
标题: 口语诊断以及如何提升 [打印本页]

作者: BARKLEY6966    时间: 2018-8-19 09:47:46     标题: 口语诊断以及如何提升

求助各位大佬,上一次口语三个fair得了23分,看了一下诊断基本上就是小错误+词汇limit+没有fully developed。应该怎么有针对的提高呢?
Speaking  Skills         Level          Your Performance  
Speaking about familiar topics        Fair(2.5 - 3.0)         Your responses indicate you are able to speak in English about your personal experiences and opinions in a mostly clear and coherent manner. Your speech is mostly clear with only occasional errors. Grammar and vocabulary are somewhat limited and include some errors. At times, the limitations prevent you from elaborating fully on your ideas, but they do not seriously interfere with overall communication.
Speaking about campus situations        Fair(2.5 - 3.0)         Your responses demonstrate an ability to speak in English about reading material and experiences typically encountered by university students. You are able to convey relevant information about conversations, newspaper articles, and campus bulletins; however, some details are missing or inaccurate. Limitations of grammar, vocabulary, and pronunciation at times cause difficulty for the listener. However, they do not seriously interfere with overall communication.
Speaking about academic course content        Fair(2.5 - 3.0)         Your responses demonstrate that you are able to speak in English about academic reading and lecture material, with only minor communication problems. For the most part, your speech is clear and easy to understand. However, some problems with pronunciation and intonation may occasionally cause difficulty for the listener. Your use of grammar and vocabulary is adequate to talk about the topics, but some ideas are not fully developed or are inaccurate.
作者: 离歌笑    时间: 2018-8-19 13:49:41


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