
标题: issue34,请大家指教,为啥每次都很少有人帮我改呢 [打印本页]

作者: pastryyang    时间: 2004-12-10 15:32:51     标题: issue34,请大家指教,为啥每次都很少有人帮我改呢

"Instead of requiring students to take courses in a variety of disciplines—that is, courses ranging from the arts and the humanities to the physical and biological sciences—colleges and universities should allow students to enroll only in those courses that will help prepare them for jobs in their chosen fields. Such concentration is necessary in today's increasingly work-oriented society."

I disagree with the speaker's position that students should only focus on courses which help prepare them for their future professional careers rather than take courses in a variety of disciplines, which poses the risk of impeding the healthy growth of students into productive members of the society in the first place, and eventually undermining the purpose of well preparation for one's future jobs. In my view, students should be encouraged to keep a balance between focusing on their major courses related to the profession and participant in a variety of courses outside these major courses.

To become a qualified social participant in the first place, a student must be exposed to a variety of disciplines from sciences, humanities to the social sciences. Different branches of knowledge will help develop different qualities needed for a productive member of the society. Courses in sciences such as mathematics, chemistry and physics help a student cultivate a sense of ration, objectiveness and hold a much more clear opinion about the material world around us. Courses about morality, philosophy, anthropology, psychology and so on can provide a chance for a student to develop a proper philosophical outlook, a correct moral standard, a judgement for right or evil, and tolerance and respect for the viewpoints of others. Similarly, courses in music, painting and literature will render a student to be sensitive to the beauty of life and enrich their heart and soul. All the above qualities are required to prevent a student from becoming antisocial wrecks and guarantee them to be productive and compatible newcomers of their professional field and the society as well, on which a student can make the initial step toward professional success .

Although it seems tempting that in a work-oriented society students are best prepared by focusing exclusively on the major courses related to the future job, in fact, such notion unfairly overlooks the benefits that students can gain from courses of disciplines seemingly little tied to one’s career and will ultimately pose adverse effect on the pursuit of professional success. Nowadays more and more disciplines, which previously were regarded as having no connections, become interwoven with each other. For example, in the past, biology and physics seem to have no visible relations with each other, however, increasing physical means and tools are introduced into the biological field, which have enhanced markedly the progression of biology. The proposal of the double helix structure of DNA comes into my mind. No one would forget that it is Crick, a Britain biologist, and Waston, an American physicist, together make the revolutionary contribution to biology, while Crick from a biological angle insists that helix structure are preferred by organisms spontaneously, Waston from the physical perspective claims that such a structure is the most stable one. Therefore, a broad exposure to many various disciplines will help students more better prepared for the future careers than narrowly concentrating on the so-called helpful and related courses.

Admittedly, students must strike a proper balance between the major courses for the future jobs and many other courses outside the major field, with the major courses being paid special attention. Only skimming a broad range of disciplines and without sufficient virtuosity on a special area, a student cannot make contributions and achievement in any field. It is true that energy and time is definite and students should arrange them appropriately to make sure that they have sufficient time and energy on the major courses to excel in the chosen profession after entering the society.

In sum, I tend to disagree with the speaker's blind position that students should be allowed to concentrate all their attention on the major career-related courses. In my view, students should enroll in a variety of courses covering science, humanities and social sciences, regardless of their relevance to the future job. Nevertheless, students also should be alert to the trend of averaging their endeavor and instead pay special attention to their main courses.

作者: pastryyang    时间: 2004-12-10 16:39:02

作者: apolloxp    时间: 2004-12-10 23:20:07     标题: 牵个线

作者: pastryyang    时间: 2004-12-11 07:48:41

作者: zzfalcon    时间: 2004-12-15 18:04:16

不好意思,这几天没上网,改迟了,莫见怪。我的QQ252337457 大家可以互改啊。呵呵

"Instead of requiring students to take courses in a variety of disciplines—that is, courses ranging from the arts and the humanities to the physical and biological sciences—colleges and universities should allow students to enroll only in those courses that will help prepare them for jobs in their chosen fields. Such concentration is necessary in today's increasingly work-oriented society."

I disagree with the speaker's position that students should only focus on courses which help prepare them for their future professional careers rather than take courses in a variety of disciplines(多余,何必再把题抄一遍), which poses the risk of impeding the healthy growth of students into productive members of the society in the first place, and eventually undermining the purpose of well preparation for one's future jobs. In my view, students should be encouraged to keep a balance between focusing on their major courses related to the profession and participant in a variety of courses outside these major courses.(个人意见,可以在压缩一下)

To become a qualified social participant in the first place, a student must be exposed to a variety of disciplines from sciences, humanities to the social sciences. Different branches of knowledge will help develop different qualities needed for a productive member of the society. Courses in sciences such as mathematics, chemistry and physics help a student cultivate a sense of ration, objectiveness and hold a much more clear opinion about the material world around us. Courses about morality, philosophy, anthropology, psychology and so on can provide a chance for a student to develop a proper philosophical outlook, a correct moral standard, a judgement(judgment) for right or evil, and tolerance and respect for the viewpoints of others. Similarly, courses in music, painting and literature will render a student to be sensitive to the beauty of life and enrich their heart and soul. All the above qualities are required to prevent a student from becoming antisocial wrecks and guarantee them to be productive and compatible newcomers of their professional field and the society as well, on which a student can make the initial step toward professional success .( 不错,说到教育多样性的好处)

Although it seems tempting that in a work-oriented society students are best prepared by focusing exclusively on the major courses related to the future job, in fact, such notion unfairly overlooks the benefits that students can gain from courses of disciplines seemingly little tied to one’s career and will ultimately pose adverse effect on the pursuit of professional success. Nowadays more and more disciplines, which previously were regarded as having no connections, become interwoven with each other. For example, in the past, biology and physics seem to have no visible relations with each other, however, increasing physical means and tools are introduced into the biological field, which have enhanced markedly the progression of biology. The proposal of the double helix structure of DNA comes into my mind. No one would forget that it is Crick, a Britain biologist, and Waston, an American physicist, together make the revolutionary contribution to biology, while Crick from a biological angle insists that helix structure are preferred by organisms spontaneously, Waston from the physical perspective claims that such a structure is the most stable one. Therefore, a broad exposure to many various disciplines will help students more better prepared for the future careers than narrowly concentrating on the so-called helpful and related courses.(不错,学科之间有联系)

Admittedly, students must strike a proper balance between the major courses for the future jobs and many other courses outside the major field, with the major courses being paid special attention. Only skimming a broad range of disciplines and without sufficient virtuosity on a special area, a student cannot make contributions and achievement in any field. It is true that energy and time is definite and students should arrange them appropriately to make sure that they have sufficient time and energy on the major courses to excel in the chosen profession after entering the society.

In sum, I tend to disagree with the speaker's blind position that students should be allowed to concentrate all their attention on the major career-related courses. In my view, students should enroll in a variety of courses covering science, humanities and social sciences, regardless of their relevance to the future job. Nevertheless, students also should be alert to the trend of averaging their endeavor and instead pay special attention to their main courses.
作者: pastryyang    时间: 2004-12-16 08:02:10


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