me: good morning sir(还没有机会说here is my card)
vo: so you are going to US, for what? I can see you have no husband there.
me: (ft,没老公就不许去阿,但脸上还笑)I am not married, I go there to study
for my PhD degree in UCSD.
vo: oh, there is a boy who is also going to UCSD.
me: yes.知道他说的是icefire
vo: and he is also from tsinghua
me: yes.声音更大,we are classmate,其实就是同学
vo: so why this university?
me: because the CAD group there is one of the best in the world, and the profess
or leading this group is also very excellent.
vo: what's the professor's name?
me: xxx说得很流利,嘿嘿
vo: is he also Chinese?
me: he is Taiwanees.
vo: en. 还算满意的样子,垂下骆驼眼睛
me: idle(我在整个过程中一直比较装傻冲愣)
vo: so what's your major
me: computer science and engineering
vo: what specific area
me: computer aided design.
vo: en..似乎挺明白德,我就不进一步解释了
vo: is that what you learned in Tsinghua?
me: yes.
vo: 在我的resume上画圈,我看到他注意我本科是ee的。
me: I've changed my major from EE to cs after undergraduate study.
vo: xxxx大意是us have very good research environment, why do you want to come ba
me: 我心想我还没说要回来,but for CAD area, the frame work has been much better
established in US than in China, so there are much more developing room in
China, and now Chinese government has realized the importance of this indust
ry and is investing intensively to help the growth of both the industry and
the academic research. So professionals are urgently needed. that offers gre
at opportunities for me to comeback.
vo: everybody tolds me he want to be a professor and doing research,can you give
give me some different answer?
me: 这简直是要我命啊,but I really like doing research and I hope I can always d
o it in the future!没法按照事先准备的说了。
vo开始托着腮帮子盯着我看,真的是staring at me.我也没办法,只要盯着他继续说,可是
vo: hold on for a sec.
vo: San Diego is really a very good place, and I want you to promise me that you will come back after you graduate.
me被逼发誓,真是不爽,but that's my future plan.
vo: I don't want your future plan, I want you to promise me.
me: ok, I promise you.
me: Thank u very much.