
标题: 恩 决定了 [打印本页]

作者: seanzyc    时间: 2016-10-14 09:03:02     标题: 恩 决定了

本帖最后由 seanzyc 于 2017-3-26 10:44 编辑

看官网好像CEMFI比较 prefer quantitive 的 background

作者: cjyNel    时间: 2016-10-14 11:38:09

不过从楼主的描述来看 申CEMFI应该不适合
作者: seanzyc    时间: 2016-10-14 12:35:54

cjyNel 发表于 2016-10-14 11:38
不过从楼主的描述来看 申CEMFI应该不适合

作者: cjyNel    时间: 2016-10-14 13:30:20

seanzyc 发表于 2016-10-14 12:35

不确定楼主现在是个什么样的level 不过可以翻几本教材看看

本科的常用教材:Varian, Intermediate Microeconomics
Williamson, Macroeconomics
本科高阶/Master level: Varian, Microeconomic Analysis
Graduate level: MWG etc...

本科和Graduate level 当中还有个比较大的跨度
学Graduate level Econ的话 数学还有比较多要求 当然首先Calculus很熟 还需要概率论 随机过程 线性代数 等等

如果之前纯粹是商科背景 读Econ应该是一个很大的转变 需要心理准备
作者: seanzyc    时间: 2016-10-19 17:18:22

cjyNel 发表于 2016-10-14 13:30
不确定楼主现在是个什么样的level 不过可以翻几本教材看看

本科的常用教材:Varian, Intermediate Mic ...

非常感谢,已经打算明年2月再念一个graduate diploma。
同时先申请着,如果有幸被录取,就drop out了。如果被拒,就继续念,明年再申请一次。
作者: cheesechan    时间: 2016-10-19 19:28:01

担心background不匹配 <--- you don't need to worry about something that is for sure. you just need a solution.
A graduate diploma from a decent university will be a good preparation.

I am not sure if CEMFI charges application fee or not. If they do, I guess you can safe that up indeed..........without intermediate micro/macro or a quantitative background (e.g. BSc math/stat/phy), one wont stand a chances for 99.999% of solid academics economics master.
作者: seanzyc    时间: 2016-10-20 08:07:48

本帖最后由 seanzyc 于 2016-10-20 08:09 编辑
cheesechan 发表于 2016-10-19 19:28

Thank you so much for replying!!

Yeah, I have talked to our student advisor and she said the same thing, so I am planing to do a 1 year diploma on economics.

However, the course structure only contains economics courses, there is no mathematics courses except econometrics. I wonder would that be a problem?

The course structure is:

What bothers me is that, both CEMFI and BGSM accept students from Business Administration background, which is clearly not so quantitative. Anyway, I still tend to have a try this year.

In the mean time, I am also considering to apply for the MRes at Tilburg university. They have tax economics track. The aim of this degree is a perfect match to my interest. But I checked there course handbook, some interesting courses are only available in Dutch.

Sounds like a tough journey...
作者: cheesechan    时间: 2016-10-20 17:38:18

本帖最后由 cheesechan 于 2016-10-20 18:39 编辑
seanzyc 发表于 2016-10-20 08:07
Thank you so much for replying!!

Yeah, I have talked to our student advisor and she said the sa ...

1. well, most BBA students wont go further study in economics, and most BBA students are not quantitative. and for sure, there are always exceptional case. You can tell who are those.

2. Your research into the program structure....has some room for improvement.

"Five elective subjects:
Selected from third year (level three), fourth year (level four), diploma level and advanced offerings of the Faculty as approved by the Academic Director of the program. An elective subject may not be taken if a candidate has previously completed a subject of similar content."

A mathematical version for example:

ECON40001 Advanced Microeconomics
ECON40002 Advanced Macroeconomics
ECOM40006 Econometric Techniques
ECON30020 Mathematical Economics

ECON40017 Mathematics for Economists
ECOM40003 Macroeconometrics / ECOM30004 Time Series Analysis and Forecasting
ECOM40004 Financial Econometrics
ECOM40001 Microeconometrics
作者: seanzyc    时间: 2016-10-20 20:59:45

本帖最后由 seanzyc 于 2016-10-20 21:04 编辑
cheesechan 发表于 2016-10-20 17:38
1. well, most BBA students wont go further study in economics, and most BBA students are not qua ...

This is odd.
The course structure which the student advisor gave me shows the above courses as all compulsory and no elective courses. So I may not really have the chance to do Mathematical Economics and Mathematics for Economists contained in your example.

Gotta book a consultation with her tomorrow again.

Thank you :)
作者: cheesechan    时间: 2016-10-20 21:20:10

seanzyc 发表于 2016-10-20 20:59
This is odd.
The course structure which the student advisor gave me shows the above courses as  ...

http://mbs.unimelb.edu.au/study/ ... re#degree-structure

as far as i saw on this page, that is just "Example 100 point plan", i.e. just an example.


this is the handbook with the regulation, and thus we should always stick with the regulation instead.......
作者: seanzyc    时间: 2016-10-20 21:37:15

cheesechan 发表于 2016-10-20 21:20
http://mbs.unimelb.edu.au/study/degrees/graduate-diploma-in-economics/degree-structure#degree-stru ...

Yes, that is just the odd thing.

There is a difference between core modules and elective modules. Although the plan is an example, but the 8 courses are all core modules, which means we are require to take all of them. So it is really just the decision of which course to take first.

This is oddly in contrary to the handbook, which only shows 2 core modules.

But you are right. The handbook overrules everything. I guess they just didn't notice this when making the example structure and put in wrong course types. And the advisor just printed out the example structure.

I checked the degree structure for MPAcc, they are right in that structure with clearly distinguished core modules and electives.

It's great to see that I have a more focused option rather than having to study every bits of economics.

Thank you so so much :)

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