美国路易斯安那州立大学(LSU)计算机系导师Mingxuan Sun招收若干名2022年秋季入学全奖PhD学生。 美国路易斯安那州立大学建立于1860年,是一所大型公立综合性高等学府,为博士一类大学(R1: doctoral universities - highest research activity), 是路州综合性最强的旗舰大学。孙教授的主要研究方向是可解释可信任的机器学习,时空数据挖掘,及其在社交,医疗诊断,通信网络等领域中的应用。孙教授是NSF CAREER Award和LSU Alumni Association Rising Faculty Research Award获得者. 研究小组在数据挖掘和机器学习的顶级期刊如TPAMI, JMLR,KAIS等,以及顶级会议如AAAI、KDD、ICML、ICDM等发表多篇论文。有兴趣的同学 请直接把你的简历和成绩单发给孙老师。邮件地址 msun@csc.lsu.edu。老师的网页: http://csc.lsu.edu/~msun/
Graduate assistantships for Ph.D. students to work on machine learning in the Division of Computer Science and Engineering (CSE) at Louisiana State University (LSU) are immediately available starting Fall 2022. LSU is categorized as R1 (doctoral universities - highest research activity), and is the flagship university in Louisiana. The CSE division at LSU offers internationally recognized PhD program in Computer Science.
Dr Mingxuan Sun is a recipient of prestigious NSF Career Award and LSU Alumni Association Rising Faculty Research Award. Dr. Mingxuan Sun's research group has publication records in top tier machine learning and data mining venues such as AAAI, KDD, ICML, ICDM, etc. Current research focus includes fairness-aware and trustworthy machine learning from spatio-temporal data, with applications in social science, medical diagnosis and communication networks. If you are interested, please contact Dr. Sun by email at msun at csc.lsu.edu with your resume and academic transcripts. Dr. Sun's homepage: csc.lsu.edu/~msun/.