2017年从一个Top20的美硕 (A) 毕业,非CS,然后在纽约的国际组织 (B)工作了2年,但其实我被聘用了5年。现在已经辞职,申请了以gk闻名的cs master。学校排名不行,可能就是拒签的主要原因,现在已经拒签了两次,准备签第三次。情景还原如下:
第一次 BJ, October 8, 2019
ME:Morning Mam How are you?
VO: I am good. Why are you going to US?
ME: Pursuing a master degree. Here are my passport and I20.
VO: What did you do before?
ME: I worked for B in the last 2 years and just resigned. Before that, I did a master in XXX from A School. Even before that, I was in China and worked there for 4 years. (后来看签经以及版主留言,发现自己只是重复了DS160上所填写的内容,说的话一点用都没有)
VO:Why this school?
ME: 1. Design of the course work. 2. Location of the school. It is close to where I used to live and I like the weather in northeast US. 3. Tuition of the program is reasonable. (后来再看都想拍死自己,虽然说的都是实话吧,但全是坑)
VO: Can I see your resume, advisor resume and study plan?
ME: Here is my resume and goal statement. My program is course based so I don't have advisor resume. (我当时连study plan都没有,给的还是当时申请时候的goal Statement)
VO:Why apply Visa at this moment?
ME: Because I had some commitment with the previous company so I resigned late. (因为我的项目是10月底开学,我还以为她问的是为什么这么晚来签。)
VO: Who will sponsor your study?
ME: I have some personal savings and my parents will also sponsor.
VO: (smile) Oh you have personal savings!
VO:What visa did you use for B?
ME: It was G4.
VO: Are you married?
ME: No.
VO:Mam I understand your program is course based but I still need you to submit these documents to this email address. (handling over 221g)
ME: How long will this take?
VO: Probably 3-4 weeks.
ME: Thank you!
第二次,GZ,November 8, 2019
这次在去之前看了网上的一些帖子,着重搜集了资料,重写了resume, study plan,准备了学校的排名资质相关的资料,爸妈的财产流水
ME: Morning I am here for F1 visa (passing passport and I20)
VO: (without looking at anything) Is this your first time going to US?
ME: No, i went to US in 2016 for the first time. Studies in A university and then was hired by B for 2 years. ......(没有提自己其实被雇佣了5年,想待其实还是可以待在美国的。但是过程介绍的有些拖沓,明显感觉她不耐烦了)
VO:Please give me your admission letter, resume, advisor resume and study plan. And why do you need a second master?
ME: Here are my admission letter, resume and study。。。 (被打断,VO再问了一次Why do you need a second master?)
ME: Mam my program is course based and I don't have an advisor. (VO冷笑了一下)My career goal is to do XXXX in Chinese financial industry and I see the demand for people with knowledge of information systems, data structure and .. in banking industry. As a person from finance background, (被打断,这里反思是开头太大太虚,还没有结合自己讲具体情况便被打断了)
VO:How many school did you apply?
ME: 4. They are C, D, E and F. I was rejected by C and am still waiting for E and F.
VO: Why do you apply for visa at this moment? (这个问题第二次出现了)
ME:Because my program starts in January and I understand nowadays it takes time for visa processing. I want to leave enough time for it.
VO: one second please. (拿着resume和study plan, 离开座位去了看不到的地方,大概离开了10秒钟)
VO:Where are you from?
ME: You mean hometown?
VO: Yes
ME: Originally I am from XX but I went to university in YY. That's why my passport was issued in YY. (没有意识到她是想知道为什么来广州签证)
VO:You were refused in Beijing this October. What happened?
ME: My material was not complete and (被打断)
VO:Why do you come to GZ?
ME: I am here to visit my previous manager and we haven't met for several years.(VO冷笑了一下)
VO: 关掉话筒和旁边的人讲话,3-5秒钟
VO:Do you need to attend the school in person? (怀疑学校的资质等等)
ME: Yes, it is a full time program and I need to (被暗示停止说话)
VO: 打字 打字 (抬头看了我1-2秒钟)打字 打字 Sorry I cannot approve your visa at this time.....
ME: Thank you.
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