各位学长学姐打扰了,关于9月的港中大报名,我看到最新的推荐信要求是Applicants are required to invite TWO referees to complete the Confidential Recommendations Report. After you have successfully submitted the application, you can input information of the TWO referees through the Online Application System for Postgraduate Programmes. The University will send invitations for confidential recommendations to the referees.
但是,在题头的部分,又写道After having submitted the application via the Online Application System for Postgraduate Programmes, applicants are required to upload scanned copies of the following supporting documents to the Online Application System for Postgraduate Programmes AND also submit the hard-copy of documents to the relevant Graduate Division by the deadline.
这里的意思是学生需要扫描推荐信,以及寄送推荐信的原件,让我陷入了迷惑……不知道究竟可不可以选择纸申?希望有好心的学长学姐解答,谢谢!作者: 613346479 时间: 2019-6-21 09:34:53