
标题: 机经阅读132篇跪求解析! [打印本页]

作者: JennyXuhuoxing    时间: 2018-4-15 17:23:14     标题: 机经阅读132篇跪求解析!

Passage 132 The “deindustrialization” thesis of Bluestone and Harrison asserts that the replacement of domestic with foreign manufacturing begun by United States corporations in the late 1960s resulted in a “hollowing out” of American industry, whereby workers displaced from manufacturing jobs through massive plant closings found themselves moving more or less permanently into lower-paying, less secure jobs or into unemployment. Critics of the deindustrialization thesis have argued that new service and high-technology sectors of the United States economy have recently created a substantial number of jobs. While these critics do not deny the painful aspects of this transition from an industrial to a service- and information-based economy, they argue that it will be short-term, and a necessary evil if the United States is to have long-term increases in living standards. Critics of the emerging economy, however, point to disturbing evidence of an “hourglass” effect: a shrinking middle tier of managerial and blue-collar unionized workers and consequent polarization of incomes. The emergence of a technical and financial elite, they argue, has brought forth a host of lowwage jobs to service the new economy, and it is this service sector that many ex-industrial workers must seek. 1. The purpose of the passage is to A. analyze the events that contributed to an economic phenomenon B. present different views on the nature and impact of an economic phenomenon C. distinguish between the short-term and long-term effects of an economic phenomenon D. challenge a dominant theory about how to solve the problems created by an economic phenomenon E. present new evidence to suggest that an economic phenomenon is more complex than had previously been believed 2. Which of the following, if true, would most tend to weaken the deindustrialization thesis of Bluestone and Harrison? A. a survey of the spouses of former industrial workers reveals a significant increase in the number of working spouses since the mid-1960s. B. data from the most recent United States census show that fewer individuals list their occupation as industrial worker than in the census from ten years earlier. C. a random survey of United States consumers indicates that a majority of those surveyed would prefer to buy United States-manufacturing goods if given the opportunity. D. A recent study indicates that large numbers of former industrial workers have retrained and found employment as skilled, highly-paid computer workers. E. Interviews with representatives at major agencies for temporary employment in the United States suggest that they value the skills of former industrial workers.

这篇文章很迷不懂它到底想说啥? 第一句在说国外制造代替本土制造导致了美国经济的中空化。第二句:去工业化的批评者,认为应该去工业化并转向新经济。第三句继续证实第二句。(这里,第二句的人去工业化的批评者,居然还认为要去去工业化??难道不应该是支持工业化??)第四句,转折,但是也有人觉得新经济不好。第五句,证实第四句:新经济不好。
2.这篇文章总得来说其实是在对比不同的人对‘新经济’有不同的观点?跟工业化没什么关系? 那第一句话作用是什么呢??
纠结了很久很久..都还是纠结== 感谢大家
作者: Cassatus    时间: 2018-5-4 13:10:45

注意原文第二句中“Critics of the deindustrialization thesis” 。
作者: sunshinehan    时间: 2018-5-15 10:26:34


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