
标题: 20160525日坛check+F1visa准备 [打印本页]

作者: maximumbg    时间: 2016-5-26 17:04:44     标题: 20160525日坛check+F1visa准备

me :yes, I have a strong interest
VO : What's your research interest?
me :balabala
VO: do you bring your resume.
me: yes. here are you.
VO: which program do you use to do research in your interests.
me: balabala
VO: do you bring your study plan?
me: yes. here are you.
VO: your advisor's resume?
me: here you are
VO: 意思是我被check了,需要等3周

楼主remote sensing背景,问我要resume,我基本上知道结果了。不过面签时确实有点紧张,比如What's your research interest完全可以用108问中的准备的答案,仅仅说了几个关键词,现在回想说一个关键词+一个eg可能会更好。楼主综合了108问和各大网站资料,整理了一个77个问题,在此分享


关于回答一定要简明,no more, no less, Avoid vague answers, be prepared.
I'm studying at X uiniversity because their students are nice. R:Is that the most important reason?
good one: My major is , and I want to study America jazz and the world famous musician * teaches there
I don't have a job, but don't worry-I'll come back. R:Why?

作者: maximumbg    时间: 2016-5-26 17:12:32

并不是每一个人的出国道理都是板上钉钉,楼主国内转博放弃,国内考博再放弃,出国可谓是逼上梁山,但最大的困难只有你自己。“You got a dream... You gotta protect it! Come on, friends. Good luck to your visa.”

BTW:if you are going to Manhattan,KS, please feel free to contact me.
作者: L.H.Yu    时间: 2016-5-26 23:43:30

作者: 郁香居士    时间: 2016-5-27 15:32:37


我是做economic geography的,本科测绘,我13年做硕士签证的时候我连geodesy and geomatics都没说完就要了CV check勒。今年博一马上博二回国要面签了,我看我换成economic geography还check不check。。。
作者: maximumbg    时间: 2016-5-30 13:42:06

郁香居士 发表于 2016-5-27 15:32

我是做economic geography的,本科测绘,我13年做硕士签证的时候我连geodesy an ...

:handshake 祝顺利!现在phd的签证每年都得回国签?

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