
标题: 川普当总统以后,移民美国可能更难了。大家小心! [打印本页]

作者: JD@UVA    时间: 2016-11-11 22:38:08     标题: 川普当总统以后,移民美国可能更难了。大家小心!

本帖最后由 JD@UVA 于 2016-11-12 00:48 编辑

准备移民美国的同学,请关注移民法规的变迁,做好两手或者三手准备。已经拿到工作聘书的同学但仍有身份问题的,赶紧咨询如何拿到绿卡。这东西说没就没的。川普总统,不按常理出牌。连老辣的耶鲁 JD 都败在他的手下,可别小瞧他。




他的计划包括:(1)在美国南部边境修一道墙;(2)取消现在美国对偷渡入境者“捉了就放(catch-and-release)的做法,非法入境的移民会遭羁押与驱逐出境;(3)对移民犯罪零容忍;(4)不发经费给包庇非法移民的“避难城”;(5)取消违反宪法的行政命令 — 意指取消奥巴马“暂缓遣返令”,并实行所有移民法律;(6)验明身分之前,不发某些特定国家的签证申请(包括叙利亚、利比亚);(7)确认被遣返非法移民的国家确切接收了非法移民;(8)完善“生物识别出入签证追踪系统(Biometric Entry-Exit Visa Tracking System)”,来追查逾期居留的外国人;(9)拒绝为非法移民提供工作;(10)改革移民法,保障美国及美国工人的利益

Trump Wants Big Changes to Legal Immigration, Too — How Big?

While there’s a lot of guesswork about Trump’s policies, there’s one thing the rest of the world should prepare for: a titanic shift in immigration since Trump wants to take back jobs "stolen" by foreigners.

Trump’s hard-line position on immigration doesn’t just affect undocumented immigrants; he wants to severely restrict legal migration too. Trump has vowed to “keep immigration levels, measured by population share, within historical norms.”

Trump may eliminate H-1B visas completely; he may reduce the annual quota for green cards issued. Not only employment-based immigration will be limited, family-based (marriage) immigration will be affected as well. Prepare for a bumpy ride.

Good luck!

作者: capcomicy    时间: 2016-11-12 02:38:06

On one hand, if he improves the economic of the US, there may be more jobs for educated international students.
On the other hand, can international students still be eligible to work in the US?
作者: JD@UVA    时间: 2016-11-12 02:59:25

本帖最后由 JD@UVA 于 2016-11-12 03:01 编辑

川普的竞选口号是给美国人更多的工作机会,保障美国团结和美国利益优先。因此,OPT, CPT 以及 H1-B 都可能被砍掉。这样,美国人会避免和外国人竞争同样的职位,因此美国人更容易就业。律师行业的美国人,尤其是失业的美国人,并不少。
作者: JD@UVA    时间: 2016-11-12 03:03:34

本帖最后由 JD@UVA 于 2016-11-12 05:57 编辑
capcomicy 发表于 2016-11-12 02:38
On one hand, if he improves the economic of the US, there may be more jobs for educated internationa ...

Good analysis! I do not have a crystal ball to pick the winner between the two hands. May the stronger hand win!
作者: capcomicy    时间: 2016-11-12 03:13:03

JD@UVA 发表于 2016-11-12 03:03
Good analysis! I do not have a crystal ball to pick the winner between the two hands. May the st ...

I can't type Chinese on this computer. Still I'd like to say, the impact of this election may last much longer than people's thoughts. Despite the real risks toward international students, minority groups, and female, the split in American can make the whole environment worse and worse.
The employer may know that international students can work better than American students in special context, but they can't hire them because the policy from the White House and new legislation from the Congress.
With the decrease of the numbers of international students in law firms and companies, it will be even harder to have competitive network for out law students. I mean I don't know if the deep blue areas still work.
作者: JD@UVA    时间: 2016-11-12 06:11:28

本帖最后由 JD@UVA 于 2016-11-12 06:14 编辑

CA,  NY, DC, MA, MD and IL

VA is barely blue, but Northern Viginia and Richmond (where the legal jobs are) are deep blue!

TX: Red
作者: temporar    时间: 2016-11-12 08:57:28

作者: JD@UVA    时间: 2016-11-12 11:28:57

本帖最后由 JD@UVA 于 2016-11-12 11:32 编辑
temporar 发表于 2016-11-12 08:57

目前还不清楚川普是否能把自己以前的 campaign promise 付诸实施。比如他对 H-1B 签证的看法:

Trump's opposition to H-1B visas

Trump issued this statement: "I will end forever the use of the H-1B as a cheap labor program, and institute an absolute requirement to hire American workers first for every visa and immigration program. No exceptions."

如果他真去取缔 H-1B 签证,那么没有身份读 JD 的确凶多吉少,只有婚姻绿卡这条路了。
作者: 阿泰    时间: 2016-11-12 17:50:40

JD@UVA 发表于 2016-11-12 11:28
目前还不清楚川普是否能把自己以前的 campaign promise 付诸实施。比如他对 H-1B 签证的看法:

Trum ...

作者: JD@UVA    时间: 2016-11-12 21:56:51

阿泰 发表于 2016-11-12 17:50

作者: 碳碳_    时间: 2016-11-14 07:39:22

作者: July2016    时间: 2016-11-14 12:54:05

作者: zhuyuping    时间: 2016-11-14 13:31:04

July2016 发表于 2016-11-14 12:54
移民这东西,就跟电梯一样,进去的人其实并不希望外面的人再进去了,这样里面空间能大一点,也有点优越感, ...

作者: VMX    时间: 2016-11-14 20:09:25

JD@UVA 发表于 2016-11-12 06:11
CA,  NY, DC, MA, MD and IL

As a real Texan, 我们的人民对于结果很崩溃,我的邻居已经一周多没上班了, 是个白墨。 loool
作者: JD@UVA    时间: 2016-11-15 02:47:58

本帖最后由 JD@UVA 于 2016-11-15 03:04 编辑

Trump's election sets stage for H-1B reform

The H-1B program "was only supposed to be used for an unfilled job that you couldn't find an American worker for."

The IT industry wants cheaper foreign-trained workers to be hired (and replace more expensive U.S. workers). If the Trump administration reduces or eliminates the H-1B program due to its proclaimed purpose of "helping American workers," foreign-trained attorneys would suffer from the scaled-back H-1B visa sponsorship in the U.S.

Granted, it would take some time for the new H-1B visa program to set in motion. Having a plan B, especially for those in 1L or 2L years, would be a good idea. The tides may change. Consider yourself warned.

As to LLM students, this change may be irrelevant since most LLM students would go back to their home countries any way.

If Trump keeps his campaign promises, the so-called "American Dream" may be limited to U.S. citizens only . However, Trump is known to eat his own words. We will see his moves in 2017.
作者: 阿泰    时间: 2016-11-15 03:54:59

JD@UVA 发表于 2016-11-15 02:47
Trump's election sets stage for H-1B reform

The H-1B program "was only supposed to be used for an ...

之前说的有声有色的要prosecute Clinton, 现在也说这不重要了
作者: JD@UVA    时间: 2017-2-2 04:27:48

本帖最后由 JD@UVA 于 2017-2-2 04:39 编辑


Trump's Campaign promises:
(1)在美国南部边境修一道墙;Executive Order (EO) signed
(2)取消现在美国对偷渡入境者“捉了就放(catch-and-release)的做法,非法入境的移民会遭羁押与驱逐出境;EO signed
(4)不发经费给包庇非法移民的“避难城”;EO signed
(5)取消违反宪法的行政命令 — 意指取消奥巴马“暂缓遣返令”,并实行所有移民法律;EO signed
(6)验明身分之前,不发某些特定国家的签证申请(包括叙利亚、利比亚);EO signed
(8)完善“生物识别出入签证追踪系统(Biometric Entry-Exit Visa Tracking System)”,来追查逾期居留的外国人;
作者: JD@UVA    时间: 2017-2-24 05:55:18

本帖最后由 JD@UVA 于 2017-2-24 05:57 编辑

Just an update on Trump's campaign promises:










确保E-Verify 系统在现有法律下得到最广泛地应用。


Also from the news, fake or real:


国安部在90天内审查所有在美工作的外国人,排查非法移民;审查移民签证被滥用的情况,尤其是核查非移民工作签证的真实性。该草案中还加强了对H-1B, OPT,L-1, B-1,J-1等签证的审查。同时,该草案突出了对以价值移民的青睐,要求加快H-1B的审核过程,保证其受益者是优秀人才。



作者: fantastic4    时间: 2017-2-24 06:25:09

作者: JD@UVA    时间: 2017-3-20 21:20:53

本帖最后由 JD@UVA 于 2017-3-20 21:32 编辑

Some updates among my contacts.

今天闲来无事,偶然查到以前一位朋友的动向。该同学从北清法学院毕业,以 LSAT 高分后考入 HYS 一档的美国法学院 (JD program)。毕业后顺理成章地进入 Vault 排名极其高的  BigLaw 当  Associate。最近回国内另一家美所分部了。

不太熟,就没问前因后果。直觉是  H-1B 签证问题(从时间上看)。But I could be wrong. Maybe personal reason or due to other circumstances.

He is a great guy with top-notch record. Will be a partner somewhere in the future.  Good for him!
作者: 阿泰    时间: 2017-3-21 05:51:24

JD@UVA 发表于 2017-3-20 21:20
Some updates among my contacts.

今天闲来无事,偶然查到以前一位朋友的动向。该同学从北清法学院毕业, ...

回国也未必是坏事 说不定高升的机会更多

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