
标题: 【招生】博士&博士后(基因组学方向)美国 [打印本页]

作者: flyandfish    时间: 2022-4-22 13:45:44     标题: 【招生】博士&博士后(基因组学方向)美国

We are looking for highly motivated postdocs and PhD students who are willing to tackle fundamental questions in both basic evolution and biomedical research. Research interests in the Zhuang Lab include Evolution of genetic novelty and diversity; Genetic basis of variation for complex traits and diseases; Molecular mechanisms of gene formation and gene loss. Investigations involve genomics, molecular evolution, and bioinformatics, in model (fruit flies) and non-model organisms (polar fishes). Current projects in our lab are related to new gene and convergent genome evolution, and genetic basis of complex disease.

Prospective postdoctoral research associates


Ph.D. in Genomics, Bioinformatics, Evolution, Genetics, or related fields;

Proficiency in at least one programing language (e.g. Python, Perl, etc.) and one statistical program (e.g. R, SAS, etc.);

Experience working with and analyzing omic data sets (e.g. comparative genomics, quantitative genetics, etc.);

Good understanding of evolution and genetics theory and methodology;

Basic molecular biology wet lab skills (desired but not required);

Strong written and oral communication skills, and ability to work independently and in collaboration with others.


The primary responsibilities of this position are developing and implementing bioinformatics pipelines to carry out comparative genomic analyses, interpreting and organizing results into publishable papers and grant proposals. Other responsibilities include data management, mentoring students, and providing bioinformatics support for the lab.

Application Instructions

Please email me the following materials:

(1) CV (includes publications and manuscripts in preparation),

(2) a cover letter outlining previous research experience and future plans, specifically how it is related to research focus in our lab,

(3) contact information for two references.

Prospective graduate students

Prospective PhD students could join us through Department of Biological Sciences, or Interdisciplinary Graduate Program in Cell and Molecular Biology.

Minimum Requirements

•        B.S. or M.S. in Biology or related fields.

•        Highly motivated individual and commitment to scientific rigorousness.

Desirable Qualifications (preferred but not required)

•        Hands-on experience from working with genomic data.

•        Experience from working in a Linux/Unix environment.

Application Information

•        Department of Biological Sciences


•        Graduate School


We invite interested and highly qualified candidates to apply. Please email me:

(1) your CV

(2) a cover letter outlining research interest and experience, specifically how it is related to research focus in our lab

(3) unofficial transcripts, GRE score (if have), and TOFEL / IELTS score (for international students)

Lab webpage






课题组长庄轩博士,本科及硕士毕业于厦门大学;博士毕业于美国伊利诺伊大学香槟分校,师从美国艺术与科学院院士C-H Christina Cheng与Arthur DeVries (著名极地生物学家及抗冻蛋白发现者);后在芝加哥大学生态与演化系,美国艺术与科学院院士、著名群体遗传与演化学家Martin Kreitman(MK-test奠基者)课题组承担博士后研究助理工作;现任阿肯色大学生物科学系助理教授。主要研究方向为基因演化和多样性的遗传学机制,主要关注环境压力下的基因突变及其所导致的适应性机制,以及复杂性状及疾病的遗传基础。以第一作者和通讯作者在PNAS,Mol Biol Evol 等国际学术期刊发表论文多篇,主要研究成果包括新基因的起源和演化,适应性演化的分子机制等。


阿肯色大学University of Arkansas,成立于1871年,是美国阿肯色州的旗舰大学。该校被美国卡耐基基金会Carnegie Classification评选为全美百所最高等级博士/研究型R1大学之一,获得过U.S. News and World Report全美50佳公立大学。所在城市费耶维尔(Fayetteville)在U.S. News and World Report评出的美国最宜居城市中排名第四,以自然环境优越,生活成本低廉,犯罪率极低著称。该市风景优美,空气清新,依山傍水,气候宜人,被称为户外活动爱好者的天堂。所在的阿肯色西北地区被一系列大型企业所围绕,包括世界最大的企业沃尔玛的全球总部、世界500强食品企业泰森食品的全球总部、全美最大的物流公司JB Hunt的总部等等,这都为阿肯色大学提供了充分的发展资源。

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