
标题: 7.23 GZ 3000 miracle [打印本页]

作者: zrail    时间: 2004-7-29 12:28:46     标题: 7.23 GZ 3000 miracle

发信人: zhucan (fromage), 信区: Visa
标  题: 7.23 GZ 3000 miracle
发信站: BBS 水木清华站 (Wed Jul 28 17:57:35 2004), 站内


1. 4号n000窗口跟一星期前一模一样,一上来lshz和ssgg就狂据人。一个多小时内才过了2个。
2. 交材料时想求求小米不要让我在4号,她很威严的宣判:4-号-窗。排了一会,
3. 安检处突然变脸,进去不让存包了,自己找人帮你拿去。我想也没想就给了
   排我前面一个F2 1000的plmm的妈妈和lg.
4. lshz 换到1号去以后,我们4号的陷入漫长等待,这时plmm用中文跟hrgg激动的争辩了


m: Hello sir.
h: waht r u going to study?
m: I'm going to study communication...studies in... specializing in museum comm.
   (上气不接下气,结巴)Sorry, i just lost my bag, i'm really worried. sorry
   i'm not speaking very well.
h: (一听museum communication, 吃惊,I20上没写,刷刷翻我表)
m: (听说他比较在意跨区,我护照是去年在北京办的)my passport was issued in BJ
   b/c I was ready to go last year but decided to drop my plan...blabla
h: but u were born in Shanghai  m: yes
h: what r u doing in GZ?
m: I'm not in GZ, I'm in SZ. My family's in SZ, i work in an art museum
h: but u were born in Shanghai, when did you move to SZ
m: yes i was born in shanghai, my whole family are shanghainese, we came to SZ
   very early, in 1989. People move, you know
h: I know i know, it's just a question
h: what do your parents do? m: blablabla
h: why do u want a master's degree in the states?
m: (吸了一口气,理直气壮的)because i want to take over my boss and become
   department chief in 3 years. you don't get very high with a bachelar's in
   museums. and I need to do researches
h: (笑,这个小破孩)your boss has master's degree?
m: yes  h: what did he do before he got master's ?
m: he came to our museum in 1997 after graduating from college...
h: (打断)how long did he worked before getting a master?
m: 2 years
h: (nodding) you want to return to the museum, but you are going to study
   it's not the kind of communications you people often imagine to be, not
   mass comm or advertising or jornalism. It's museum comm, it's more
   related to organizational behavior or education. it's... it's...(没词了)
h: do you have any paper introduction from the school?
m: well, yes, let me see (我有两个选择,一是系里的网页,二是chair的SL,
   两个都把该program 说得很好找工作,还有public relation,marketing之类的词
h: (我找材料时他一直在跟隔壁第一次据我的金发glass商量)
m: it's about the communication between human and machine, many of the
   graduates also work in educational institutions. yes I have a SL from the chair
h: (看了一边,还给我)so what did ur boss study for his masters?
m: graphic design
h: graphic design? what research does he do then?
m: he does researches on the present state of design in China, esp. in Shenzhen.
h: how much do you earn a month now?
m: about 4000, i'm expecting around 8000 when i come back. But it's not money
   that I care. i have enough money. too much makes no good. i enjoy the working
   environment of the museum, i'm not leaving it.
到隔壁斯了张红条给我,have a nice day(big smile)
m: I'm not having a nice day, i lost my bag. but this is good, thank you.

强烈bless plmm 的2000


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