香港科技大学(广州)The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (Guangzhou)夏军教授实验室招生/招聘(神经科学)Professor Jun Xia's Laboratory Admissions/Recruitment(Neuroscience) 夏军教授主要研究神经精神疾病的分子机理,突触形成和突触功能调控的机制,以及囊泡转运机制及其与疾病的关系。有使用分子生物学、细胞生物学、转基因动物模型等多方面技术手段的经验。详情见其个人主页: Jun XIA focuses on the molecular mechanisms ofneuropsychiatric diseases, the mechanisms of synapse formation and synapticfunction regulation, as well as vesicle transport mechanisms and theirrelationship with diseases. He has experience in using a variety of techniquesincluding molecular biology, cell biology, and transgenic animal models, etc.For more information: 夏军教授实验室非常希望有志从事神经科学方向研究的博士后、博士生和研究助理的加入。欢迎投递简历到邮箱:xialab@ust.hkProf. Jun XIA's labis keen to recruit postdoc fellows, PhD students and research assistants whoare interested in pursuing research in the direction of neuroscience. CVs arewelcome to be submitted to 关于学校详情见网页: more information about the school:
1.博士后Postdoc Fellows要求 Require:(1)专业背景:已获得或即将获得生物或医学等相关专业的博士学位,并从事与本实验室相关的科学研究。(2)科研技能:具有扎实的专业基础和优秀的科学研究实践能力,并发表过重要SCI文章。(3)语言水平:具有良好的英语基础和中英文交流能力。(1) Professionalbackground: you should have obtained or will obtain aPhD in a related field such as biology or medicine and engaged in scientificresearch related to this laboratory.(2) Research skills:you are expected to have a solid professional foundation and excellentpractical skills in scientific research and have published significant SCIarticles.(3) Languageproficiency: you are expected to have a good foundation in English and theability to communicate in both Chinese and English.待遇 Remuneration:(1)博士后聘用期两年,提供极具国际竞争力的、与申请者资质和经验相匹配的薪资和福利待遇。符合条件者可以享受政府提供的博士后补贴。(2)提供优良的工作环境和境内外合作交流机会。(1) The postdoctoral appointment is for two years and offered ahighly internationally competitive salary and benefits package that matches theapplicant's qualifications and experience. Those who meet the requirements canenjoy the post-doctoral subsidy provided by the government.(2) Excellent working environment and opportunities for cooperationand exchange within and outside China are provided.
2.博士生/直博生PhD Students要求 Require:(1)专业背景:已获得或即将获得生物或医学等相关专业的学士或硕士学位。GPA满足3.2及以上(满分4.0)。(2)语言水平:中英文交流能力强,具体要求请见官网:学位证书由香港科技大学统一颁发。奖学金:人民币1.5万/月,18万/年,具体金额以入学当年研究生院通知为准。(1) Professional background: you should have obtained or willobtain a Bachelor or Master degree in a related field such as biology ormedicine. GPA of 3.2 or above (out of 4.0).(2) Language proficiency: Strong communication skills in bothEnglish and Chinese, please refer to the official website for specificrequirements: certificate will be issued by the Hong Kong University ofScience and Technology.Scholarship: CNY ¥15,000/month,180,000/year, subject to the notification of the Graduate School in the year ofadmission.
3.研究助理Research Assistant要求Require:(1)专业背景:已获得或即将获得生物或者医学等相关专业的学士或者硕士学位,成绩优秀。(2)科研技能:有兴趣从事神经科学方面的研究。(3)语言水平:具有良好的中英文交流能力。(1) Professionalbackground: you should have obtained or will obtain abachelor's or master's degree in a related field such as biology or medicine withgood grades.(2) Research skills:you are interested in neuroscience research.(3) Languageproficiency: you are expected to have goodcommunication skills in English and Chinese.待遇Remuneration:(1)提供与申请者资质和经验相匹配的薪资和福利待遇。(2)优秀者将推荐进入香港科技大学(广州)攻读硕士或者博士。(1) A salary and benefits package that matches the applicant'squalifications and experience will be offered.(2) The best candidates will be recommended for admission to theHong Kong University of Science and Technology (Guangzhou) for Master or PhDstudies.
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