
标题: New Year's Resolution [打印本页]

作者: Sarah_xy    时间: 2016-12-29 12:06:40     标题: New Year's Resolution

Time flies (时光飞逝) when you are having fun.

We must be having fun, because it seems like the past year has just whizzed by.

It's time to say bye bye to 2016, and hello, happy new year, to 2017.

What's going to happen next year?

Well, there are some things that we can predict (预测) with total accuracy (准确性), one of which is that the sun will come up tomorrow.

Another thing of which I am 100% certain is that many people will make New Year's Resolutions (新年决心) for 2017 that they will not keep.

That means that folks will resolve (解决) to do stuff in the new year that they won't do, or they will promise not to do things that they'll end up doing anyway.

Of course, some people will keep their resolutions. To those people, I say, "Congratulations!".

Most people do not keep their New Year's resolutions. To those people, I say, "Better luck next year".

OK, let's talk some more about New Year's Resolutions (新年决心).
Wikipedia says that a New Year's resolution is "a tradition ... in which a person makes a promise to do an act of self-improvement (自我提升) or something slightly nice, such as opening doors for people beginning from New Year's Day".

This tradition has a long history. Babylonians (巴比伦人), who lived in what we now call Iraq (伊拉克),  made promises to their gods at the start of each year that they would return borrowed objects and pay their debts (债务).

That's kinda similar to how in China, you're supposed to pay back any money you owe before the New Year, right?

The Romans (罗马人) began each year by making promises to the god Janus, a god of beginnings, transitions, and even doorways.

The month of January gets its name from Janus, the first month on the calendar.

The basic idea is to focus on how we can do things better. A lot of people will resolve to become healthier in the coming year.

The top resolutions in the United States include things like working out or eating less in order to lose weight, and stop doing things like drinking alcohol (酒) or smoking tobacco (烟草).
A lot of people resolve to do better at work in the new year. Some people may promise themselves that they will find their true love and get married.

Maybe some of us will try to be nicer to others, and try really hard not to get discouraged or depressed.

It might be helpful to spend less time with an electronic device (电子设备) and more time sleeping.
What are some of your resolutions for 2017? To work harder, make more money? Lose weight, do more exercise? Study more, improve your English?

Anyway, may all your dreams come true in 2017!

I wish you health and good fortune for you and yours.

作者: zhouqf88    时间: 2017-1-16 13:10:23


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