
标题: 新罕布什尔大学polymer research group招博士生 [打印本页]

作者: 走千里    时间: 2017-11-2 23:16:50     标题: 新罕布什尔大学polymer research group招博士生

本帖最后由 走千里 于 2017-11-4 05:02 编辑

新罕布什尔大学Prof. John Tsavalas Polymer Research Group计划招全奖博士生若干, 2018秋季入学。
本课题组主要研究高分子乳液聚合以及高分子nanoparticle ,与BASF,Sheriwin-Williams, DSM, Pidilite 等企业均有合作。
Ph.D. Chemical Engineering, 2001, Georgia Institute of Technology
M.S. Chemical Engineering, 1998, Georgia Institute of Technology
B.S. Chemical Engineering, 1996, University of Virginia
John Tsavalas is a Polymer Scientist with particular emphasis in polymer colloids (nanoparticles synthesized from polymers).  He is an Associate Professor in Chemistry and also a member of the Materials Science Program. He is the Director of the UNH Latex Morphology Industrial Consortium and the Deputy Director of the Center for Advanced Materials & Manufacturing Innovations (CAMMI).  For the month of June 2012, he was a Visiting Professor of Polymer Chemistry at Université Claude Bernard Lyon 1, in the LCPP group, invited by Professors Timothy McKenna and Bernadette Charleux. In June of 2015 he was the organizer of the International Polymer Colloids Group Conference, held on the campus of UNH (which he also organized in 2011) and he was also the co-chair of the Polymer Reaction Engineering Conference in May 2015 (he will be the chair of the same conference to come in 2018).  Prior to joining University of New Hampshire he was a Senior Research Scientist at The Dow Chemical Company where he worked on a wide variety of polymer colloid related R&D with particular emphasis on nanostructured latex particles. Before that, he was a Visiting Scholar in Polymer Chemistry at Eindhoven Technical University in The Netherlands just following his PhD in Chemical Engineering from Georgia Institute of Technology in Atlanta, USA

1. 本科或硕士学历,专业为高分子方向、化学工程方向或者其他相关专业,有乳液聚合研究经历的优先。
2. 学习成绩优异, 有深厚科研背景,发表过论文的优先
3. 达到新罕布什尔大学研究生院英语最低要求,需提供托福和GRE成绩
4. 为人正直和善,善于交流与团队合作,身体健康,无不良嗜好
5. 具体分数和申请要求参照UNH Graduate School website: http://www.gradschool.unh.edu/php/posd.php?major=MC75

3.高分子学习经历: 曾经学习过的高分子有关的课程

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