
标题: 18fall政治学求定位+PhD跳板困惑 [打印本页]

作者: Garyzu    时间: 2017-9-26 18:49:54     标题: 18fall政治学求定位+PhD跳板困惑

LZ 国内前十某985行政管理/政治学大四在读,初步想法是未来在北美读PhD,有意愿继续做研究。基本情况是T 100左右,十一之后会刷最后一次,G10月考一次 11月考一次,只能祈祷有个可以用的成绩了。GPA 3.96/4  

Quant方面 只有大一一年的文科数学(微积分 线性代数 矩阵)90+  自己去了密西根的ICPSR选了贝叶斯和empirical model 但是分数拿不出手。。。参加了杜克大学主办的博弈论workshop 帮助老师组织了公共治理数据分析比赛 学了些R Python
海外经历:大一在Cambridge 上了暑校,拿了奖学金  大二在UCB上了暑校 选了政治社会学和美国政治两门课 但是没要成绩。。


科研:JHU 能源与政治学教授RA 合写一篇论文在投(三作)休斯顿大学某研究computational social science政治学副教授RA 帮助收集文献数据etc. 学校某年轻老师国家社科基金项目RA 帮助组建政治精英数据库。自己有一个研究社会流动和社会运动的independent research 帮老师写了电子政务英文专著的一个chapter  公管的一本学生教材一部分

会议:两岸四地大学生公共管理会议  2017APSA 年会注册了短期课程   IAPSS(international association of political science students) world congress panelist discussant 2018MPSA 年会本科生iposter 2017北大青年政治学人会议

问题:我现在语言成绩还不太理想,因为自己想以后继续在美国读PhD,但听说即便北美比较好的terminal的MA项目就像Duke NYU 甚至Columbia  Mapss现在placement也很激烈,都不太容易拿到北美Top的PHD项目,何况我本来就没啥定量的基础,觉得就算通过自己参加的一些活动和经历表现得自己很学术,怕是去了之后要很久再适应。就在想要不要去香港科大这样的学校(老师研究的方向是自己喜欢的 并且离本科学校近,本科学校也有几个老师有reference)读一个quant导向的MPhil过渡个两年?然后申一个北美的一年项目作为申请年还是就把北美作为目标?不知大家是什么意见?
作者: SwaggySteveBai    时间: 2017-9-28 04:34:32

总的来说研究经历不错拉 我一个美本都没有任何RA经历至今 也要申PhD...
quant的部分确实是个问题 ICPSR是个好项目 quant的部分确实有欠缺 主要是看你要做哪个subfield。
作者: Garyzu    时间: 2017-9-28 21:41:22

SwaggySteveBai 发表于 2017-9-28 04:34
总的来说研究经历不错拉 我一个美本都没有任何RA经历至今 也要申PhD...
quant的部分确实是个问题 ICPSR是个 ...

谢谢回复!LZ微信号:zuziwen  望多交流,学习:lol
作者: 寒轩草季    时间: 2017-9-28 23:10:26

SwaggySteveBai 发表于 2017-9-28 04:34
总的来说研究经历不错拉 我一个美本都没有任何RA经历至今 也要申PhD...
quant的部分确实是个问题 ICPSR是个 ...

作者: yuang1995    时间: 2017-9-29 10:38:55

作者: Garyzu    时间: 2017-9-29 11:25:12

yuang1995 发表于 2017-09-29 10:38
作者: ZTree    时间: 2017-9-29 12:53:46

作者: Garyzu    时间: 2017-9-29 14:44:48

ZTree 发表于 2017-9-29 12:53
定量的话,如果你会基本的R和python,把G靠漂亮点, ...

作者: ZTree    时间: 2017-9-29 23:47:38

作者: Garyzu    时间: 2017-9-30 18:09:07

ZTree 发表于 2017-9-29 23:47
重要的不是T的成绩,一百零几的话以拿到offer为目标应该问题不大。我担心的是你开始读研究生之后能不能适应 ...

作者: chirenzhiren    时间: 2017-10-2 05:51:29

话说,你这履历根本不像没有定量基础的人。没有定量基础的人哪里会去IPSCR直接学贝叶斯,而且我觉得IPSCR交作业的话,拿A不会很有难度,即使学得并不扎实。我也是今年申请,今年夏天在IPSCR学的Longitudinal Analysis和Regression II,有兴趣可以加微信交流下,微信号:songyang2642。
作者: Garyzu    时间: 2017-10-2 07:05:31

chirenzhiren 发表于 2017-10-2 05:51
话说,你这履历根本不像没有定量基础的人。没有定量基础的人哪里会去IPSCR直接学贝叶斯,而且我觉得IPSCR交 ...

作者: Lasia1993    时间: 2017-11-30 04:47:03

我觉得楼主的经历背景非常好,top 10的项目肯定竞争非常激烈,可以混申硕博
作者: greenstone1564    时间: 2017-11-30 05:13:27

HKUST MPhil 有奖学金,一年招不到几个,申请难度比美帝自费硕士难吧。
作者: Garyzu    时间: 2017-11-30 14:46:59

greenstone1564 发表于 2017-11-30 05:13
HKUST MPhil 有奖学金,一年招不到几个,申请难度比美帝自费硕士难吧。

作者: Garyzu    时间: 2017-11-30 14:47:32

Lasia1993 发表于 2017-11-30 04:47
我觉得楼主的经历背景非常好,top 10的项目肯定竞争非常激烈,可以混申硕博

现在托福有109 但是GRE只有154+165 这个154怕是一个瘸腿:mad:
作者: 清晨听雨    时间: 2017-12-1 16:05:32

寒轩草季 发表于 2017-9-28 23:10

作者: Lasia1993    时间: 2017-12-2 12:52:55

Garyzu 发表于 2017-11-30 14:47
现在托福有109 但是GRE只有154+165 这个154怕是一个瘸腿

托福成绩够了 GRE verbal能再高一点更好 文科申请可能会更重视verbal和写作成绩 但GRE成绩只是录取委员会第一轮会看的 一般来说只要别太低 过了第一轮的门槛就可以 最重要的还是SOP和推荐人 国内一般都会特别看重这两个考试的分数成绩 但我个人觉得还有听其他人的经验 其实这个并不是最重要的决定因素
作者: Garyzu    时间: 2017-12-2 16:07:34

Lasia1993 发表于 2017-12-2 12:52
托福成绩够了 GRE verbal能再高一点更好 文科申请可能会更重视verbal和写作成绩 但GRE成绩只是录取委员 ...

作者: Lasia1993    时间: 2017-12-3 00:16:00

性别F 可以关注一下最近在讨论的美国税改法案 如果通过的话读博士免除的学费也要交税 可能最后就是还要倒贴钱读博 可以广撒网 Don't put all eggs in one basket
作者: Lasia1993    时间: 2017-12-3 00:17:10

Garyzu 发表于 2017-12-2 16:07

性别F 可以关注一下最近在讨论的美国税改法案 如果通过的话读博士免除的学费也要交税 可能最后就是还要倒贴钱读博 可以广撒网 Don't put all eggs in one basket
作者: Garyzu    时间: 2017-12-3 00:41:58

Lasia1993 发表于 2017-12-3 00:16
性别F 可以关注一下最近在讨论的美国税改法案 如果通过的话读博士免除的学费也要交税 可能最后就是还要倒贴 ...

作者: zhang_ep1201    时间: 2017-12-4 07:31:20

楼主可以考虑先去美国读过MA过渡一下,GRE成绩verbal和quantitative 154+165都是硬伤。AW备不住也是硬伤,虽然楼主没说……
作者: Garyzu    时间: 2017-12-4 11:02:04

zhang_ep1201 发表于 2017-12-4 07:31
楼主可以考虑先去美国读过MA过渡一下,GRE成绩verbal和quantitative 154+165都是硬伤。AW备不住也是硬伤,虽 ...

作者: zhang_ep1201    时间: 2017-12-4 11:18:04

Garyzu 发表于 2017-12-4 11:02
LZ的目标就是MA。。。今年没有申Phd的打算,可能帖子名有点误导性了。。。我主要还是想咨询这样的GRE对MA ...

作者: Garyzu    时间: 2017-12-4 12:18:11

zhang_ep1201 发表于 2017-12-4 11:18

师兄好,我有申请UCSD 的MIA 看师兄之前的帖子应该是UCSD的,想问下这个项目对申请博士帮助怎么样,除了大神乐师兄之外的。。。
作者: zhang_ep1201    时间: 2017-12-4 13:14:41

Garyzu 发表于 2017-12-4 12:18
师兄好,我有申请UCSD 的MIA 看师兄之前的帖子应该是UCSD的,想问下这个项目对申请博士帮助怎么样,除了大 ...

MIA每年大概有一个人会拿到PhD offer。我现在才开始读,一切不好说。如果你还没提交申请,建议你再考一次GRE改为申MCEPA。不过还是要提醒你一句,PhD对于你真的是没有不行,非得读不可吗?如果是,就走这条路。反正开学以来这几个月,绝大部分想申PhD的已经放弃了。
作者: Garyzu    时间: 2017-12-4 14:57:28

zhang_ep1201 发表于 2017-12-4 13:14
MIA每年大概有一个人会拿到PhD offer。我现在才开始读,一切不好说。如果你还没提交申请,建议你再考一次 ...

作者: LvXiaowei2014    时间: 2017-12-6 00:19:12

Garyzu 发表于 2017-12-4 14:57

Though UCSD has very strong China-oriented faculty portfolio, I would suggest MIA as it does not impose strict restrictions on China-related courses, which are on a much narrowly focused basis.

Based on my experience, having at least 4 Phd-Level general courses is a must. There was once a legend who took 6-7 Phd-level courses and ended in a top 15 econ program. To name a few, POLI 204, 220 (CP), 231 (Development), 232 (IO), 245 (IPE). Upper-number Q Method class like POLI 274 on text analysis will be of great help; I enrolled in a network analysis that they don't offer any more.

A few more comments on applying PhD in general:
1. Be prepared to be tortured.
2. Math and programing are really important.
3. Learn to lower your expectation. Every school has its strength and big-named ones are not necessarily the best.
作者: Garyzu    时间: 2017-12-6 20:44:04

LvXiaowei2014 发表于 2017-12-6 00:19
Though UCSD has very strong China-oriented faculty portfolio, I would suggest MIA as it does not ...

Thanks!!谢谢大神师兄!!for MIA is GRE 154+165 ok?
作者: zhang_ep1201    时间: 2017-12-8 06:28:36

本帖最后由 zhang_ep1201 于 2017-12-8 06:30 编辑
Garyzu 发表于 2017-12-6 20:44
Thanks!!谢谢大神师兄!!for MIA is GRE 154+165 ok?

这个成绩OK。trust me。有verbal 不到150 的照样来了,只不过之后痛苦一点儿就是了。
And I'd like to say more about the points from #29.
Though I know whom he is, I'd like not to mention it.
You need to get petition to select a course outside GPS while MCEPA has a privilege to be enrolled some doctoral courses in the department of Political Science and Economics without petition including POLI220(A)(B), etc and you are allowed to select at most 4 courses outside GPS which need petition. Additionally, you do not need to take some policy-oriented core courses in MCEPA -- means you have to except you are enable to waive one or several of them in MIA such Accouting and Finance, Internaional Economy, International Relations & Security, etc to avoid some young scholars lecturing these courses who don't have too much teaching experience. Then you have slots for other courses in department of political science or sth else.
Please see the link below to get more information of the MCEPA:
And comparing it with MIA:
Based on my own experience, MCEPA also means chances to get a closer working relationship with China-studies faculties not only in GPS but also in other departments which is obviously important for you and your academic goal.
However, you still could transfer from MIA to MCEPA after you get offer though it is a little difficult and the chance is rare.
However, I'll write something about MCEPA comparing with MIA and the experience of my first quarter at GPS to let the comming applicants know more about it later next week.
作者: LvXiaowei2014    时间: 2017-12-8 13:27:27

The suggestion from #31 is misleading for the following reasons.

1. For every PhD course, you need to get the lecturer's approval first. If you have the approval and your gpa is in general good standing (like above 3.6), there is NO REASON the GPS would reject the petition of counting PhD courses (at most 4), or other courses outside GPS, towards the degree requirement. The petition is merely procedural. Beyond 4, you can take as many courses as you please, as long as a) your have the lecturer's approval, and b) you fulfill the degree requirement, meaning that your coursework outside GPS does not count as credits.

2. I never heard of any "privileged enrollment". Again, you need to first get lecture's approval, and professors in PhD courses do not care which program you are from. Good GPA and other technical skills may indeed count and persuade them you are outstanding and are to learn yet more, other than say, "I have been studying Chinese communist party and its history for the past 10 years", etc.

3. "Young scholars lecturing these courses who don't have too much teaching experience". Well, UCSD happen to have the youngest, yet most promising young faculty group on China amid top 10 PoliSci programs. I don't quite understand why #31 seem to be offering seemingly contradictory suggestions.
作者: zhang_ep1201    时间: 2017-12-8 19:20:12

LvXiaowei2014 发表于 2017-12-8 13:27
The suggestion from #31 is misleading for the following reasons.

1. For every PhD course, you nee ...

On your point 1, you need space for additional courses in department of political science. And the courses structure of MIA makes you don't have too much space for these courses.
On your point 2, you never heard of any "privileged enrollment" because you may need to know more about the changed policy and the reason why they make MCEPA and what the differences between it and MIA/MPP.
On your point 3, young ones not the one at the department of Political Science, but the ones at GPS and just think about the courses you took such as accounting and finance and so on.
Time flies very fast and something has changed at GPS after you graduated from there.
作者: Damien_13    时间: 2017-12-8 21:44:31

作者: Damien_13    时间: 2017-12-8 21:47:18

作者: Garyzu    时间: 2017-12-8 21:50:53

Damien_13 发表于 2017-12-8 21:47

微信: zuziwen  嘻嘻
作者: LvXiaowei2014    时间: 2017-12-10 01:05:00

zhang_ep1201 发表于 2017-12-8 19:20
On your point 1, you need space for additional courses in department of political science. And the ...

Based on your response on #1, I am pretty sure you have no idea with how to fulfill the degree requirement of GPS and how to take courses outside department. Make sure you consult your idea with DGS before winter semester.

And let us see how you make use of your "privilege" after the winter semester, and may be you have more to say by then. Good luck with your petition for advanced PhD courses.

Personally I think it is a waste of time to discuss on this issue with someone who never walked into advanced courses and talked with professors. Just don't pretend you know everything.
作者: zhang_ep1201    时间: 2017-12-10 03:48:38

LvXiaowei2014 发表于 2017-12-10 01:05
Based on your response on #1, I am pretty sure you have no idea with how to fulfill the degree req ...

I never pretend I know everything because I know there are  a lot of things I don't know and maybe never know nothing about them but at least I have a better know about what the MCEPA is and that's the reason why I transfer from MIA to it.
I intend not to say anything more and just remind waht Stalin said to Mao, "victor should not be blamed". Good for you.
作者: Lockxe    时间: 2017-12-10 06:38:21

本帖最后由 Lockxe 于 2017-12-10 06:41 编辑

作者: 败犬女王    时间: 2018-3-7 23:19:07

作者: Moumou酱    时间: 2018-3-8 14:17:41

作者: Garyzu    时间: 2018-3-8 18:47:33

Moumou酱 发表于 2018-3-8 14:17

在ucsd mapss 纠结,也在等其他剩下的几个学校
作者: Sherry1997    时间: 2020-3-4 17:19:52

zhang_ep1201 发表于 2017-12-4 13:14
MIA每年大概有一个人会拿到PhD offer。我现在才开始读,一切不好说。如果你还没提交申请,建议你再考一次 ...

作者: Diligentia    时间: 2020-3-5 08:41:43

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