。然而这种差别也是积累了三个学期以上才出现。
Anyway, 个人觉得本科阶段尽量多接受一些数学训练是非常必要的。
作者: chasell    时间: 2016-4-30 11:17:51

cheesechan 发表于 2016-4-30 00:24
it is something assumed in the list already, which is next to be compulsory requirement........

intermediate micro 80+,没修intermediate macro:L
作者: cheesechan    时间: 2016-5-2 17:53:24

本帖最后由 cheesechan 于 2016-5-2 17:57 编辑
chasell 发表于 2016-4-30 11:17
intermediate micro 80+,没修intermediate macro

MUST: Calculus based probability, proof based statistics, multivariate calculus, Linear Algebra

Next to Must: Intermediate Micro, Intermediate Macro, Econometrics

Very Useful: advanced course in math/stat

Useful: topic course in economics

Better than none: course in finance

Next to useless: business course like marketing and management
作者: qwhrp94    时间: 2016-5-2 17:58:51

cheesechan 发表于 2016-5-2 17:53
MUST: Calculus based probability, proof based statistics, multivariate calculus, Linear Algebra

想问下advanced course in math/stat 一般包括哪些?
我理解的是数分、实复变、高代、测度概率论、数理统计、随机过程、常微. are there any other courses ?

And I wonder why topic courses are useful? 因为看起来挺水的...
作者: cheesechan    时间: 2016-5-2 18:07:51

本帖最后由 cheesechan 于 2016-5-2 18:13 编辑
qwhrp94 发表于 2016-5-2 17:58
想问下advanced course in math/stat 一般包括哪些?
我理解的是数分、实复变、高代、测度概率论、数理统 ...

1. yes, 数分、实复变、高代、测度概率论、数理统计、随机过程、常微
maybe also panel data econometrics, time series, PDE, numerical analysis, numerical method for diff eqn, optimization, topology.......

when it is not really possible to take all (it is normal for non-math major), taking part of them will be enough. The selection of them sometimes depends on the academic interest too, since different subfield use different tools.

2. agree somehow, and the reason you mention is exactly why I put it after adv. math/stat course

topic course is also useful, but not that much as maths.......at least one will have some idea what subfield are there, and sometime what kind of research is behind.

indeed, everything is useful. Political science, psychology, or some other social science, or history and philosophy is also useful for economics, because economics is a social science at the end.
but the key problem is........it is quite difficult, if not impossible, for students in university in China (PRC) to have truly social science, especially politics, history and philosophy for obvious political reason.

作者: qwhrp94    时间: 2016-5-2 18:27:09

cheesechan 发表于 2016-5-2 18:07
1. yes, 数分、实复变、高代、测度概率论、数理统计、随机过程、常微
maybe also panel data economet ...

Thanks a lot! I totally agree with you in the last part.
目前我已经修完了大部分经济学分支的intro课,大概意识到自己兴趣在 development/political 方向以后又选修了社会网络分析、社会性别与女性发展之类的课,外加一些讨论公平与正义的西哲课,觉得受益匪浅。相反,本专业的一些历史类课程(中国经济史、经济思想史),以及topic 课时常让我觉得很鸡肋,甚至想全部翘掉...

作者: cheesechan    时间: 2016-5-2 18:35:18

qwhrp94 发表于 2016-5-2 18:27
Thanks a lot! I totally agree with you in the last part.
目前我已经修完了大部分经济学分支的intro课 ...

well........something you don't like =/= something that is not useful..........
作者: qwhrp94    时间: 2016-5-2 18:44:00

cheesechan 发表于 2016-5-2 18:35
well........something you don't like =/= something that is not useful..........

嗯,您说的非常对。不过,我的意思是,这类课原本是非常必要的,但是在教材选择、授课等方面存在一些问题。eg. 经济思想史我认为很重要,自己也找了两三本经典的教材看,但是并不想听一个甚至没学过思想史的博士生讲思想史的课。
作者: cheesechan    时间: 2016-5-2 19:36:00

本帖最后由 cheesechan 于 2016-5-2 19:37 编辑
qwhrp94 发表于 2016-5-2 18:44
嗯,您说的非常对。不过,我的意思是,这类课原本是非常必要的,但是在教材选择、授课等方面存在一些问题 ...

it is always a pain to find a PhD student to work as a teaching assistant to course like this........

I once saw in a department website saying explicitly that if one has background in history of economic though, it will be easier to get a TA position (I guess it is quite common......just saying this out is rare)...........and that is a quite famous traditional university with a quite good economics department in the Western world.........you can imagine the case in China then......

P.S. 教topic course, 找是做該個topic research / study的profeesor應該是常識吧, especially master / PhD course......
of course there are some school not doing so, and this shows how the quality of a program is.....
作者: higuain2020    时间: 2016-5-13 13:21:41

首先我觉得...均分88然后标题来个渣背景求定位 我瞬间就觉得不太想看下去了...
作者: dtu1    时间: 2016-6-5 14:37:56

本帖最后由 dtu1 于 2016-6-5 14:39 编辑
cheesechan 发表于 2016-5-2 17:53
MUST: Calculus based probability, proof based statistics, multivariate calculus, Linear Algebra

如果已经修过一门intro level的计量(覆盖了大部分概率论与数理统计内容,但是概率论学的很简略)的情况下,该选ODE还是intro level的Calculus based probability?
作者: cheesechan    时间: 2016-6-5 17:46:44

dtu1 发表于 2016-6-5 14:37
如果已经修过一门intro level的计量(覆盖了大部分概率论与数理统计内容,但是 ...


硬要揀一個我會揀calculus based probability
作者: cheesechan    时间: 2016-6-5 17:47:07

dtu1 发表于 2016-6-5 14:37
如果已经修过一门intro level的计量(覆盖了大部分概率论与数理统计内容,但是 ...


硬要揀一個我會揀calculus based probability

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