在CUHK官网的'‘documents required’中提到了需要上传“以下文件”的扫描版以及寄送纸质版。其中就有推荐信,要求的原文是“Applicants are required to invite TWO referees to complete the Confidential Recommendations Report. After you have successfully submitted the application, you can input information of the TWO referees through the Online Application System for Postgraduate Programmes. The University will send invitations for confidential recommendations to the referees.” 大意为需要邀请两位推荐人填写机密推荐书。
根据以上,请问2019fall的网推和纸推需要同时进行吗?还是像前辈们分享的一样,只需选择一项即可,谢谢回答!作者: 王盛铧 时间: 2018-12-10 00:13:44