Immediately relevant to game theory are the sex ratios
pay vt. 使受益 <it pays sb. to do sth.> 对...有回报
game theory 博弈论
parasitic → host宿主
mate immediately and disperse 离开
「Immediately relevant to密切相关的」
倒装 The sex ratios in certain... are immediately relevant to game theory.
:By Fisher
根据F的理论,ratio(maximize genes and descendants)will be favored; thus, it pays the female to produce equal M and F。这个species的比例是1:1
卧槽:noting that。。。不是nothing that
主干:Hamilton offered a remarkably cogent analysis.
1) eggs not develop in their host
2) adult wasps not mate immediately and disperse
noting that… 这种结构
:Since only
Since only…., it would pay her…., because…
since only 是部分原因,相当于限定
:Like Fisher
注意Like,说明两者的观点存在相同的一面,but,注意a step further,说明H更好,在于他能够recognizing that he was looking for a strategy. →(infer) F没意识到这个stable strategy,同时这个stable也照应了文章开头的game theory(随机事件)
H:one male
两者相同点:look for a stable strategy,but H↑(recognizing this strategy)
1、E ✘
in that 因为
OWN:similar → 最后一段:both looking for a stable strategy
B)some of the animals错了(不知道他们研究了其他生物),而且他们有seek to manipulate ratios?
C)remain stable?第一句话,意味着stable。✔
D)没提高他们study game theory
E)文章说的是sex ratios,不是reproduction
WHY:没读懂文章,但是我应该根据Like Fisher定位到最后一句的stable也可以做对的。
2、BC ✘(再错)
OWN:fertilize → F、Female only lays one egg、Determine sex
A)one egg ✔ ✘ 好贱好贱,only one female,lay one male egg
B)YES、L5 ✔
C)YES、两种:F的和H的 ✔ ✘ 文中只提到了1:n,没说到具体大约多少。而且要注意among offspring,确定这个对象是正确的。「虽然有两个观点,但是作者暗指地支持H,所以回答时候用H的观点」作者对两个观点有偏向性的!F↓H↑
3、D ✔
C)The adult female wasp can be fertilized by a male that was hatched in the same larva as herself. 和她在同一个larva的意思。为什么对?adult的意思就是有繁殖能力,所以用adult没问题!
D)so that 目的结构 almost certain 大错 ✘
E)emerge from 从 hosts离开,推理出来:
因为他们要(L17)让其他female 受精,所以不能走,走的时候受完精,所以已经maturity!
Tocqueville, apparently, was wrong. Pessen
:论述(argue so,这样论述的)
:indicate = give evidence
At least so argues E. Pessen in his iconoclastic study of the very rich in the United States between 1825 and 1850. = At least EP argues so in his………..
T is wrong(这里可以infer:T的观点 fluid、fair)。 JA not fluid,egalitarian,individual wealth 「were ephemeral conditions」比较抽象。
最后一句说明后面开始讲P了(文章以T is wrong开头,做引子)
At least so argues E. Pessen in his iconoclastic study of the very rich in the United States between 1825 and 1850. = At least EP argues so in his………..
L9 Though 一个新的特点,和前面很难有结合吧?
active in business,work,not self-made。(特点)
「Though in work, not self-made, but inherited.」
In no sense XXX 说明他们不善变,比较固定、稳定,然后后面可能会讲他们为什么会稳定啊
because they survived 大萧条,that destroy lesser ones。
L14 Indeed,更进一步!wealthiest money keep ↑ before 1850,half。「Indeed来支撑上一句话的观点」
错了:overestimate importance「their是指observations」,the inequality continued in Jack period「这里可以猜Jack应该指1850-1900,注意开头也提到Jack是不平等的,这不是矛盾吗?查一下continue的用法没错,看GET」,接着又一个that US is …. 分级的
even before industrialization → infer after industrialization是分级的
GET:注意eighteenth century是指1700-1800
1)that inequality in 1750-1800 continued in Jack, 所以Jack就是指1825-1850吧。
2)that US is a …. before 太general了,所以说他overestimate → infer 1850-1900 社会可能不太这样?
第一段:T wrong in JACK(in fact not egalitarian)P study is correct(1825-1850)从错的引出对的,第一段的作用。
第二段:介绍P的study,同时Though, … , but…. Indeed...列出了the rich的特点(细节题聚集地啊!)
最后一个Although讲出了P的不足:美国在工业花前并不总是一个class-ridden, plutocratic社会。
4、D ✔
注意题目:the very wealthy between 1825 and 1850 EXCEPT
OWN:(1)not self-made but inherited、active in work and commerce、在大萧条持续↑
A)distinct,确实(不可以靠感觉)。L8-9 establish …. inordinately wealthy class。
B)holdings 改写 share,L15 constantly increased its share
C)professionals 改写 professions。。。L10
D)L10 most not self-made,与题目刚好相反