
标题: 求问一道机经阅读!感谢! [打印本页]

作者: JennyXuhuoxing    时间: 2018-5-23 16:32:24     标题: 求问一道机经阅读!感谢!

The manuscripts of the eight extant Latin tragedies identify the plays as the Marci Lucii Annei Senecae Tragoediae. Since nobody of that name is known, modern scholars believe the dramasto be the work of Lucius Annaeus Seneca the Younger, the well-known philosopher, orator and politician. Clearly the tragedies were written during Seneca’s lifetime: internal references to earlier poets, most notably Ovid, indicate that the dramas cannot have been composed prior to the second decade C.E., and the plays must have been written by 96C.E., when Quintilian quotes Medea, one of the tragedies.
It is remarkably, however, that Seneca himself never mentions the plays, since there are certain passages in them that could be used to illustrate points of his philosophy. There are at least two possible explanations. In the early Roman Empire, playwrights were sometimes exiled or executed for line constructed as directed against the emperor; thus, Seneca’s silence may be simple prudence. But if anyone could safely attach his name to dramas, surely it would be Seneca, the emperor’s tutor. And although Herrmann offers Seneca’s modesty as an explanation, Seneca is not averse to referring to his other writings. The evidence for equating Seneca with the author of the tragedies seems circumstantial.

2. The author of the passage makes which of the following claims about the eight extant Latin tragedies?
A. There is only circumstantial evidence that the plays were all written by the same author.
B. Scholars have persistently attributed the plays to Seneca despite evidence that some of them may have been composed prior to his lifetime.
C. Evidence in the manuscripts of the plays identifies them as having been written by Lucius Annaeus Seneca the Younger.
D. The plays contain some lines that have been construed as being directed against the emperor.
E. The plays contain material that could illustrate certain aspects of Seneca’s philosophy.

我做的时候这样想的,第二段先说明明play里有s的一些哲学思想,但是s从来没有说过是他自己写的这个play。给了两个解释。第一个解释说:一些剧作家写了反对帝王的作品就被流放了,所以S没有说是自己写的原因可能是他很明智。(这里明智暗含的意思难道不是说,在play里也出现了反对帝王的内容,S为了不让自己被流放,所以故意不说是自己写的play),对应D就感觉   ..很对==  
作者: wcjjudy    时间: 2018-5-23 20:41:44

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作者: 遠在天邊MOS    时间: 2018-5-24 18:09:56

本帖最后由 遠在天邊MOS 于 2018-5-24 18:16 编辑

第一点 prudence 有精明的意思,你也理解是明智;但放在语境中理解成审慎或谨慎最好

OK 于是你在这里多遐想了一层有可能S写了但是怕被断章取义领便当所以不说.... 虽然文章没有说明这一点,不过先放着,再往下看
But if anyone could safely attach his name to dramas, surely it would be S,the emperor's tutor. 感觉就是作者专门为防止你的遐想补充了这一点:转折——告诉你在这些剧作家中S算是最有资格获得免死金牌的,所以因为怕死不说这个前提大概率不存在



所以啰啰嗦嗦那么多就是想告诉lz D选项纯粹瞎编,真的很鸡掰
作者: ba1a糖儿    时间: 2019-3-21 11:43:59

第一句passage  expl philosophy, 正好是E的同义改写:(重点是since!!千万别以为有了however后面detail就不重要了!!!我就犯了这个错误:dizzy:)
E. The plays contain material(some passages) that could illustrate certain aspects of Seneca’s philosophy. (illustrate points of his philosophy)

原文:playwrights were sometimes  exiled or executed for line constructed as directed against the emperor; thus, Seneca’s silence  may be simple prudence.
D. The plays contain some lines that have been construed as being directed against the emperor.
A→B, B一定是因为A吗?
eg 苹果有毒→白雪公主没吃  也有可能白雪公主不喜欢吃苹果所以没吃:)所以不能倒推没吃是因为苹果有毒
同样不能倒推 S谨慎是因为抨击了E


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