
标题: 无敏感背景 [打印本页]

作者: 13996537273    时间: 2021-8-9 23:51:29     标题: 无敏感背景

本帖最后由 13996537273 于 2021-9-2 00:12 编辑

楼主 5.24 北京一签被check, 7.30 被拒 214b。7.8日接到过电话,被重新质问了面签时的问题。由于过去太久,对话记得不是完全清晰,电话面签的一些疑点还是记得。

作者: gterlann    时间: 2021-8-10 02:09:14

The explanation for my Visa refusal on 5.24
I arranged a Visa appointment on 24th May in Beijing and was notified that my request was refused on 30th July. After an overall investigation, I think there are 2 problems that may cause it:

可以考虑这个放在最开始。 你的准备是比较充分的, for whatever reason, 打电话给你的这个VO对你印象不好而已, 给你打电话的由头也就是实习这个小事而已。
因此, 我个人会考虑首先解释拒签原因是一点小误会, 表格填写不规范。
1. The inconsistency about the internship between my resume and DS-160 form.

表达不要这么复杂。 你这里的总领句应该是: I forgot to include my XXX intership in my last DS-160就行了。 你拽个抽象词inconsistency, 结果VO看完你第一句总领句还没明白你的inconsistency是什么, 还得接着看。

总分结构是比较好的, 但是也有一个缺点: 碰到不耐心的VO, 可能就看第一句, 因为他assume你自己已经概括好了。 所以你总领句需要准确一些, 不要浪费篇幅。
I only included the internship in the resume but not in the DS-160 form. This is because I previously thought the internship is not employment. Also, I wrongly typed the ending year information of the internship in my resume. Back in May while I was still doing my internship, the duration of my internship should be typed as “October 2020 – May 2021” or “October 2020 – PRESENT”, but I typed it as “October 2020 – May 2020”.

I didn't include my XXX intership in my last DS-160 while I should have. I didn't think an intership qualified as an employment. I also had a typo in the internship's end date: should be October 2020 to May 2021 rather than May 2020.

2. The unpleasant conversation during the phone call.

I was not able to explain myself well during last time's follow-up phone call.
不要unpleasant什么的乱定性, 理解错了的人甚至可能觉得你是在抱怨他们大使馆的人让你不爽。
When I got the phone call on 8th July, I was having lunch in a shopping mall with my colleagues. The crowd makes lots of noise that prevent me from listening to the phone clearly. What is more, to be honest, I was excited but also nervous since no updates on my visa status after one month and the admission time is approaching. In short, all these things summed up, I failed to express myself well.

太啰嗦了, 最好自己改改。
Ask yourself, what are your points? Then write again.

I got the phone call in a crowded shopping mall with much noise and poor internet connection. I tried everything but eventually I felt there were misunderstandings communicated.
Sorry for any confusion caused last time, but I did not intend to hide anything.

The reason for me to change embassy from Beijing to Shanghai:
I have lived in Shanghai for my internship since October last year. However, I chose Beijing last time because back in May, there are only limited seats for visa appointment in Shanghai and I cannot get one. But this time there are still lots of free seats, so I changed it to Shanghai.


你的所有回国羁绊都是在重庆, 你现在说上海, 你的回国羁绊会被弱化。 重庆除非很高级别的家庭, 否则两个家庭供孩子在上海体面安置还是很困难的, 这个VO也很清楚。

另一点担心是你的英语水平, 你的SP的开始部分你显然反复润色过, 但是你临时写的这些东西又暴露出来你有时候表达冗杂且用词乖僻。 希望你好好锻炼用口语化的英语来和人交流, 保持语速和语调的一致, 舒服是最重要的。 TBH, 强行拽一些莫名其妙的单词真的会让VO内心OS国骂。
作者: 13996537273    时间: 2021-8-13 10:53:56

本帖最后由 13996537273 于 2021-9-2 00:14 编辑

昨天面签完了,我前后都是蓝单子。前面一个环境工程,后面一个高三学生。我被 check 让回家补材料了,还给了张红单子,上面10个问题,让回家电邮补充信息。

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