这份《美国电影制作 MFA 专业选校报告》,是主要针对 MFA(Master of Fine Arts)电影制作 production 方向 2019-2020 年申请,对于有志于进入电影行业成为导 演、制片、摄影、编剧、剪辑等的同学提供参考。总体来说分为综合型院校里的电影专业 和专业艺术学校里的电影专业两大类,其实有次序的排名并没有太多意义,但是可以作为 参考(比如 Hollywood Reporter 的排名)从选校的战略角度,更有意义的是给学校大概 分档(tire),这样保证自己各类层级的院校都有 cover,既有梦校也有保底学校。
总体来说好的电影学院集中在南加州和纽约,其次是佛罗里达、波斯顿和北加另外几所学 校。其中南加州以洛杉矶为中心无疑是整个电影商业工业体系的中心,其中一半的院校也 集中于此,而纽约以独立电影和 cinema study 著称。选取学校的时候,地理因素无疑也 是重要的一环,它提供了你在校学习阶段就可以大量接触实习和业内的拍摄机会。
Hollywood Reporter 全美电影学院排名:4
校址:洛杉矶 Hollywood Hills
学时:MFA(Master of Fine Arts),2 年,全日制
两年学费加生活费预计:17.5 万美金
Min GPA:3.01
申请截止日期:Dec 1
二 学科综述:
AFI 是专科电影学校不同于综合院校里的电影学院,只有电影相关的六个专业:Cinematography, Directing, Editing, Producing, Production Design and Screenwriting,比起传统电影学院课堂教育更重视产业实践和动手能力,最好有从业经验和本科相关专业学习经历,入学专业门槛较高,竞争非常激烈。
Class Size: Enrollment is limited to 140 Fellows — 28 Cinematographers, 28 Directors, 14 Editors, 28 Producers, 14 Production Designers and 28 Screenwriters
This document should 1-3 pages in length, double spaced, listing your name, discipline, “Fall 2020” at the top of each page, and saved as a PDF. Please include the following elements:
• Your background.
• Your motivation for applying to the discipline.
• Why AFI Conservatory?
Cinematographers, please also briefly discuss what cinematography and/or cinematographers have inspired you, what brings you to study at the AFI Conservatory, and events in your life that may have been transformative.
3. Resume
Your résumé should detail your professional work, set experience, education level and degree(s) earned.
4. Two letters of Recommendation
5. International Applicant Requirements国际学生要求:
语言要求:托福最低 100,雅思 7.0,最近 24 个月内的考试成绩。
Language:TOEFL score of at least 100 (internet-based) or an IELTS score of 7.0. Test scores must reflect tests taken within 24 months of submission.
Transcripts: For international applicants, all credentials and transcripts must include an original (no copies) plus an official English translation (if applicable). The Registrar determines final evaluation of applicants' records.
Financial Verification: The total cost of first year tuition, fees and living expenses for 2019–2020 is estimated at $86,273. International Fellows must be able to show financial verification for the first year of study. Note: AFTER acceptance, international applicants will be asked to provide financial verification to cover the full cost of tuition, fees and living expenses for the first year to enable the AFI Conservatory to issue an I-20 to obtain the F1 student visa. If bringing dependents, an additional $4,270 per dependent, per year, is added to the overall budget. Please note: spouses on the F2 visa are not allowed to pursue employment or attend a college degree or certificate program.
6. SUPPORTING MATERIALS 作品集(cinematography专业)
Cinematography applicants are required to submit the following:(必选)
• 20 分钟以内,自己作为唯一摄影师的作品,展现自己的叙事能力。
One example of original work that best demonstrates talent, ability and experience as a Cinematographer. The Moving Image submission can be no longer than 20 minutes in length, and you must be the sole Cinematographer on the project. The submission should demonstrate your narrative ability.
• “10 镜60 秒”的短片,不能有声音可以有音乐,展现自己的叙事创意,2019年的主题“失望”。
Complete a “Ten-Sixty” video assignment with the subject of the video being “Disappointment”: 10 shots of video with total duration of 60 seconds. No audio but music is allowed. No significant text, fancy transitions or color effects allowed. This should be a narrative video of 10 images, up to 60 seconds maximum TRT. We are interested in seeing your story-telling skills. Creativity is key and does not have to have large production value, so you may use your cell phone for the project.
• 摄影集(照片,不要截屏)。PDF 格式,每页一张照片。
Still photographs portfolio provided on a merged PDF. One image per page. No montages, no screenshots. The presentation of your images is noticed. Please limit file size to 25mb or smaller.
Supplemental Submissions (optional):(选择性提交)
• 第二部补充作品,20 分钟内。A second example of an original work that best demonstrates your talent, ability, and experience as a Cinematographer. The moving image submission can be no longer than 20 minutes in length, and you must be the sole Cinematographer.
• 3 分钟内的个人作品集。A summary “reel” of up to three minutes
• 一部纪录片短片。A short sample of documentary work you may have done
Submissions will be accepted via YouTube or Vimeo links within the online application; all submissions should include whether or not the project was completed at an educational institution and the format(s)/camera used for each. DO NOT PASSWORD PROTECT THE VIDEO LINKS YOU PROVIDE IN YOUR APPLICATION.
Online applications and portfolio requirements must be received by 11:59 p.m. CST on December 1, 2019. 作者: suika1206 时间: 2019-10-25 02:37:19