我在中大系统里网申的时候没有提交HKPFS编号,补交之后小米说,我的推荐人已经提交推荐表格了但是只能用于申请博士项目本身,申请HKPFS还需要额外填写Academic Referees’ Report Form (for HKPFS),应该从研究生院网站单独下载,可是我一直没有找到这个文件……有哪位前辈知道这个Academic Referees’ Report Form是什么东西在哪下么?
According to our record, your referees (Prof. XXX and Prof. YYY) have already submitted the recommendation forms (for regular PhD Program only) by online system. As the reports cannot be uploaded again, you should print out the Academic Referees’ Report Form (for HKPFS) by our Graduate School’s system and pass to your referees for completion. Completed reports should be sealed in an envelope with referees’ signature and send to our Division.作者: zhuoqihang 时间: 2018-11-22 17:37:05