More on 2nd Floor作者: 梦想裸考成功的猪 时间: 2017-9-23 00:32:14
楼主帮朋友去听了中介组织的一个讲座 + 久战雅思写作小分还是不达标,最终投向了中介的怀抱,就此走上了一条撕逼之路。
签合同后,最后一场的成绩又奇迹般的满足了最低要求,当时就琢磨要不要毁约然后自己申请。 但是想着毁约也要扣一部分钱,而且后面还要找中介做签证。于是就继续合作呗,让自己省心,也享受一下专业的服务。
1. 专业官网要求的是Statement of Purpose,中介给写的Letter of Intent
2. 文书收集表格,我填写的非常认真。结果文书里面描述我的工作,简直、完全看不下去。不清楚的地方可以问我,不了解的内容可以问我,可惜她没有。
3. 动机信一开头就是Choosing XXX and specializing in business management proved to be an instrumental way to fulfill my long cherished dream to dedicate to the promotion of my ideal life pursuit. 抛开语法不说,一来就是proved to be什么什么,作为一个工作多年的人,直接就下这么一个结论,而且后面没有任何论据来支撑,真的好吗?
中间还有If my thirst for further study and knowledge I studied assiduously in the day time like two driven forces in my life plan, then the professional exercitation in varied fields and my past life with numbers and business transactions like stars shinning in my night, which enlighten me that I still dreaming to contribute with what I could do my best for my life pursuit. 大家觉得怎么样? 这样的比喻和抒情,大家觉得可好?
4. 官网要求Statement of Purpose阐明三点:为什么这个项目,职业目标 及 这个项目如何促成你的职业目标。 她洋洋洒洒写那么多字,但完全没有紧扣以上三点进行阐述。 最终让我再次认为:没有认真看官网要求。
在与中介撕逼的过程中,我自己写完了Statement of Purpose,然后上某宝找润色服务,最终递交的就是某宝润色版。 整个过程中,中介文书除了各种让我跌破眼镜之外,没有做什么实质性的事情。作者: 梦想裸考成功的猪 时间: 2017-9-23 00:32:57
付款后,他们安排了文书跟进,可惜这位文书小主简直让我惊呆了。我从7月30日开始陆陆续续向她提交材料,最终于8月20日提交完全部材料,她硬生生拖到8月26日才把整套文书做好发给我。期间催她,她美其名曰为了更好的检查我的文案,让她先把Study Plan给我看,她也不给,问她到底要不要提供流水,也不正面回复我。
A. 我本科学校的英文名称,学校官网有,我的公证件也有,结果她都没看,就自己随便翻译了一个,显然是错的;
B. IMM1294E表填工作经历,工作单位名称她只填了一半,后面一半着实就真的没有!!生活费填在funds available for my stay栏位了;
C. Study Plan里面CAD写成了CND,当然语法问题,表达问题,逻辑问题那简直太多了。作者: 梦想裸考成功的猪 时间: 2017-9-23 00:36:26
Dear Sir or Madam,
My name is XXX who desire to pursue an XXX degree in Canada. Reason for Pursuing an XXX Degree.
In 2012, I finished my bachelor’s degree in XXX at XXXX in Chongqing China.Thereafter, I started my career in XXX industry, specializing in XXXX. I didvery well in this field and obtained two specialist certificates which are endorsed by XXXX. Therefore, I was promoted to XXXX in XXXX Company. However, I still encounter the bottleneck of my career path. There is no room for me to get promotion in business processing unit and the salary will not increase substantially anymore. The only way to break the bottleneck is to make the transition frombusiness processing to business management. However, the competition formanagerial positions is so fierce that almost all of the chances are won by candidates who have a higher degree or XXX study background. Therefore, pursuing an XXX degree is so vital for my career path.
Reasons for Choosing XXXX of XXX University
Canada, as one of most developed countries in theworld, has advanced management experience and technology, with a worldwide reputation for its high education quality and multi-culture background. Besides, 【夸了学校所在的城市】. Moreover, 【夸了学校】. And another important reason is the courses provided by XXXXX are really suitable for me. There are as manyas 【详说了有多少对我有益的课程,并举例】
Therefore, XXXX in YYY City, Canada is an ideal choice for me!
Overall Educational Goals
There are two main categories of my educational goals:
One is to study the professional knowledge on management. As I mentioned above, XXXX provides a wide range of management courses. I will make full use of this study opportunity, sparing no efforts.
The other is to train the skills of interpersonal communication with people of different cultural backgrounds and to develop an international outlook, because China will embrace more international chances in the following years.
I have confidence in myself that I can achieve the goals since my learning ability is very strong, which can be proved by my past average GPA of XXXX, my IELTS cores of 7.0, my GMAT score of XXX and my two specialist certificates.
Increase of my Employment Chances in China
When I finish my study, I will come back to my motherland China where all my relatives and friends live and all my social resources exist. At that time XXXX will help increase my employment chances in three ways:
Firstly, the valuable management knowledge learned in the XXXX program and the master’s degree itself will become my core competence, so my chance to win the managerial positions in XXXX will increase substantially.
Secondly, the international outlook, skills of communications with foreigners and the understanding of multi-culture that will be enhanced during my study in Canada will help me compete for managerial positions of giant international XXXcompanies who are expected to expand their business extensively in the following years in China.The range of my employment choice is expanded, so the employment chances are increased as well.
Thirdly, an increasing number of other xxxinstitutions would like to recruit management personnel with both xxxx work experience and overseas study background. Their development potentials and salaries are good as well, so my employment chances will increase again.
Therefore, the 2-years xxx program will be a good investment for my career path.
Funds available for my two-year study
The total tuition for the xxx programs is about CADxx,000.00 and the annual living expenses range from CADxx,000 to xx,000.00.Therefore the overall cost of my 2-year study in Canadais about CADxx,000.00.
My parents and I prepare RMBxxx,000.00 deposit, whichis equivalent to CADxx,000.00. And plus the additional CAD10,000.00 GIC, The funds available for my study are sufficient.
As my parents have stable incomes, their life will not be affected by my study. Besides, I have one house property, so its rent isanother stable income for my parents.
Thank you very much for reviewing my application.