
标题: 7/7 sh/ F1 4000 check [打印本页]

作者: zrail    时间: 2004-7-13 11:35:16     标题: 7/7 sh/ F1 4000 check

发信人: huangjingyu7 (阿黄), 信区: Visa
标  题: 7/7 sh/ F1 4000 check
发信站: BBS 水木清华站 (Wed Jul  7 23:10:11 2004), 站内

全奖,生物专业,F1去年bj被拒三次,8月到上海,10月开始工作做销售,12月份换了一份工作做研发. 把户口迁到上海,重办了护照,今天被8号窗口的glassboy check。
Me:hi,good afternoon!
VO:good afternoon 。please put your material aside,show it to me only I ask for it, ok?(parden 了一次)
Me: 把材料放一边,ok
V: why do you want to go to America?
M: because I want to pursue my Ph.D degree in university of #.
V:you are living in hubei now?
M:no,I am living in shanghai.
V: (show me DS156 form,摇头) you write your home is in hubei,
M: no, this is my hometown, I am living in shanghai
V: then why do you write your home is in hubei?
M: I am sorry,Sir, I have made one mistake, I had thought I should write my home town in that place. my 户口is in shanghai, do you want to see it?
(出来之后一朋友介绍才知道,DS156表上第15个方框里your home应该写的是自己的当前地址,而不是家庭地址, 我后面的一哥们也犯了同样的错误,差点认为是跨区被拒了)
V: I don’t need it. How long have you worked in your current company?
M: about 8 months
V: (摇头)it is a too short time in shanghai.(补充一点,从北京跨区刚满半年来上海签的,我所认识的没一个过的,我在上海这边知道至少有3个这样被拒的case)
M: this is my second job in shanghai,and I have worked as a sales engineer in my  first company for 2 months, but I am more interested in research, so I transfer to my current company.
V: it is about 10 months, 后面的没听明白,好像还说时间有点短
M:I came to shanghai from last August, it is almost 1 year to now, I have
brought with my 暂住证, do you want to see it?
V: yes,
M: 把户口和暂住证给他
V: (没看户口,拿起暂住证,翻了一下,到最后一页看到有每个月在居委会盖的校验章)do you check every month in shanghai?
M: yes
V: you worked in your current company for only eight months, then you want to go to America, why not continue working?
M: Because during work, I find what I learn is not enough, and my current
company don’t pay much attention to me, if I can get a Docter degree in university of #, I can get a higher position.
V: what is your salary?
M: about 2500 rmb every month.
V: what is your recent degree?
M: Master degree.
V: where do you get it?
M: in wuhan University
V: where do you get your bachelor degree?
M: also in wuhan University
V: have you applied chinese universities?
M: I have applied National University of Singapore.
V: don’t tell me that, just say yes or no, ok? have you applied chinese
M: If I want to study forthore, I will go to Chinese academy of Sciences,
because its research level is better.
V: (有点怒了)don’t say other things, just yes or none?
M: it is none, I understand it. I will answer your questions more directly.
V: ok, how many universities do you apply?
M: 5
V: which ones?
M: (报了几所牛校的名字和NUS),but I withdraw the offer of NUS, because American universities have better educational level.
V:what is your plan after graduation?
M: (有点紧张,讲的比较慢)I want to come back to chinese Academy of Sciences and build up my own lab, my lab’s research will be,(准备讲具体的说回国做水稻,被打断)
V:then how do you guarantee you will get such a position?
M: CAS are in great need of such kind of people as me with overseas Docter degree, I have also got one supporting letter from a Chinese academican of CAS, he says his lab welcome me, do you want to see it?
V: no, but after 5 yesrs, maybe he dies or moves to other places, how do
you guarantee such a position?
M:(不知道讲什么好,只是murmur) I am sure after I get an overseas Docter degree,  I will get a position relatively easily in CAS.
V: it is too general
M: (稳定了一下情绪),what I learn in university of # can be used in
agriculture, I want to come back to increase chinese agricultural level, you know China have so many people and the people increase in a very large amount,
V: you mean chinese population?(中间停顿抬头想了一会儿)
M:yes,chinese people increase very quickly, but chinese farming fields are decreasing very quickly, many farming fields are used to build up many buildings. You know shanghai has built many buildings recently.


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