New York的话,曼哈顿不是号称地球首都嘛,真的很好玩,只是建筑这边课程真的好忙,几乎没怎么体验到,每天的活动半径非常小,就感觉不到生活在纽约有什么不同了。我有横向对比过纽约,伦敦和巴黎视觉艺术方面展览和艺术家的水平。总体看,现当代这一块纽约无论是展览的水平还是艺术创作的质量都要高出伦敦一个档次,即使伦敦的艺术环境和氛围更好(我第一次震惊街头画像水平怎么都那么高)。对于我来说,我有时周五就会去MoMA之类的转转(cooper学生免费),有什么想借chao鉴xi可以直接去看,做高层都不需要找图片,直接出门看看哪栋立面比较酷炫的说。想看那个艺术家的展,想听谁的音乐会,直接去他的官网看看今年什么时候来纽约就好,可以看到一些很小众的艺术作品。总之活动超多,方便程度不是周边城市可以比的。
To be within the Cooper Union for the Advancement of Science and Art is to be within a spiritual place, an authentic place. An institution that is lovingly held in trust. A place that believes one of society's prime social responsibilities is towards learning and education in the deepest sense. It's a place that contributes to thought, free thought, thought that is exploratory thought, founded by Peter Cooper, a man with a vision that still sustains and maintains the spirit of place and cares for enlightenment.
I don't think there are many things more important than being a student. That, to me, is the deepest social contract, to understand the idea that individual creativity within a willing community is a profound social act. The privilege of being teachers and students within this remarkable place- to be teachers in a place of spirit, to be teachers of spirit, and to be spirited students.