HKDSE(香港中学文凭试)- Level 2或以上5科合格,当中包括中文/英文及数学;
HKCEE(中学会考) – Grade E或以上5科合格,当中包括中文/英文及数学;
国际学士学位文凭 (IB)
毅进文凭,需完成伸延数学 (Maths Plus)
内地学历,高中毕业或以上 (需连同学校成绩单,如适用)
英国GCE (G.C.E. - the abbreviation for the General Certificate of Education – is a British academic diploma, internationally recognized, valid for an unlimited period and accepted as evidence of academic ability for admission to Universities, Colleges and many other academic Institutions.)
美国SAT (The SAT a standardized test widely used for college admissions in the United States, its name originally called the Scholastic Aptitude Test, it was later called the Scholastic Assessment Test, then simply the SAT.)
高等学院毕业证书 (需连同学校成绩单,课程资料,如适用),若证书未能明确显示学历程度,可到香港学术及职业资历评审局(HKCAAVQ)评估,并将评审结果交予委任保险公司。
HKDSE(香港中学文凭试)- Level 2或以上5科合格,当中包括中文/英文及数学;
HKCEE(中学会考) – Grade E或以上5科合格,当中包括中文/英文及数学;
国际学士学位文凭 (IB)
毅进文凭,需完成伸延数学 (Maths Plus)
内地学历,高中毕业或以上 (需连同学校成绩单,如适用)
英国GCE (G.C.E. - the abbreviation for the General Certificate of Education – is a British academic diploma, internationally recognized, valid for an unlimited period and accepted as evidence of academic ability for admission to Universities, Colleges and many other academic Institutions.)
美国SAT (The SAT a standardized test widely used for college admissions in the United States, its name originally called the Scholastic Aptitude Test, it was later called the Scholastic Assessment Test, then simply the SAT.)
高等学院毕业证书 (需连同学校成绩单,课程资料,如适用),若证书未能明确显示学历程度,可到香港学术及职业资历评审局(HKCAAVQ)评估,并将评审结果交予委任保险公司。