Applications are invited for PhD student positions in the laboratory of Dr. Ma in Syracuse Biomaterials Institute and Department of Biomedical & Chemical Engineering, Syracuse University. Dr. Ma’s System Tissue Engineering & Morphogenesis (STEM) lab ( focuses on tissue engineering, organ-on-chip system and human induced pluripotent stem (iPS) cells for cardiovascular applications. The work will consist of fabricating microfluidics and microdevices, conducting cell and animal research, developing computational tools for data analysis. The candidate will benefit from the opportunity to broaden their computational, analytical and experimental skills, mentor undergrad students, exposure to local pharmaceutical industrial opportunities, and access to the facilities and faculties on campus.
Applicant must have a BS or MS degree with a demonstrated record of research experience and innovative scientific accomplishments. Qualified candidates must be able to work independently, demonstrate outstanding communication skills in a research group, and have a strong commitment to science and engineering.
Interested students should contact Dr. Ma through email: with your CV, including your education, research experience, GPA, TOEFL, GRE and/or papers published or accepted in premier journals. 作者: 闫曲奇 时间: 2016-10-24 17:22:13