agree somehow, but dont think this is the overall picture.
1. surly, it depends on countries. for example, France, Spain, the top econ school, e.g. CEMFI, TSE, UPF, are not the same as their top business school, e.g. HEC, ESSEC, IE, and etc......and thus the econ students seldom can effectivly leverage the alumni network in private sector, nor the reputaiton of the school in job hunting. but if you go to countries like germany, netherlands, and etc the situation are quite different (consider Erasmus Rotterdam, Mannheim, SSE, Bocconi, Zurich...)
the first case rarely happen in US / UK / other english speaking world.
I will say this is not the difference between US vs Europe, but France+Spain vs rest of the world.
2. for content: econ master are all theortical anyway.
3. but if you talk from the visa prespective........economics is way worse in US.
we all know that economics is a good major for finance, and a few more industry. the reason why it is not a good one for international in US is not because the lack of career support, but the visa status, and working visa policy instead. (evdience: we can see tons of people get IB / top consultant offer with econ bachelor / master)
and europe has a much easier working visa policy, given you get a job offer.
of course, if one consider the culture and language side, the EU stuffs are more challenging than US as an English speak country for sure.
but language is something that one can learnt, but not the same can be said for a visa lucky draw.
Therefore, it is always wise to have a more technical STEM major if one plan to stay overseas for a job, as this will help 作者: 短毛海豹爱摸鱼 时间: 2016-12-12 20:18:16
再暗戳戳顶一下。汇报一下近况吧,思来想去后来报了HEC(big data for business&managerial and financial economics)/SSE finance/Bocconi,都是第一轮现在在等结果,天天担心要失学。
HEC两个志愿最后都给了面试,一志愿有面拒二志愿还在等。面试的时候项目的director问你都学了这么久的econ,为什么还要来HEC学一年,当时突然觉得很唏嘘。其实自己也不知道为啥,读了三年下来反而不是很愿意去学econ,打算去学fin有一部分原因也是觉得自己好像学fin的课更轻松一点。不过能够拿到两次面试机会,大抵还是要感谢数理经济给我打下的基础吧,至少课表看上去很美。作者: 沁雪 时间: 2016-12-12 23:32:10
簡單點說, 就是leverage自身的數理+經濟背景, 去申偏數理但又實用的交叉學科. 甚麼quantitative finance, econometrics and finance之類, big data 或者business analytics的甚麼都可以.
搞這些, 比讀個economics的master更實用, 也比甚麼finance來得analytical (i.e. easier to find job overseas).
申不到一流的 (e.g. X, ETH之類) engineering school, 申一堆 traditional university (whatever Amsterdam, Zurich, Stockholm)之類, 總有offer的.
想搞data / analytical的, 還申HEC這類business school only幹嗎.....(especially things as soft as business economics....)
更別因為XXX易讀就申: you need to pay the effort sooner or later anyway - in school, or in job seeking......
About language concern in Europe:
try to stick with the Germanic languages region instead of the Romance languages region. 作者: 沁雪 时间: 2016-12-13 00:05:56
cheesechan 发表于 2016-12-12 23:44
To OP:
想留下找工作的, 就聽14樓學姐的話.
1. HEC, 老實講, 我認為MSc大多數都不值. (assume don't speak french)
Why? 一年制, 法語+實習原故, 留下機會很低. 既然學費都已經是這個價位, 何不直接去英國讀LSE, IC, UCL之類? 在far east的名氣都比HEC好. 在英國找工作也比HEC好.
當然, 讀MiM之類GE, 兩年課程中間gap 1 年internship, 加起來三年學法語, 再找general business job的就是另一個問題.
但是這條路的話, 樓主就很難leverage本身的數理背景了.
(HEC牌子有多大加成? Depends. Very Great in Europe (e.g. Paris, London), esepcially for some top-tier firm. but not that much elsewhere.
當然, 如果是technical role的話, who care HEC? 法國的自然是看高像X之類的工程師學校了.....just like OP's first choice.)
2. 右轉, 不只是歐洲, 而是大多數developed country的common trend. 如果這個是concern的話, 問題就是要不要想出國讀書之後留下找工作的問題.
如果是yes的話, 歐陸依舊是visa較鬆, 種族歧視相對輕的. At the end, 歐陸現在還是相對偏左的.
3. Agree that Netherlands is a good choice. the only concern for application is indeed: it is too small.
You will only have at most 4 or 5 schools to apply for, and this is far from enough for diversification of risk in application.
Therefore I will suggest OP to look into schools also in Germany, Swiss, Sweden, and etc...作者: 短毛海豹爱摸鱼 时间: 2016-12-13 12:19:39
1. Of course X is a good engineering school, and what they teach will be solid. but it will be even a better challenge for learning French with a busy and difficult program / finding a job in Paris without French.
2. SSE is a famous school in business and economics. I am just wondering why you are applying to it if you want some statistics / data science stuffs only...(both the econ and fina master there are solid, but not really quantitative focus (e.g. tons of econometrics / quantitative finance electives) when compared to some other peers, not to mention when compared to econometrics / FE master)作者: 短毛海豹爱摸鱼 时间: 2017-7-9 19:55:50
完成申请季之后,我自己的感想是当初确实没想清楚自己要做什么,这点对商科或者经济学申请来说其实都是大忌。后来再去做实习、和同学深谈之后慢慢发现自己还是希望毕业之后工作,同时现在的状况下最好的结果是在香港或者大陆外资公司工作。HEC Paris mmfe对很多大佬来说不算好项目,但是对我的规划来说是个尚算可以的选择。