标题: 【扫盲用】关于MPRE的那些事儿 [打印本页]
作者: vegetable03 时间: 2018-1-5 06:50:39 标题: 【扫盲用】关于MPRE的那些事儿
本帖最后由 vegetable03 于 2018-1-4 18:20 编辑
1. MPRE简介
Multistate Professional Responsibility Examination (MPRE),是美国的统一律师职业道德考试,由National Conference of Bar Examiners (NCBE)举办,时长2小时,共60道单项选择题。MPRE每年举行3次,分别在3月,8月和11月。一般而言,秋季入学的LLM会选择11月的考试(报名网址戳这里)。
几乎所有州的Bar都需要MPRE成绩(Maryland,Wisconsin和Puerto Rico除外),不同州的Bar的分数线不同,见下表。
州(分数线) | 州(分数线) | 州(分数线) |
Alabama (75) | Louisiana (80) | Oklahoma (75) |
Alaska (80) | Maine (80) | Oregon (85) |
Arizona (85) | Massachusetts (85) | Pennsylvania (75) |
Arkansas (85) | Michigan (85) | Republic of Palau (75) |
California (86) | Minnesota (85) | Rhode Island (80) |
Colorado (85) | Mississippi (75) | South Carolina (77) |
Connecticut (80) | Missouri (80) | South Dakota (75) |
Delaware (85) | Montana (80) | Tennessee (75) |
DC (75) | Nebraska (85) | Texas (85) |
Florida (80) | Nevada (85) | Utah (86) |
Georgia (75) | New Hampshire (79) | Vermont (80) |
Guam (80) | New Jersey (75) | Virginia (85) |
Hawaii (85) | New Mexico (80) | Virgin Islands (75) |
Idaho (85) | New York (85) | Washington (85) |
Illinois (80) | North Carolina (80) | Wash., D.C. (75) |
Indiana (80) | North Dakota (85) | West Virginia (80) |
Iowa (80) | N.Mariana (75) | Wyoming (85) |
Kansas (80) | Ohio (85) |
Kentucky (75) |
2. 关于测试题
3. 关于分数
4. 答对几道题才能通过MPRE
对于我们而言,MPRE分数没有太大参考价值。更为现实的方法是“究竟答对几道题才能通过MPRE?” 很遗憾,官方的回答是“我们不知道”。
[I]t is not possible to determine in advance of the test how many questions an examinee must answer correctly to achieve a specific scaled score.
分数线 | 50题中正确数 | 正确率 |
100 | 34 | 68% |
85 | 30 | 60% |
80 | 29 | 58% |
75 | 28 | 50% |
参见:Susan M. Case, Ph.D., The testing column: common goals with increasingly similar outcomes: jurisdiction approaches to bar exam grading, scoring, and standards. http://www.ncbex.org/assets/medi ... 1_TestingColumn.pdf.
5. 带什么东西进考场
- 一张最近的护照照片。照片尺寸介于1X1和2X2英寸之间。照片背面要写上姓名(name)、考试日期(test date)、NCBE号码(NCBE Number)和考试中心编号(test center code)。写好后将照片用胶水或胶带固定在准考证相应区域。
- 允许带入考场的物品。一个不大于1加仑的密封塑料袋,内置你的ID、钱包、钥匙、卫生用品、No. 2铅笔、橡皮、卷笔刀、纸巾、药品以及其他特殊物品。
- 允许放在桌上的物品。桌上只允许放考卷、答题卡、ID,准考证、No.2 铅笔,橡皮和卷笔刀。
- 禁止任何电子设备。
见Law School Admission Council, Inc., MPRE Admission Ticket 2017.
6. 备考指南
a. 心态问题。 备战MPRE需要认真准备。虽然不少人临时抱佛脚过了MPRE,但是这是“幸存者偏差”——没过MPRE几乎不发帖。久而久之,大家就误以为MPRE“冲刺”一下就能过。根据我身边的例子来看(样本较小),同期考生的LLM,过与不过五五开而已。
b. 时间问题。 首先,分配多少时间备考MPRE?我非常理解那些临时抱佛脚的人,因为11月正好是大多数法学院必修课Legal Writing/Practice的作业截止日期。这份作业往往关系到期末成绩。如何在百忙之中抽空备考MPRE?我的建议是:要么尽早完成其他作业,专心复习MPRE;要么尽早准备MPRE,在过了作业上交的截止日期后再复习一遍。
其次,如何分配考试时间?考试时间只有2个小时,一共60道单项选择题,平均下来每2分钟就得阅读、思考、回答并填涂1道题。 更何况MPRE的题目向来“又长又臭”,比如下面的这道模拟题*:
(2分钟倒计时开始)A man who has been arrested and charged with aggravated battery hires an attorney recommended to him by his brother. Neither the accused nor his brother knows that the attorney plans to run for public office and is always interested in getting as much publicity as possible. She is often referred to in the press as a “hotshot” criminal defense attorney, and almost all of her victories over the state are publicized. Before the accused’s trial begins, the assistant district attorney (“ADA”) who has been assigned by the district attorney’s office to prosecute the case suggests to the accused’s attorney that, because her client is a first-time offender and an otherwise model citizen, and there were certain extenuating circumstances that would cause a jury to be sympathetic to him, the charge might be reduced to simple battery, a misdemeanor. The attorney refuses, telling the ADA that she is not about to cop a misdemeanor plea for her client because her client is socially prominent, and trying the case will bring both a great deal of publicity and greater vindication for her client. The attorney did not discuss the misdemeanor plea with her client, and the case proceeded to trial. During trial, the attorney held daily press conferences, which kept both the attorney and her client in the public eye. Ultimately, the accused was found not guilty of the felony charge.
Is the attorney subject to discipline?
(A) Yes, because the attorney stated that one of her motives was to gain publicity.
(B) Yes, because the attorney did not convey the offer of a lesser charge to her client.
(C) No, because the attorney competently represented her client.
(D) No, because the client’s complete exoneration at trial was a better outcome than agreeing to plead guilty to a lesser charge.
见Barbri, Professional Responsibility 2017, p.288.
c. 实体内容。 MPRE的考试范围主要包含Amercian Bar Associatation (“ABA”) Model Rules和ABA Judicial Code。法条写得很详细,附有逐条的释义,大家可以在ABA官网上找到免费的版本。
MPRE没有官方教材。各大考试辅导机构(Barbri, Kaplan, Themis…)会在10-11月份到法学院做宣传,只要简单的注册就能领取免费的实体书。如果没有领到也没关系,去辅导机构官网注册账号,填写收件地址,要求寄送一本即可(运费自付)。
4. 文化问题。很多MPRE的内容暗含着美国文化,比如“出了事就找律师”、律师的收费制度、跨州执业。我的建议是,不要死记硬背法条,站在美国人的角度看问题,培养一种“直觉”——既有助于理解,有能加快做题速度。
7. 碎碎念
感谢鸭鸭鸭美酱的2016年7月NY Bar 介绍&备考心得(以及NYLE),和
feidi的《为LLM考生介绍一套一次通过NY Bar的解决方案》
* 根据NCBE的要求,所有关于MPRE真题的内容不允许透露、讨论。
作者: Jokercat 时间: 2018-6-29 21:09:07
作者: endlessnight 时间: 2018-6-30 02:23:27
把三家bar prep的免费的MPRE书拿过来,通读一遍outline,再把题目都刷一遍就可以了
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作者: Carpe_diem0 时间: 2019-5-14 03:12:44
我师姐考前看了一天barbri就低分飘过了...我是没那个胆子, 还是老老实实看了大概5天(包括做题), 发现分数扑出来了n多
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