标题: 为何选择在明尼苏达大学法学院读LLM—在美读书和工作如何丰富我的人生(中英双语) [打印本页]
作者: Hannah201617 时间: 2018-1-18 13:12:47 标题: 为何选择在明尼苏达大学法学院读LLM—在美读书和工作如何丰富我的人生(中英双语)
本帖最后由 Hannah201617 于 2018-1-18 13:30 编辑
为了接近我的长期以及短期目标,我参加了几乎每一个可以参加的律师交流会,或者说,人脉建立活动(networking)。具体关于我如何管理我的学术和课外生活,并且在顺利毕业拿到学位的同时,在美国找到工作的细节,请看本段结尾的链接。 (我在之前文章里提到过,在美国找工作或者说做任何事情,有一个好的人脉非常重要,多参加相关专业的交流会展示自己,可以有更多机会接触雇主、了解工作市场,获取更多直接的信息非常关键,而这些交流会无论是倾听其他法学院同学的谈话还是与律所合伙人们交流都是了解自己的价值,找到展现自己的价值的突破点。例如,当时在法学院组织的校招——很多律所、公司来到校园摆出摊位,即将毕业的法学院学生和雇主之间互相了解的场所,当时我了解,这个州虽然有我热爱的公益法的律师协会,但是对于外国人的工作机会比起纽约、华盛顿DC、加州,还是会少。通过与其他同学的交流了解到,在一个交流会中拿到很多名片,有过很多谈话时,可以在名片背后写上与对方的谈话内容,并且第二天给有过相对深入交谈的雇主发邮件提醒深谈细节让对方记起你,表达见面的意愿。在所有学历条件具备的前提下,一个工作机会从这样的互动中开始。我并不否认一个人的能力和硬件条件是找到好工作的前提,但是如果不给自己创造更多机会遇到好工作岗位,展现自己的优秀,还是会错过很多好工作机会。)虽然最后我找到工作并不是通过这些交流会,而是法学院针对LLM的工作平台让我有机会找到工作,但是我找到工作的原因除了对于面试的充足准备,之前的各种交流会与人交流的经历也是非常重要的原因之一,这些让我可以在面试过程中与面试官有更自然和友好的互动,也让我更加珍惜每一次笔试面试的机会。这篇文章以下重点谈论了我关于毕业后工作我学到的和感受到的事情和思想,并以鼓励那些毕业后有意愿做法律方面相关的工作、实习、志愿者,多多学习的留学生。
https://bbs.gter.net/forum.php?mo ... 7&highlight=UMN
第二部分:为什么选择明尼苏达法学院LLM- 学术版
https://bbs.gter.net/forum.php?mo ... 9&highlight=UMN
温馨提示:英文版为原版,明尼苏达大学法学院有与内容相对应的视频发布。中文版虽然不与英文版一一对应,但是添加了更多针对中国留学生的建议和解释。这篇文章是本人与Hannah Kuether (Assistant Director)共同协商创作,在此非常感谢Hannah!
文章建议:Hannah Kuether
Why I went to University of Minnesota Law School to study LLM
—— how studying working experiences in the US enriched my life
1.Purpose and Goals of Going Abroad
As a long term goal, I went to the University of Minnesota Law School because I wanted to work as a public interest lawyer in my country to help vulnerable groups. And the US, as a country that has well developed public interest system, it is a good place to study and observe the society under the legal system. As a short term goal, I wanted to be more competitive when I am looking for jobs in Beijing.
2. How I lived my life in order to achieve my goals
I participated every networking events both in Minnesota, developed interview skills from career center in UMN law school staff Hallie Prest, listened to most of job searching lectures at law school, too. The specific details about how I managed my academic life and extracurricular life to finish my degree and find a job at the same time, you may be able to find them at the following link.
WHY University of Minnesota LLM for Chinese Students: Extra-curricular activities: Academic Activities (https://bbs.gter.net/forum.php?mo ... 9&highlight=UMN )
WHY University of Minnesota LLM for Chinese Students: Extra-curricular activities (https://bbs.gter.net/forum.php?mo ... &highlight=UMN_
Because of the precious opportunity to study, work and live a life in the US, I received valuable experiences and developed my mind further.
3. What I gained in UMN law school, and the working experience after graduation
(1) Overcome “language barrier”
First, I overcome the “language barrier”. I consider language barrier as the fear when using English instead of the actual capacity of English. When you are working in an environment surrounded by local language speakers, you may feel you are making a lot of mistakes, you may feel that you are expected to behave under their expectation. And eventually you will discover, there is no such thing as perfect English even for the locals, and everyone has different religions, cultures, mother tongues within the country. When you discover this truth, your fear will eventually go away, and that’s when your English will improve significantly. And the LLM program is a good preparation before you face with those challenges, and provide you with inner power from the friendships when you struggled with cultural differences, language barriers together. Also, it’s the support from law school professors, and other law school staff who guided me the right path to my career even when I was in Washington DC.
(2) Discover who I am and become determined about my goals
Second, I can fully embrace myself and follow my heart without hesitation. You will be asked about your culture, religions, passions when you are in a new country. When my identity, passion, cultures, belief are challenged, I took time to consider who I really am, what I really want in my life and the right way to express it eventually. I consider living in another country as an opportunity to rebuild myself, re-identify myself since there is barely anyone know me, and I would not have any external factors and social pressure to limit myself from expressing my unique perspectives and opinions. As for my identity, I am Korean Chinese, which means my family was originally from Korean Peninsula, but I am born in China, and I love both of the cultures and cannot live without either culture. As for my passion, I am passionate about human rights law, because I believe justice and equality is the right path to happiness for human beings. I am patient, ambitious, and determined so that no matter how long it takes, I will keep trying to be a human rights lawyer, and help more people.
(3) Become patient, open, understandable about people from cultures and develop critical thinking
Third, I am able to understand cultural differences as well as individual differences. Those cultures, countries I learned in textbooks and social media, become real people who are living in the same neighborhood with feelings, emotions, and beliefs. When you see these lovely friends, adorable babies, you won’t relate to anything that showed stereotypical or negative images from the media. What I did to make friends with people from different cultures, religions are, I treat them as my LLM classmates, be patient and honest, try to explain the differences with open mind, listen to their stories without jumping into judgement. If you do that, based on my experiences, you have higher possibility to make friends who have good hearts with open mind, patience, and they can help you when you need someone to be there.
4. Personal Conclusion: Meaning of Going Abroad
Therefore, I think going abroad to travel, study, or work is NOT about complying yourself to another culture, or feel superior about yourself/ your culture, actually, it is about learning the beauty of other languages and cultures, discovering the strengths and weakness of yourself, and understand who you are, and give more understandings, appreciation and love to other people. I started to appreciate my parents, understand their love much better and appreciate friendships I developed both in the US and China. I lived in the new environment that no one knows me so that I have to make best efforts to make people understand my basic character, when I meet with a couple friends who can understand everything I say without too much words and parents who love me unconditionally, I was able to feel how happy and lucky I am. Also, on the other hand, when I realize friendship is not based on same culture or background, instead, it is the passion we have in heart, the idea we have in mind.
PS: The English version is the original one, and there is a video published at UMN Law School website with the similar content. The English version and Chinese version do not align exact, in Chinese version, the author added more personalized suggestions, explanations target to Chinese students. I would like to appreciate Hannah Kuether (Assistant Director) who supported me clarify my ideas while I am writing this article.
Author: Meiling An
Advisor: Hannah Kuether
作者: Parthenopaeus 时间: 2018-1-18 19:21:01
作者: JD@UVA 时间: 2018-1-18 22:13:10
Well said. Congrats.
作者: Hannah201617 时间: 2019-2-17 20:42:40
Parthenopaeus 发表于 2018-1-18 19:21
作者: Hannah201617 时间: 2019-2-17 20:42:57
JD@UVA 发表于 2018-1-18 22:13
Well said. Congrats.
Thank you so much!
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