标题: 求助:2017 full-time, by course网申NTU专业相关疑惑,还望大神帮助 [打印本页] 作者: ztf123 时间: 2017-2-4 12:25:03 标题: 求助:2017 full-time, by course网申NTU专业相关疑惑,还望大神帮助
1是不是申请Subsidised Graduate Programmes by Coursework(我准备申请EE学院的,computer control and automation/communication/electronics,还有smart production design)专业的话,就只是网申不用邮寄材料?(我看他说Applications are to be submitted electronically only. Late submissions would not be accepted and any other form of submission would not be processed. The School may contact applicants about additional information or documents at a later date (if required).)