Dr. Kai Pan, AssociateProfessor in the Department of Logistics and Maritime Studies at the Faculty ofBusiness of The Hong Kong Polytechnic University (PolyU), is looking for ahighly motivated Ph.D. student starting Fall 2024. Research Assistant /Research Associate / Postdoctoral Fellow applicants are also invited to startimmediately. The successful candidates are expected to conduct cutting-edgeresearch on data-driven optimization, artificial intelligence, anddecision-making under uncertainty with applications in smart city operations,energy market, autonomous mobility, and supply chain. Prospective students withsolid backgrounds are welcome to email Dr. Kai Pan at kai.pan@polyu.edu.hk with your CV/resume and transcripts.
Competitive financialsupport with a full scholarship will be provided. Various Fellowship &Scholarship schemes are provided at PolyU (check https://www.polyu.edu.hk/gs/prospective-students/fellowship-scholarship-schemes/). Also, a departmental/school-levelscholarship can be provided to successful Ph.D. applicants.
A detailed descriptionof Dr. Kai Pan's research can be found at
His research has been published in OperationsResearch, Manufacturing & Service Operations Management, INFORMS Journal onComputing, Production and Operations Management, IISETransactions, European Journal of Operational Research, IEEETransactions on Power Systems, Transportation Research Part B, etc.All these journals are top-tier journals in various fields. Dr. Pan was the first-placewinner of the prestigious IISE Pritsker Doctoral Dissertation Award in 2017.His works have been supported by the Research Grants Council (RGC) of Hong Kongand the National Natural Science Foundation of China.
Candidates withIndustrial Engineering (IE), Math, Electrical Engineering (EE), ComputerScience (CS), Operations Research (OR), Operations Management (OM), Statistics,or other relevant backgrounds will be considered. Strong mathematicalbackground and programming skills will be a plus. Previous research experiencein the related areas will also be a plus.
About The Hong KongPolytechnic University (PolyU): Hong Kong PolyU is currently ranked at 65th inQS World University Rankings 2024 and 79th in Times Higher Education (THE)World University Rankings 2023. The Faculty of Business of Hong Kong PolyU isranked No. 52 in the world in the latest UTD (the University of Texas atDallas) Top 100 Business School Worldwide Rankings based on research publishedin 24 top business journals for the period of 2018 to 2022, and ranked No. 14in the world if only the OR/OM journals are selected.
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