m: good morning madam how are you doing?
vo:i am fine. and you
m: i am fine too
vo: so mr huang u r going to xxx university?
m: yes i will continue my graduate study in ,mechanical engineering
department in xxx university
vo: why not phd?
m: everyone who want to apply phd must have a ms degree first.
vo: so you sure you will continue you phd here?作者: zrail 时间: 2004-7-13 12:57:27 标题: 7,9签经3
vo: mr huang what is mechanical engineering?
m: mechanical engineering is very easy thing, just like cars and railway
. i am major in fluid and heat transfer. so my major research feild
just like water.
vo: what is you graduate plan?
m: 回科大当教授 要不然就回黑龙江的大学当教授 离家近作者: zrail 时间: 2004-7-13 12:58:10 标题: 7,9签经4
vo: mr huang where is you home?
m: xxx city 反正在黑龙江 离哈尔滨很近
vo: do u have resume and abstract of you thesis?
m: yes here you r
vo: mr huang there is no problem with you visa please go to xx window
m: have a nice day madam
竟然忘了向她要书 亏了作者: zrail 时间: 2004-7-13 12:59:44 标题: 7,9签经5
因为vo会认为你家里会因此借很多钱 你会留在美国
赚钱还债 ms的会好一些 但当他问你会不会继续读phd时最好说不读
我们其中有一个被check的gg 是很晚签的估计是vo饿得不行了
他连nice to meet you的nice还没说完就开始被问问题
学校准备的support letter 也没用上 就被check了