楼主在职小白一枚,准备申莱顿的法学LLM,喜欢自己捣鼓,昨天下午通过STUDIELINK递交了申请,同时收到了STUDIELINK的系统邮件,如下“Your previous education needs to be verified by the higher education institution to determine if you meet the educational prerequisites. Below you will find instructions on how to arrange this with the higher education institution you wish to attend.
Information on the procedure for Leiden University:”,想问下我现在需要做啥呀?这个核实是需要现在做还是收到学校邀请邮件后再做呢?做的话要找谁呢?
多谢各位大佬了!!!作者: JoyceWangjiayao 时间: 2017-10-24 16:57:22