2016-06-01 联邦政府和移民部都发布了新的消息(C16法案),法语申请人在魁省以外非法语族裔为主的社区(Francophone minority communities)工作可申请豁免LMIA。
1. 未来工作地点要在魁北克以外(is destined to work in a province or territory outside of Quebec);
2. 通过一个非法语社区和联邦政府合作的法语移民推广项目得到招募(has been recruited through a Francophone immigration promotional event coordinated between the federal government and Francophone minority communities);
3. 符合NOC 0,A,B类工作要求(is qualified to work under NOC 0, A or B)。
申请人的日常用语必须为法语,如果申请人的日常用语不是法语,将要求申请人参加面试或提交能证明其中高级以上水平(advanced intermediate level)的法语语言成绩,为证明这一点,申请人需要在TEF考试中得到相当于Canadian Language Benchmarks (CLB)/Niveaux de compétence linguistique canadiens (NCLC) 7级以上的成绩。
Mobilité Francophone to bring more newcomers to Francophone minority communities outside of Quebec
June 1, 2016—Ottawa, ON – Starting today, Canadian employers hiring skilled French-speaking temporary workers from abroad who want to work in Francophone minority communities outside of Quebec will be exempt from the Labour Market Impact Assessment. This will make it easier for employers to hire them.
Before launching Mobilité Francophone, Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada consulted and collaborated with Francophone minority communities and organizations across Canada to ensure that the new temporary work permit stream of the International Mobility Program aligns with the communities’ interests and needs.
“Immigration, both temporary and permanent, has a role to play in supporting vital, vibrant Francophone minority communities anywhere across Canada,” Immigration, Refugees, and Citizenship Minister John McCallum said. “Mobilité Francophone benefits the employers, the newcomers and the minority communities and it enhances our diverse nation.”
People working in Canada with a Mobilité Francophone temporary work permit will be able to stay in Canada long enough to acquire valuable Canadian work experience. This will help them qualify for permanent residency programs and increase the likelihood that they will be invited to apply for permanent residence in the Express Entry system.
“The implementation of Mobilité Francophone is very good news, since the specific objective is to increase the number of French-speaking immigrants settling in our communities. The Fédération des communautés francophones et acadienne (FCFA) and the Réseaux en immigration francophone (RIF) are proud to have helped develop this initiative,” said Ms. Sylviane Lanthier, president of the FCFA of Canada.
Mobilité Francophone is designed for foreign skilled workers who have been recruited through a Francophone immigration promotional event coordinated between the federal government and Francophone minority community stakeholders and who are destined to work in a province or territory outside of Quebec.
International Mobility Program: Canadian interests – Significant benefit – Mobilité francophone [R205(a)] (exemption code C16)
As of June 1, 2016, foreign nationals who have been recruited through a Francophone immigration promotional event coordinated between the federal government and Francophone minority communities, and who are destined for a province or territory outside of Quebec and qualified under a National Occupational Classification (NOC) 0, A or B, may be eligible for an exemption from the Labour Market Impact Assessment (LMIA) requirement under paragraph 205(a) of the Immigration and Refugee Protection Regulations.
Facilitating entry for these workers under the International Mobility Program (IMP) serves to support paragraph 3(1)(b.1) of the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act by encouraging the development of minority official language communities in Canada. Work that promotes the use of French outside Quebec strengthens and supports the social and cultural fabric of Canadian society while respecting the federal, bilingual and multicultural character of Canada.
General criteria
The employer must submit an Offer of Employment, as per section R209.11, before a work permit application is made.
Officers should apply the LMIA exemption code C16 to work permit applications received on or after June 1, 2016, if they are satisfied that the foreign national
is destined to work in a province or territory outside of Quebec;
has been recruited through a Francophone immigration promotional event coordinated between the federal government and Francophone minority communities; and
is qualified to work under NOC 0, A or B.
In applying exemption code C16, officers must be satisfied that the foreign national’s habitual language of daily use is French. Where the officer is not satisfied the foreign national’s habitual language is French, the officer should request an interview or request that the foreign national provide language results demonstrating an advanced intermediate level or above in French. For this purpose, a Canadian Language Benchmarks (CLB)/Niveaux de compétence linguistique canadiens (NCLC) of level 7 or higher in the Test d’évaluation de français (TEF) is required.
The foreign national must be destined to work in a province or territory other than Quebec.
The offer of employment in Canada does not have to require French language ability under these guidelines, as it is anticipated that the foreign worker will contribute to the community.
Foreign nationals cannot make an initial work permit application under this exemption from inside Canada. Initial work permit applications must be submitted online or via a visa application centre overseas.