
标题: 鸡精之三空题求解 [打印本页]

作者: huang4900    时间: 2019-4-16 18:50:54     标题: 鸡精之三空题求解

Women in the mining towns of the American West were strictly stereotyped into neat categories of public and private, but the 100 intrepid female prospectors in Zanjani's book managed to (confound )those categories .In addition to providing documentation that demolishes the all-male version of prospecting ,Zanjani uses the examples of her female loners to (puncture) some of the (facile) generalizations about Euro-American women as uniformly nurturant and sociable pioneers.

请问大神,这个prospectors 是被这本书用为 抨击了以前的偏见(认为女性是养育和社交的先锋)的evidence吗
作者: 以希    时间: 2019-4-16 22:06:56

Yep,‘female loners“=”female prospectors", in addition "nurtuant"="private" and "sociable"="public".
作者: huang4900    时间: 2019-4-16 23:42:07

以希 发表于 2019-04-16 22:06Yep,‘female loners“=”female prospectors", in addition "nurtuant"="private" and "sociable"="public".

另外请问Private 和public和这道题是不是咩有关系?
是不是social和nurturant 在其他题目里面用到了公和私的逻辑?
作者: 以希    时间: 2019-4-17 00:23:38

作者: huang4900    时间: 2019-4-17 07:43:28

以希 发表于 2019-4-17 00:23


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