list 12背了一个小时多几分钟吧,很快。可能是因为12的单词难度不高,i打头的单词的词根很多都认识,原本认识的单词也不少。也许是核心词表比较基础,这样看来,以后要是忙就背核心词表,要是不忙就背拓展词表好啦。但是不能因为单词原本就认识,而不用心记!就算原来认识,也会有词义不知道,或者不理解确切的英文含义的!无论如何都要认真地记!
底图们(03/20 due, will send to larsen for pre-crit,6 days left)
Presentation Structure
Digital Part - Contention
BG information
- research of gated community - not porous urban environment
- policy of gate cancellation - opportunity for change
Further analysis of urban issues
Strategy explanation - what the strategyies are
- and why they will improve the porosity and intimacy of the urban environment
- and why the porosity and intimacy are necessary in the urban environment
- which will help public life - space for gathering with content
Physical Part - Representation
- Story Board (Based on Site-Plan-After)
- Three Story Lines, Three characters
describing how they will enter, gather on site, where they can go, or cannot go
- the resident
- the visitor
- the half-resident (retailers/office workers)
- References
- Site Plan (Before)
- Site Sections (Before) - Site Sections (After)
- Situation Perspectives (Before)
- Tool Kit
Polishments will be gradually done on 03/21, print them gradually through 03/22, in case of the plot room jam.