Info: 其實好就業的master (technical or not), 好些都會有school / department levela的career service / seminar之類. That will make networking, information gathering之類容易一些. MFE之類好找工作, 也不只是靠technical skills的.
Determined mind is the most important. 有了決心才會真努力,不會想著搞不定回國也可以那樣。
One clear signal if you have that is: did you even once looked into job ad outside the targeted job market?
What skills is useful? Quite many, but this depends quite on your background (i.e. what you have in your pocket which can be leveraged on)
e.g. OP turn out find that he/she has quite some accounting background that can be useful. what if you?
This question is quite personal. Economics is not a specilist master (unless PhD preparation), so it is flexible, and depends what you want / what you know.作者: cudorothy 时间: 2019-4-26 07:14:26
換了是好些其他國家,做到你這些步(找到full time first job)已經是80% 90% done, 做夠年份直接申PR, done.
但換了是美國的話,I will say it is something like ..20 or 30%? 反正不過半...