1.选校选专业(每年2月-暑假) 1
1.1综合排名/专业排名 1
A.你好网全球院校库 2
B. 教育部教育涉外监管信息网 10
C. QS大学排名 14
D. 上海交大世界大学学术排名 22
1.2 课程大纲/导师研究方向/本系科研项目 23
1.3 已被录取的申请人背景/个人背景 32
1.4 校企合作/毕业生流向 33
1.5 发邮件跟小秘确认是否可以申请该项目 33
1.6 目的地国家的工作机会/永居天数计算方法及其他移民/永居要求 34
2.语言成绩(雅思)(建议每年1-4月) 35
2.1 最佳考试时间 35
2.2 简略版冲分攻略 36
A. 作文: 36
B. 口语 38
C. 阅读 42
D. 听力 42
2.3 DDL前考不到语言成绩要求还有救吗 42
3. 材料撰写(每年暑假) 43
3.1 DIY or 中介 or 半DIY (中介润色)? 43
3.2 常见材料写法(篇章结构) 45
A. Personal Statement/ Motivation Letter/ Statement of Purpose 46
B. CV 47
C. Work Recommendation 47
D. Academic Recommendation 48
E. Course Descriptions 48
F. Relevance Descriptions 50
G. A Total Appraisal of Quantity and Quality of Previous University Studies 50
H. The Main Literature Used during Your Previous Higher Education 51
I. Description of the Marking Scale Used at Your Previous University 52
J. Academic Regulations or Contents of Previous Study Programme 52
K. 奖学金申请文书 52
3.3 特别奇葩的材料不知道怎么写找谁问? 52
3.4 学术论文/毕业论文翻译 53
4.材料盖章/公正 53
4.1 毕业证学位证 54
4.2 成绩单 56
4.3 课程描述 56
4.4 评分细则 60
5. 材料上传 61
5.1 血泪教训之如何尽量避免材料不合格 61
5.2 缴纳申请费 61
5.3 DDL前最后的检查——未雨绸缪 63
B. 教育部教育涉外监管信息网
C. QS大学排名
选择Ranking by Subject进行查询 以语言学为例在QS大学排名中的查询结果
D. 上海交大世界大学学术排名
北欧区甚至整个欧洲区的英语授课项目基本都可以用雅思/托福两种语言成绩申请,大家可以根据自己比较适应的考试模式选择不同的语言考试。比如我就不太适应托福的长时间机考,选择了雅思考试(虽然雅思考得也不怎么样就是了)。一般来讲,瑞典和丹麦要求雅思最低6.5分(小分5.5),荷兰文科要求雅思最低7.0(小分6.5)。而芬兰、挪威同一个专业分数要求也浮动较大,比如芬兰赫尔辛基大学的Linguistic Diversity and Digital Age项目要求雅思最低6.5(小分最低6.0),而挪威卑尔根大学Linguistics项目要求雅思小分最低6.0。具体每个学校每个专业什么要求需要大家自己去项目页面的language requirements中查询。
A. 作文:首先要认识到自己很菜(不是)。像我这种非英专也没出国交换过一直在写中式英语作文的土鳖,六级考了602就觉得雅思作文应该凑合能过简直是在作死。听力和阅读都不是通常卡分项目,但综合我自己和其他同学的备考经历,不报班的话口语和作文真的有可能凉得透透的(比如我总是卡作文考不到6.5,买了几百块钱作文批改服务就过了)。只报口语和作文应该也就几千块钱的事儿,比一次不过考个两三次要划算多了。
B. 口语
如果基础词汇量(指10000左右)和语音(指发音标准不影响考官理解,没有拿高分的需求就没有必要练出标准的英音美音。练口音是一个漫长的过程,如果你的备考时间很紧练这个真的不划算)没什么大问题,在雅思face to face的口语考试中,最需要攻克的问题是accuracy(包括口齿清楚、语法不出错,用词准确,不宜用长难句,最多一主一从) 和coherence(不要卡壳,记得用连接词,会话开始及结束可以用一些提示词)。
练习方式:口语题卡+雅思流利说。雅思流利说的好用之处在于首次免费模考帮你认清自己水平的服务和相对准确的智能判分。建议先把题卡全部录音或者找到题卡录音资源练习,以模拟考试环境。练习时点击雅思流利说上面的录音button后就不要再看题卡了,除了看两眼小词卡以外尽量目视前方,这么做的目的同样是模拟考试环境。对于face to face communication容易紧张的同学来说模拟考试环境尤其重要。当然,考试前几天就尽量不要用雅思流利说练习了,以免产生依赖,与考官交流时表情、语速、语气不自然。
C. 阅读
D. 听力
A. Personal Statement/ Motivation Letter/ Statement of Purpose
Para 1 The reasons that you chose this university and this programme (the occasions in your study ,
your career plans and so on).
Your opinions about this programme/ major and the industry outlook.
Para 2 The reasons that you want to switch your majors and your efforts for it (if you want to
switch your majors).
Para 3 A brief introduction of your four-year study.
Para 4 Your research experiences (if you have).
Para 5 Your internship experiences or/ and your full-time work experiences.
Para 6 Your detailed career plans.
The benefits you can get if you continue your study in this univerisy and this programme.
Contact information (email)
Education backgroud: university, degree, GPA, core courses, dissertation, honours
Internships: company name, department name, position, job descriptions
Relevant experiences: summer school experiences
Research experiences: research projects
Skills and interest: computer competence, languages, interest
C. Work Recommendation
Para 1 A summary of the referral' s excellent qualities.
Para 2 How the referee and the referral got acquainted with each other and a detaile
introduction of the referral's professional abilities.
. Para 3 The efforts the referral paid to improve his or her professional abilities.
Para 4 Polite words.
D. Academic Recommendation
Para 1 A summary of the referral' s excellent qualities.
Para 2 How the referee and the referral got acquainted with each other and a detaile
introduction of the referral's study abilities.
. Para 3 The referral's research abilities.
Para 4 Polite words.
E. Course Descriptions
课程描述的内容非常多。有的学校要求course descriptions,有的学校要求relevant/ core course descriptions (这种要求真的很仁慈了,全部课程都写的话即使有些课不是核心课,也至少得一两句带过。我写出来的course descriptions近60页,relevant course descriptions30页)。比较特殊的课程描述比如丹麦Aarhus University要求的official course descriptions and official relevant course descriptions (with stamps and signatures from your previous university)一般情况下是不能自己写的,写了学校也不接受。具体怎么解决放在后面4. 材料公正/盖章中介绍。
Better performed in tables. In addtion, it would be better to classify these courses in various units and to make a content since there are lots of contents in this kind of documentations.
F. Relevance Descriptions
Para 1 Title of your Bachelor's degree programme, a summary of the contents of your Bachelor's
degree programme, courses and the ECTS of these courses related to the programme you
apply for.
Para 2 The topics in the programme you apply for which graduates from your previous programme
can probe deeper in, and the courses in the programme you apply for which graduates from
your previous programme have learned basics and preparatory courses in.
Para 3 The list of the courses in your Bachelor degree programme which meet the academic
requirements for admission to the programme you apply for.
Para 4 Your career plans which relate to the programme you apply for.
G. A Total Appraisal of Quantity and Quality of Previous University Studies
Para 1 A brief introduction of your gains in the four-year study: excellent grades and initial
exploration into the field of the programme you apply for.
Para 2 Course grades: the quantities of courses and the total ECTS you got in this courses; final
GPA and your rank; honours like Outstanding Graduate Prize, Excellent Graduate in
Character and Learning (if you have); quantities, ECTS, and GPA of specialist
courses; quantities, ECTS, and GPA of the courses required by the programme you apply
for; supplementary public courses or self-learning (if you think you have not enough
academic backgrounds required by the programme you apply for).
Para 3 The research projects you have attended and your academic publications(if you have).
Para 4 A brief introduction of your disseration and its relevance with the programme you apply for.
Para 5 Polite words.
H. The Main Literature Used during Your Previous Higher Education
I. Description of the Marking Scale Used at Your Previous University
J. Academic Regulations or Contents of Previous Study Programme
K. 奖学金申请文书
这个如果你申请的学校没有要求另外提交材料的话,基本就是写一个简短的(300-500字左右)statement就好,比如Uppsala University的奖学金申请就是一个350词的mini个人陈述。因为奖学金评选是看你的个人条件有多亮眼而不是你的陈述有多感人。不需要打感情牌,没人care,这一点在个人陈述或动机信的撰写中也是一样,因为在欧洲大陆的硕士项目录取中大多数是admission office说了算,跟导师或招生官个人因素无关。
软件:在relevance descriptions,CV,PS/SOP/motivition letter,甚至document that explains your university does not provide course descriptions等等可以不需要官方盖章的材料里面展示个人自学、竞赛成绩、科研经历等等软性条件与申请项目的相关性。比如在申请专业领域的常见教材全部通读过,上过其他大学在申请专业领域开设的公开课,参加过几次申请专业领域的科研项目,在申请专业领域发表过学术论文等等。当然别撒谎,不然入学以后你就暴露了,而且会影响中国学生的整体信誉度。
Comment: 无法提供课程描述等文件的话(不可抗力)一定要发邮件联系招生办,让招生办指导你怎么解决这个问题,不要没有就不传了。如果你申请的院校要求你上传没有某文件的声明或其他任何材料,一定要尽早上传,否则你的申请将会被延后审查(指在DDL后上传)。比如奥胡斯大学要求没有课程描述的申请人上传document explains that your university does not provide course descriptions和a document explaining that I do not wish to upload further documentation。只有在上传这两个文件并重新发送申请后,你的申请才能进入审查环节。