
标题: (平读硕士疑难杂症)发自己的study plan给大家看看 [打印本页]

作者: deck_and_me    时间: 2018-5-28 12:24:42     标题: (平读硕士疑难杂症)发自己的study plan给大家看看

因此,本人准备study plan之时,计划自己将要读博士。现在把study plan贴出,给大家看看,求拍求意见啊~~~啊~~~~~~~

Study Plan

1)Research Area of Interest and Major:
My major is Electrical Engineering.
It is a master program requiring 45 credits, thesis optional.
I plan to take these courses: Machine Learning, Signal Processing, Principles of Data Analysis, Digital Systems Design, Optimal Control, etc.
I would choose to do a thesis, because my aim is to pursue PhD in inspection area.

2)Potential Advisor:
Dean: 名字, PhD, Interim Dean and Professor
电话, 邮箱
I will take courses and talk to each professor to discuss the thesis and advisor.

3)Is your program coursework only? If not, please tell us the name of your research project and give a basic description of your research.
It is a master program requiring 45 credits, thesis optional.
I would choose to do a thesis, because my aim is to pursue PhD in inspection area. To simply put, this area is technology in information processing, electronics, and industrial controls.

4)Research Funding: (Where is the funding coming from?)
Not decided. It depends on the advisor I find.

5)Practical Application of Research
Cargo/vehicle/baggage inspection
Industry Quality Inspection
作者: gterlann    时间: 2018-6-4 11:59:55

第三个问题稍微和第一问题有重复, 写的稍微细化一点, 或者干脆举一个你认为可能是你未来努力方向的具体的应用的例子, VO看得懂;
喜欢research以及比如喜欢ML这些area的话, 不到必要的时候不要自己主动说; 所谓必要, 需要现场观察, 比如问你为什么读第二个硕士, 你希望用想读phd来解释的时候, 可能就有必要提到research了;
其他时候, 很多东西, 不是必要的情况下, 不要自己太"热情".

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