其次,关注国外学术会议,多投稿,多参加。一是申请增色,二是建立人脉,好处多多。比如harvard east asia society conference, Stanford-Berkeley conference on pre-modern china literature, Columbia east Asia conference, AAS, AAS regional, SOAS conference, Auckland university conference on east Asia等等。(名字不一定完全准确,具体请google)
另外一些学校如UCB、UCLA和明尼苏达还要求写一篇personal history statement。因为SOP比较学术,我在personal history statement里主要写了如何对所学专业产生兴趣,自己的过往经验如何能增加program的diversity等。如果写得灵活,这篇还可以改成Statement of diversity, 交给Stanford和Yale。
I am an applicant to XXX program for Fall 2017. I am writing to withdraw my application for admission. I truly appreciate your consideration of my application and am certain that I would receive excellent doctoral training at XXX University. However, I have received several offers funding up to now and have already accepted the offer of admission from XXX University. To be fair to other applicants, as well as your staff, I believe now is an appropriate time to withdraw my application.
If there is a formal procedure (a letter or form) that is required to officially withdraw, please let me know and I will comply with it immediately. In the alternative, please respond to this e-mail to confirm that my withdrawal has been appropriately processed.
Thanks again for your consideration and I wish you will recruit the most promising students to your program.
Sincerely Yours,
Decline offer模板
Dear XXX,
It is to my extreme delight that I have been offered admission to the XXX program at XXX University. I consider it as my great honor that you recognize my abilities and accept me as a graduate student. However, I am deeply sorry that I have accepted the offer of admission from XXX University.
It is really a difficult decision for me and I have weighed my options very carefully. However, I think I need more learning and training before I am qualified to teach students and XXX University grants me more time to learn before I am required to teach. Nevertheless, I do appreciate the opportunity you gave me and I value it very much. I sincerely wish that you will admit students on your waiting list so that my scholarship will not be wasted.
I am writing to you as soon as XXX University confirmed my decision to accept their offer. I am deeply sorry for any inconvenience I might cause. I believe we will cross paths in the future and look forward to keeping in touch. Thanks again and I wish you luck in recruiting the most promising students to your program!