Title: PhD positions with full financial support: Mechanical Engineering, University of Nevada Reno, fall 2020.
Dr. Yiliang Liao from the Department of Mechanical Engineering at the University of Nevada, Reno (UNR) are seeking one Ph.D. student for enrollment in Fall 2020. The student will work on projects including:
1) Advanced manufacturing and material processing
2) Nanomaterial fabrication and processing towards applications in energy storage devices, soft robotics, and biomedical engineering.
1. BS/MS degree in mechanical engineering, materials science, physics or a closely related field. MS is preferred.
2. Journal publication experience is preferred.
Potential candidates are encouraged to send a copy of CV/resume and other academic documents to Dr. Liao (yliao@unr.edu) for funding opportunity. For information regarding the current research, please visit https://wolfweb.unr.edu/~yliao/作者: Ponderosa 时间: 2019-12-29 12:03:05