雅思出国前第一次考试:L 6 R 6.5 S 5 W 5.5
雅思出国前最后一次考试:L 6.5 R 7 S 6.5 W 6
雅思出国后第一次考试:L 7 R 8 S 6.5 W 7
雅思出国最后一次考试:L8 R8 S7 W7.5
第一:如果是某种题型自己不熟悉,那么需要总结这种题型的答题方法。比较难的题型是heading of list,这种题型需要将每一段看懂的差不多,这样才能很好的对应。而在对应选项里面,其实有的时候并非都是每一段的中心思想总结,其实有的时候是部分内容的提炼,所以做这类题的时候一定要先划出每一个选项中的关键词,然后看一段,回来对应一段。注意学会使用排除法,有的对应其实不是那么明显,但是可以先排除其他选项,然后再做最后确定。
从进入考场开始最终要的一件事情,就是,保持微笑,富有激情,富有激情,富有激情!!!考官会问你叫什么名字,注意这里的回答,My name’s…要连读哦,因为这是老外的习惯。而将其分开,老外会觉得你说话不流利。其实在口语考试中,能连读就选择连读,除非是要强调一些句子才分开。最好给自己起一个英文名字,因为考官还会问你怎样称呼你比较合适,你可以说 Please call me John,这样的回答老外会觉得比较的亲切和自然。还有在比如,问你从哪来,也要注意连读,I’m from China。
接下来就是 Part 1。Part 1的问题相对简单,所以回答起来比较的轻松。值得注意的是,我建议大家在平时准备Part 1的时候不要去被别人的内容,重要的是,结合自身的情况去准备,这样在考场你也可以回答的比较的自如。
Part 1的回答遵循一定的回答方式,反应-答案-详细内容,这样可以让自己的回答比较的丰富,而且也不会冷场,没有话说。所谓反应,就是当考官问问题的时候给出最为直接的反应,这里带入一些口语化得东西比较好,比如,well,look,you know, let me think之类的话,因为老外说话基本都这样。接下来,可以根据你对这个话题的了解程度来回答,比如,非常肯定absolutely,坚决反对not at all, absolutely not, 不确定not really, probably not, 问做什么事情的频率all the time, on occasion, rarely这类词汇来回答不同的题目。可以选择自己常用的词,这些是我自己惯用的说法。所谓答案,就是给出一个简单的句子来回答,比如考官问,Do you like swimming, 你可以说,well, you know, absolutely, I’m really into swimming. 所谓详细内容,就是利用一些连接词使自己的内容更完整,更有趣,更丰富。比如,有on top of that, for the simple reason, having said that, for example或者加入一个从句也可以。比如上面那句话,well, you know, absolutely, I’m really into swimming,which, by the way, is a good way to keep fit. 或者 well, you know, absolutely, I’m really into swimming. Say for example, I usually go to the Bondi Beach on weekends with my friend, Jason. 注意,雅思考试里,很重要的一部分就是添加详细内容,这也是考官最喜欢听的部分,比如去的地点,和谁去等等。不要给出太泛泛的回答,那样听起来会很无聊。
Part 2是大家最为头疼的部分,对于我也是。在之前我准备一张话题卡要一天,但是后来学会了一些方法后,就觉得其实没有那么难了。不过还是建议大家准备一些描述不同类别话题的基础词汇,包括人物,地点,物体,活动,事件。
题目比如是Describe a person you want to see in the news
I’m gonna talk about a person I really want to see in the news who is Kobe Bryant. As you know, I am a big fun of Kobe. And I chose this today simply because he has a huge influence on me.
Anyway, I clear remember the first time I learned about him. It was about 12 years ago, when I was 15. I was at home with my cousin, Anslee. We sat on the coach to watch an extremely exciting NBA match, Lakers vs Heat. In the end, Lakers won the game by Kobe’s lead, which was why I got to know him.
So, basically, he is amazing. He is very tall, around 195cm, and very handsome and this is why he has thousands of female fans. He is humorous, friendly and energetic. Recently, I saw an interview on TV that Kobe announced he decided to quit after this season due to the injuries around his ankle. I felt so sad about this. The reason why I want to see him is mainly because, in my mind, he is a legend in basketball, very skilful. He is a good leader. He never holds back and always knows how to unite all his teammates to fight until the last minute of each game.
Now, the fact is I really admire him. What I learned from this is how much I love basketball and how to be a great leader. In the future, if possible, I’d like to see him in real life and have his signature.
Part 3 在我的考试经验看来是最为提分的部分,尤其是大家心中想要的分数。前两个部分主要是一个自我表现的部分,让考官了解到你的实力和你有实力向高分冲刺。
在这里跟大家分享一个口语考试的“潜规则”,这是一般规则,不适合考试非常灵活的考官。Part 3在考官的手上实际上是分为三个分数档的,每个档有三个问题,第一个分数档5分,第二个分数档6分,第三个分数档7分。一般来说,考官先分5分档,根据你的回答选择下一个题的分数档,你会答的不错,就向高分数档跳,所以在考场觉得被问的很难,那么恭喜你,获得高分的机会很高。如果你被问到的题目你回答的不够好,那么考官就会跳回低档去问问题。Part 3考官一般会问4个问题。如果被问的问题比较多,那么很可能是拿了高分。如果被问的问题少于4个,很可能是因为你回答的可能不是很好。这些规则是建立在你对于每个问题是有话可说的,而不是冷场。因为每个人的考试时间是有一定的,如果每个问题都回答的不充分,考官会根据考试时间多问问题的。
Part 3部分的回答方式和上述Part 2很像,不过大家要学会将话题的范围缩小,narrow down topic,然后充实话题,采用举例子,举原因,对比等方式。比如,why do people like fast food?, 回答,well, you know, I think there are definitely many reasons. And, in my view, one reason for this is some food is really delicious. Say for example, my brother Anslee goes to Yunan Rice Noodle restaurant twice a week because the taste of noodle is, he says, very unique.
Part 3的问题如果很难,其实可以选择另外一种方式回答,比如说,well, look, That’s a really tough question, so I can’t give a good answer just because I’m no expert at this field. But I suppose fast food is delicious. And that’s my feeling, anyway.
最后和大家说一下,在口语考试中,其实不用害怕没听懂让考官重复,我在好多口语考试都遇到印度大哥,让他们重复很正常的,最后也没影响分数,大家可以说,Sorry, I didn’t quite catch you, could you please rephrase it for me?
第二:人称。在很多书籍里面都有提到过,雅思写作中不要出现第一人称,像,I,my,we之类的。其实,这也是不正确的。在考官的眼里,一篇雅思作文其实就是在阐述你自己的个人想法,所以用第一称表达没有任何问题。比如,I believe, in my view, I think, I agree, I will。这些都是我在考官那里求证过的,大家放心用。
My cousin Anslee, for instance, an 18 year old employee, is addicted to playing video games and works as an e-game accessory salesman, more often than not, complaining about his low wages. This, certainly, does not make his working life satisfying.
这是我写过的一篇作文里的example,这里面就用了my,还有Anslee,其实大家还可以替换成自己的Uncle Liu 啊之类的,只要你的例子能说明问题,那就是可行的。
Many people decide on a career path early in their lives and keep to it. This, they argue, leads to a more satisfying working life. To what extent do you agree with this view? what other things can help people have a satisfying working life?
It is true that many individuals start their career lives at an early stage and stick to it and they believe that this can help them to have a more satisfying career path. In this essay, I will explore why I disagree with this and identify other factors that lead to a fulfilling working life.
There are, in my view, two main reasons why working at an early age cannot provide a good career path. Firstly and most obviously, these people are typically too immature to know what they want to do. My cousin Anslee, for instance, an 18 year old employee, is addicted to playing video games and works as an e-game accessory salesman, more often than not, complaining about his low wages. This, certainly, does not make his working life satisfying. Secondly, they might miss work opportunities. When they choose a certain job and keep to it, they generally have a lack of understanding of other professions due to their short term thinking, in turn, broadly speaking, finding a job that does not match their skill set. What this can do is make them pursue the wrong career.
I feel, however, two major things can enhance job satisfaction. One is to find motivating challenges. By doing this, people can fully reach their potential, leading to them not only becoming more confident but also obtaining a strong sense of achievement. Another is to work with friendly colleagues. An excellent case in point is Alibaba, an extremely successful Chinese e-commerce company, as they always create an extremely cohesive and equitable working environment. As such, all staff members invariably form stronger bonds with each other and are incredibly cooperative, which is why, ultimately, almost everyone in the company finds their career so fulfilling.
Overall, I disagree that people are happy when they find a job at a young age, and I feel there are two main factors to make our careers more satisfying.