1. 只拿了綠卡/楓葉卡的確會有residence requirement, 但是拿了US/Canada passport的可是沒有的....(當然拿了passport再回國= 不再是中國人, 回國工作有其他麻煩)
2. Management, international business (MiM)這類申不申得上先不說, 到找工作時你就會明白language 和culture difference的concern有多麼的巨大.......
3. finance is not something really very quantitative (you are not from art major anyway). and this is exactly the shortcoming during job hunting.
4. "家里人不同意移民" 和 "顾虑家人所以自己不愿离家太久"是兩回事.
5. 回国之后也许就不用再从底层开始climb the ladder 单纯是你的猜想 if you just have like 1 or 2 year of experience overseas. and indeed even you have more, 工作經驗會水土不服也是一個大問題.
6. 学制很短,节奏快 = lower time cost.
更划算的选择就是不讀master直接工作, unless the industry/role you want strictly require a master.作者: 西蒲 时间: 2017-3-30 20:30:52
1. from a US point of view, business education is for someone with working experience, instead of those fresh graduation without any. top universities, good business school in US rarely offer soft business bachelor and pre-experience master.
2. Neither in China nor Canada now.作者: 旋转长颈鹿 时间: 2017-3-30 21:38:12