2017年第三届电子、信息技术与智能化国际学术会议(ICEITI 2017)定于2017年11月4日至5日在中国广州市隆重举行。为促进电子,信息技术,自动化与智能化领域国内外同行的交流,本次研讨会邀请了一些国内的青年专家和特邀专家发表精彩演讲,为与会代表提供宝贵的交流平台。会议主要围绕“电子与电气工程”、“计算机与信息技术”、“机电一体化与控制传感器”、“智能化”等研究领域展开讨论。会议旨在创立一个开放、流动、联合、竞争的学术和研究环境,积极争取国内外相关领域中的优秀科技工作者以各种方式来进行学术研讨和学术交流。本届会议热忱欢迎国内的IT企业的积极参与!愿青年同道,携起手来,共同为电子与信息的研究做出贡献!愿学术界和企业界,能够有更多的交流和合作!
1. 会议语言为英文,所有论文必须全英文写作,不得出现任何中文字符
2. 论文应具有学术或实用价值,未在国内外学术期刊或会议发表过
3. 作者可通过CrossCheck, Turnitin或其他查询体统自费查重,否则由文章重复率引起的被拒搞将由作者自行承担责任。涉嫌抄袭的论文将不被出版
4. 论文需按照会议官网的模板排版,不得少于4页。
Regular Registration RMB2000 (USD400) per paper
Additional Paper RMB1800 (USD375) per paper
Extra Pages (Begin at Page 6) RMB 200 (USD40) per extra page
Attendees without Papers RMB 800 (USD150) per person
(I) Electronic and Electrical Engineering
(01) Electric Machines and Electric Apparatus
(02) Power System and Automation
(03) Integrated Substation Automation
(04) Electric Power Information Analysis and Processing
(05) New Type Power Transmission and Distribution System
(06) Power System Simulation
(07) High Voltage Technique
(08) Strong Current Technology
(09) Insulation Technology
(10) Discharge Application Technology
(11) Overvoltage Protective Technique
(12) Electromagnetic Field and Microwave Technology
(13) Design and Manufacture of High Voltage Electric Power Equipment
(14) Power Electronics and Power Drives
(15) Modern Electromagnetic Measuring Technique
(16) Signal Analyzing and Processing Technique in Power System
(17) Photoelectron and Communication Technology
(18) Electronic Technique
(19) Electronic Circuit and System
(20) Modern Circuit Theory and Application
(21) Embedded System
(22) Microelectronic Device and Its Technology
(23) System Integration Technique
(24) Fibre Optical Communication Technology
(25) Digital Television and Communication
(26) Wireless Communication Technique
(27) Power Semiconductor and Power Integrated Circuit
(28) Reliability of Semiconductor Device
(29)Micro Electronic Technique
(II) Computing and Information Technology
(30)Operation and Control Technology
(31)Information Storage Technology
(32)Information Input and Output Technology
(33)Computer Networks and Communication Technology
(34)Programming Automation Technology
(35)Software Engineering Technology
(36)Operating System
(37)Database System and Technology
(38)Computer and Image Processing Technology
(39)Cloud Computing
(40)Information Technology and Internet Security
(41)Multimedia Technology
(42)Electronic Commerce
(43)Computer Technology and Robot
(44)Wireless Network
(45)Mobile Internet
(46)Office Automation System OA
(47)Development of Network System
(48)Touch Screen Technology
(49)Computer Science and Technology
(III)Mechatronics and Control Sensor
(50)Machine Manufacturing Technology
(51)Computer Aided Technology
(52)Numerical Control System and Its Technology
(53)Computer Integrated Making System
(54)System Simulation Technology After Design
(55)High Accuracy Positioning Technology
(56)Speed Control Technology
(57)Self-adaptation Control
(58)System Simulation and Optimizing
(59)Industrial Process Control
(60)Common Low-voltage Apparatus
(61)Relay Contact Control
(62)Electrical Equipment and Its Control
(63)Programmable Controller and Its Instruction System
(64)Drive System and Sulation Tchnique
(65)Hydraulic Transmission
(66)Nerual Network Technique
(67)Measuring Technique and Its Apparatus
(68)Signal Handling System Design and Realization
(69)Modern Electromechanical System Design and Control
(70)Sensor Technology
(71)Sensor Detection
(72)Sensor and Actuator
(IV) Intelligentization
(73)Information Processing Intelligentization
(74)Intelligentization and Robot
(75)Bionic System and Its Application
(76)Building Intelligentization
(77)Intelligent Identification System
(78)Intelligent Design and Intellisense
(79)Intelligent Instrument and Measurement Technique
(80)Intelligentization in Automotive Engineering
(81)Artificial Intelligence Technology
(82)Intelligent Transportation Control
(83)Intelligent System Group Communication and Coordination Technology
(84)Application of Intelligentization
(V) Other Related Subjects
(85)Other Related Subjects